Reproduction 2 Flashcards
What is Segmental aplasia of the paramesonephric ducts?
Failure of short or long segments of the uterine horn to develop.
Uterus unicornis means…
Complete absence of an entire horn
Aplasia of a uterine horn is commonly found in what species?
White Shorthorn Cattle
Why is Uterus uniconis commonly found in White Shorthorn cattle?
It’s associated with the recessive gene for white coat color.
Can a cow with uterus unicornis become pregnant?
Sometimes, but this anomaly is usually found after investigation as to why cow wasn’t catching sperm
What is Imperfect fusion of the paramesonephric ducts?
This produces a double vagina, double cervix, and uterus didelphys.
There can be 2 channels within the vagina region and in extreme cases p will have 2 separate uterine horns and cervixes. What is this condition known as?
Imperfect fusion of the paramesonephric ducts
Persistance of a tissue band running across the vagina just cranial to the opening of the urethra is called…
Imperforate hymen
Imperforated hymen is a result of…
Failure of fusion of the paramesonephric ducts with the urogenital sinus.
Review alpaca case in lecture PP
Define ovarian agenesis
Ovaries that fail to develop at all. COMPLETE ABSENCE! Genetically recognized in some breed of cattle.
When would we more than likely come across duplication of an ovary?
What is it called when one or both of the ovaries fail to develop to the full size?
Ovarian HYPOplasia
P with ovarian hypoplasia will have small ovaries WITH follicles?
FALSE! p will have small ovaries WITHOUT follicles
Ovarian hypoplasia is seen in what type of cattle?
Swedish Highland cattle and in other cattle and mares with chromosomal abnormalities XXX or X0
Ovarian Cysts are located…
On the ovary
Paraovarian cysts are located…
Around the ovary
Hydatids of Morgagni are found in what species?
What is the most common type of cystic change?
Cystic Graafian follicle
Cystic Graafian follicles occur as a result of…
Insufficient release of luteinizing hormone.
With a p with cystic graafian follicles ovulate?
Cystic subsurface epithelial structures of the bitch frequently give rise to what?
Single or multiple cysts extending along ovarian surface
Can cystic subsurface epithelial structures become neoplastic?
They are RARE, but yes, may seed along peritoneal lining – can have fluid accumulation in abdominal cavity. Ovarian carcinoma
Oophoritis is…
inflammation of ovaries
TB of peritoneal cavity can result in…
Oophoritis can be caused by Salmonells pullorum in what species?
POULTRY! Pullorum — think pullets
What two viruses can cause Oophoritis?
Intrafollicular hemorrhage can be quite severe in mares.
Massive hematomas can be found in abdominal cavity of mares due to…
Intrafollicular hemorrhage
Intrafollicular hemorrhage in cows ->
Manual enucleation of the corpus luteum
Intrafollicular hemorrhage may lead to reduced fertility
What kind of hemorrhage can cause adhesions to form in a cow?
Periovarian hemorrhage - adhesions cause problems. narrow fimbrae cause fibrosis of the ovary itself, lots of things can happen.
Ovarian tumors are rare in animals?
TRUE! Callahan said we MAY see one or two of them in our lifetime if we are lucky
Epithelial tumors develop and affected bitches may have cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium. What does the endometrium look like?
Bubble wrap!
Will dogs/cats or horses have more ovarian tumors?
What are germ cell tumors?
Tumors of basically the precursor cells that would give rise to a oocyts
Give an example of a germ cell tumor.
Is a dysgerminoma considered to be malignant?
All are considered malignant.
What percentage of Dysgerminomas metastasize?
What is a teratoma?
Uncommon neoplasm composed of abnormal tissue derived from at least two of the three germ cell layers
What are the 3 germ cell layer?
____ is:
mainly found in ovaries or testies
tends to be a younger p
A sex cord-stromal tumor is also known as…
Gonadostromal tumors
What is the most common ovarian tumor in cows and mares??? **KNOW THIS ONE!
