Representations Flashcards
Van dijk
3 ways ethnicities are seen -
- criminals
- a threat
- unimportant
Islam portrayed and demonised as a threat to british society
Black victims of crime are shown less attention
When EM appear on tv they appear as sterotypical roles and as tokenism
The monarchy has converted the media to it’s cause, making criticisms rare.
Media focus positively on lifestyle of the wealthy, says media focuses too heavily on items e.g. cars
Curran and Seatin
Newspapers and the w/c
Newspapers aimed at w/c focus on gossip, marxist say this distracts them
Counter - pluralist - gives them what they want
Bachelor et al
Media representations are very straight
If gays are shown it’s shown as a source of anxiety
Media create gay stereotypes
- camp
- macho
- deviant
Disability is socially constructed
UK media is so concerned at ‘trumpeting the good fortune’ they ignore the issues that capatlism causes, which causes a stigma
Studied media consumed by teens, found that it showed consent well and sexual health info but showed contraception as a womans response
Pink pound
Gay couples have more money as not dependant and business exploits this by targeting them
Facebook and homosexuality
Support features to support LGBTQ, filteres for pride
Symbolic annihalation
Tuchman - underrepresented or lck of representstions of a group
Heintz knowles
Kids on US tv shows their focus are friends and fun but ignore family issues, racism.
Evans and chandler
Media causes appetite for toys, leads to pester power, kids beg for toys they see on the tv
Lee et al
Representations of elderly is fairly low, 15% adverts show elderly as ‘golden ages’ - active, alert etc, don’t show alone, ill or sad.
Individuals are disabled by society
Because :
- medical proffesionals set the agendas
- media reflect prejudices
- disabled people are rarely consulted by journalists
- 80% repress of masc are negative (sex abusers etc)
- men cant control anger too
of 126hrs of TV aimed at the young, LGBT only got 5hrs 43mins
Cushion et al
7/10 stories on black men were about crime.
Shildrick and Macdonald
Term chav is used to deny the poor empathy from the public.
Presentation of women is biased as shows them as housewives a lot
Dominant message for girls is that their body is a constant project for improvement
Womens magazines changed, no longer about bein left on the shelf
Media is a feminine tech that can be used to overthrow patriarchy
E.g. alabama abortion
Mens health shows the meterosexual male, funny and caring
Children now
Asked boys 10-17, they found through tv men were:
- confident
- violent
- don’t cry
Old men m/c are seen as high status jobs
Age concern
Media is ageist as shows elderly as grumpy and mentally ill
Wayne et al
Of 286 stories, 82% focused on youth crime