Reproduction Flashcards
3 regions of sperm
body - midpiece
tail - flagellum
tips of sperm that facilitates egg penetration
sperm storage and maturation
vas deference
long tube to urethra
empties into penis
mix of fluids and sperm
- nourishes sperm
- lubricant
- enhance alkalinity of semen
tissues on dorsal and ventral side of penis?
dorsal: corpora cavernosa
ventral: corpus spongiosum
os penis or baculum
penis bone
penis placement in monotremes, marsupials, eutherians
monotremes = not descended marsupials = descended, prepenial eutherians = divers
why did the scrotum evolve?
"cooling" hypothesis -cannot withstand warm temp "display" hypothesis -signalling opponents "galloping" hypothesis -bumpy lifestyle!originated in males that gallop leap or jump
temp benefit of internal testes?
- keeps testes and epididymis cooled inside
- steamlines body
3 important components of monotreme reproduction
- lay eggs
- cloaca
- no nipples
unique component of monotreme repro
2 oviducts and uteri
fuse into urogenital sinus
metatherian female reproduction
most with pouch
didelphous with paired uteri, oviduct and vaginal canal
viviparous but highly altricial
Female reproductive eutherian
separate openings for urogenital sinus and rectum single medial vagina different types of uteri viviparous relatively well developed at birth