Report, letters: Key words Flashcards
Auditor’s report: How many sections are there? What is each section?
- No label.
- Management responsibility for the F/S.
- Auditor’s responsibility.
- Opinion.
Auditor’s report: How many sentences in the 1st section? What is included? Starts with what?
1 sentence.
Nature of the engagement, the entity’s financial stmt involved, date range.
“Wa have audited…”
Auditor’s report: How many sentences in the 2nd section (management responsibility)? What are 2 key points? What is in the body?
1 sentence.
Responsibility for F/S and I/C.
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of F/S in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in US.
Includes design, implementation, and maintenance of I/C relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of F/S that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditor’s report: How many sentences in the 3rd section (auditor’s responsibility), 1st paragraph? What is included?
3 sentences.
- Responsibility to express an opinion based on our audits (plural).
- Conducted the audits in accordance with GAAS.
- Plan and perform the audit to provide reasonable assurance that F/S are free from material misstatements.
Auditor’s report: How many sentences in the 3rd section (auditor’s responsibility), 2nd paragraph? What is included?
5 sentences.
- Perform proceduresto obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures.
- The procedures depend on the auditor’s judgment, including assessment of risks of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
- In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances.
- Express no such opinion (about effectiveness of I/C).
- An audit includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates.
Auditor’s report: How many sentences in the 3rd section (auditor’s responsibility), 3rd paragraph? What is included?
expressing the auditor’s belief that the audit evidence is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for the opinion.
Auditor’s report: What’s included in the 4th section?
In our opinion, F/S present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of ABC Company and its subsidiaries as of December 31, 20X1 and 20X0, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Auditor’s report: Emphasis-of-matter 4 key points?
- F/S prepared assuming the company will continue as a going concern.
- Substantial doubt exists about the ability to continue as a going concern.
- F/S don’t include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.
- Opinion not modified.
Engagement letter: what are 7 factors addressed?
- The objective and scope of the audit
- The auditor’s responsibilities;
- Management’s responsibilities;
- A statement about the inherent limitations of an audit;
- A statement identifying the applicable financial reporting framework;
- Reference to the expected content of any reports to be issued; and
- Other matters as warranted in the auditor’s judgment.
Engagement letter: Key words for objective/scope?
For the purpose of expressing an opinion.
will provide you with the audit report.
Engagement letter: Key words for auditor’s responsibilities?
- Express an opinion - limited to the period covered by the audit.
- If can’t express unqualified opinion, will discuss in advance.
- If can’t complete the audit/form an opinion, may decline to express an opinion or issue a report.
- For conducting the audit in accordance with GGAP.
- Obtain reasonable, not absolute, assurance F/S free from error, fraud, illegal results direct material effects.
- A material misstatement may not be detected.
- Audit not design to detect errors, fraud, illegal results in immaterial effect.
- Inform all matters of fraud/illegal acts known.
- Obtain an understanding of I/C.
- Not design to provide assurance about I/C, but will report any deficiencies identified.
- will examine on a test basis, assess, evaluate…
Engagement letter: Key words for managment’s responsibilities?
- F/S responsibility of management - record, I/C to permit preparation of F/S accordance w/GAAP.
- Correct material misstatement.
- Provide representation letter to affirm uncorrected misstatements are immaterial.
- compliance w/laws/regulations.
- Making all info available to the auditor in a timely manner.
Management representation letter: What are 8 contents re: F/S?
That management is responsible for;
- the fairness of F/S.
- I/C over financial reporting.
- I/C to prevent/detect fraud.
- sig assumptions for estimates are reasonable.
5 and 6. related party transactions and subsequent events properly accounted/disclosed. - uncorrected misstatement immaterial.
- effects of litigation/claims accounted properly and disclosed.
Management representation letter: What does it state about info provided to the auditor?
The auditor was provided access to all information…
additional info requested…
access to persons….
all transactions have been recorded….
provided the risk assessment re: fraud…
no knowledge of fraud w/management, I/C roles, other.
no knowledge of allegations or suspected fraud..
disclosed known instances of noncompliance…
disclosed litigation, claims, assessments…
disclosed know related party relationships/transactions..
Auditor’s report: what is the structure?
- Title: Independent auditor’s report.
- Address: board of directors, shareholders…
- Body (12 sentences): introductory sentence, management responsibility, auditor’s responsibility, opinion.
- Signature (name of the firm).
- City and State.
- Date.
Auditor’s report: why is the word “audits” plural? What if prior F/S was audited by someone else? If it wasn’t audited, reviewed, or complied?
Because it includes comparative F/S.
Explain in “Other matters” section - type of opinion, date.
Explain in other matters section.
Auditor’s report: where is “other matter” section?
Right after the opinion of “emphasis of matter” if any.
Summary FS: Introductory paragraph: key words?
….are derived from the audited FS….we expressed unmodified opinion on those audited FS…
Summary FS don’t contain all the disclosures required…reading the summary FS is not a substituted for reading the audited FS…
Summary FS: Management responsibility paragraph: key words?
Management is responsible for the preparation of the summary FS on the basis described in Not X (ex).
Summary FS: Auditor’s responsibility paragraph: key words?
…to express an opinion about whether the summary FS are consistent, in all material respects, with the audited FS based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance w/ auditing stds generally accepted in US of America…we did not perform any audit procedures regarding the audited FS after the date of our report…
AICPA integrated audit: Reporting: if combined, what’s the structure?
- Management’s report on ICFR.
- Report on ICFR - nature, timing, also audited ICFR.
- Management responsibility.
- Auditor’s responsibility.
- Definition and inherent limitations of ICFR.
- Opinions.
AICPA integrated audit: Reporting: if separate and unmodified, what’s the structure?
- Title: Unmodified Opinion on ICFR.
- Report on ICFR - nature, timing, also audited ICFR.
- Management responsibility.
- Auditor’s responsibility.
- Definition and inherent limitations of ICFR.
- Opinion.
- Report on FS.
- Report on other legal and regulatory requirements.
AICPA integrated audit: Reporting: if separate and adverse, what’s the structure?
- Title: Adverse Opinion on ICFR.
- Report on ICFR - nature, timing, also audited ICFR.
- Management responsibility.
- Auditor’s responsibility.
- Definition and inherent limitations of ICFR.
- Basis for Adverse Opinion.
- Adverse opinion.
- Report on FS.
- Report on other legal and regulatory requirements.
PCAOB: integrated audit: combined report structure?
- Introductory paragraph.
- Scope paragraph.
- Definition paragraph - ICFR.
- Inherent limitation paragraph.
- Opinion paragraph.