Granulosa cell tumor
Granulosa-theca cell tumor
Granulosa tumors may be steroidally active. What are they?
Estrogens and Androgens
Granulosa cell tumors are rare to metastasize, removal is recommended tx, can also be massive and hemorrhagic
True story brah
Histologically, what is diagnostic of a granulosa cell tumor?
Call-Exner bodies — rosettes of granulosa cells surrounding pink proteinaceous fluid
Define Hydrosalpinx:
The uterine horn is distended/filled with CLEAR WATERY MUCOUS; usually 2ndary to obstruction (congenital or inflammatory)
Define Salpingitis
Usually 2ndary to endometriosis, may lead to pyosalpinx and interfere with fertility
_______ in poultry- inflammation that’s usually 2ndary and may go all the way to the ovary to due salmonella
This is commonly seen with mycoplasma and ureaplasma infections
Define Pyosalpinx
Pus in the oviduct
Accumulation of pus in the tube following obstruction of the lumen
_______ & _______ are seen in cows 2ndary to HYPERESTROGENISM or FOLLOWING LOCAL INFLAMMATION
Cystic Gartner’s Ducts (vestigial remnants of wolffian ducts)
Cystic Bartholin’s Gland (vestibular glands)
Vulval tumefaction:
Swollen vulva, physiological response to estrogen
Often in sows, the estrogenic effect of zearalenone (fusarium) in moldy grains causes…
Vulval tumefaction
Vulval tumefaction may lead to…
vaginal prolapse and mammary enlargement
Vaginal/Vulval tears/ruptures =
Parturition, assisting birth, hoof pressure on tissue may cause
Vaginal/vulval tear/ruptures
A few months after parturition you may find what…
Suppurative peritonitis and/or a lot of adhesions due to fibrosis/CT
Connection between vagina and anus =
Rectovaginal fistulas
Vaginal/Vulval tears/ruptures may lead to…
gangrenous inflammation, peritonitis, and development of rectovaginal fistulas
Inflammation of the vagina and vulva is associated with
Trauma, likely post partum
Granular vaginitis:
nodular appearance of the vaginal mucosa associated to lymphoid follicle proliferation in cattle
Some ______ _______ cases are associated with Mycoplama and ureaplasma infections
Granular vaginitis
Sheep and cattle are resilient to inflammation of vagina and vulva
Infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (IPV) disease of cattle is caused by what virus?
Bovine Herpes Virus 1
Dz is venereally transmitted and causes epithelial necrosis!
IPV dz’d cattle have small mucosal pustules that lead to…
erosions overlying the submucosal lymphoid follicles
Equine Herpesvirus 3 causes
Coital exanthema
Leiomyoma can occur in what 3 places?
Uterus, cervix, or vagina
This neoplasm in dogs appears to be estrogen dependent. These almost always occur in bitches.
contagious neoplasm, IHC suggests histiocytic orgin
Tumor cells have how many chromosomes. Remember the normal is 78 chromosomes.
These lesions may be solitary or multiple, papillary to pedunculated, or multi-lobulated mases often ulcerated, inflamed, and friable.
TVT cane been seen anywhere on body.
what does TVT look like histologically?
Solid sheets of large round to ovoid cells; moderate to scant pale eosinophilic finely granular, often vacuolated or clear cytoplasm.
What species and Where is the most common site of SCC on a farm animal?
Prepuce/Vulva region
SCC occurs mostly on farm animals, especially those lacking…
pigment on vulvar skin
SCC look…
SCC locally metastasize to…
to local lymph nodes
Melanomas are benign
FALSE! Neoplastic. BAD NEWS!
Melanocytoma is malignant
Find this particularly in white mares, in the form of large ulcerative nodules, located in the vulva or the perineum
Melanoma and Melanocytoma
Melanomas and Melanocytomas are locally invasive…
Ventral tail base and into the spinal cord