5 - I: Requirement of SEC and PCAOB Flashcards
What qualification does the SEC require for a CPA to audit a public company?
Must be registered and in good standing under the laws of his or her state.
Must be and appear to be independent and capable of exercising objective and impartial judgment.
What are the SEC’s primary concerns regarding ethics and independence?
Conflict of interest.
Audit own work (self-review).
Management participation (act as a manager).
Being advocate.
SEC’s definition of IMFs?
Spouse, spousal equivalent, dependents.
What’s the term SEC uses for close relatives (CR)? Definition?
Close family members.
Spouse, spousal equivalent, parent, dependent, nondependent child, and sibling.
Covered members under AICPA?
Audit team members, PTIs, 10 hour persons, OPIOs, the firm itself, any entity controlled by the first 5.
SEC’s equivalent for covered members? who?
Covered persons.
Audit team members, chain of command (PTIs), 10 hour persons, OPIOs.
The firm and any entity controlled by above not specifically mentioned. But they will be probably covered when an issue arises.
Financial relationships: when and who does it impair independence?
When CP and their IMFs have direct financial investment (own stocks, even in immaterial amounts).
When does direct investment through an intermediary impair independence?
When the firm, CP, IMFs either supervise or participate in investment decision OR
the intermediary is non diversified mutual fund that has invested 20% or more of its money in an audit client.
Investment by people other than CP: when is independence impaired?
When they own 5% or more of an audit client’s stock.
When is independence impaired regarding serving as trustee for the firm, CPs, IMFs?
When they have authority for investment decisions.
When can the firm, CPs, or IMFs own indirect interests?
When it is immaterial.
Is the independence impaired when the firm, CPs, IMF invest in an entity that an audit client either has a material investment or has the ability to control? And vice verse.
When can the firm, CPs, IMF borrow or loan money from audit client, its officers/directors, or its 10% shareholders?
OK from a financial institution under normal procedures and terms.
Auto loan collateralized by the car.
Loan fully collateralized by surrender value of an ins policy or cash deposit.
Mortgage collateralized by borrowers PRIMARY residence if obtained when borrower was not a CP.
When can the firm, CPs, or IMF have a saving or checking account at a financial institution client?
The account balance is fully insured ($250,000 limit) by the FDIC.
If there is an uninsured balance, the likelihood of it experiencing financial difficulties must be remote.
When can the firm, CPs, or IMF have a credit card issued by an audit client?
Account balance is less than $10,000.
When can the firm, CPs, or IMF buy insurance products from an audit client?
Obtained before the person became a CP AND
the likelihood of insolvency is remote.
When can the firm, CPs, or IMF receive unsolicited gift?
If disposed as soon as practicable, but no later than 30 days after obtaining the right to dispose it.
When can a partner, principal, shareholders or professional employee (even non CP) of the accounting firm be employed by the client or serve as a member of the board of directors?
In what roles can close family members of a CP work for an audit client?
NOT Accounting role or FROR (financial responsibility oversight roles.)
When can an accounting firm employee work for an audit client in accounting role or FROR?
The individual does not influence the firm’s operation or financial policies.
has no capital balance in the firm.
has no financial arrangement except regular payment with fixed dollar amount.
Serve one year cooling period plus entire audit cycle.
Who does the cooling period not applied to?
Persons who provide 10 or fewer hours of attest service.
Persons employed by the client as a result of a merger.
Persons employed by the client as a result of an emergency.
Cooling period: audit cycle May 1 through Apr. 30.
When can an employment with an audit client being if one leaves on Feb 1, 2020. On June 14, 2020?
May 1, 2021.
May 1, 2022.
When can an audit client employee work for an accounting firm?
He or she does not participate in and is not in the chain of command the audit of financial stmts covering any period he or she was employed by the audit client.
When can a CP have a direct or material indirect business relationship with an audit client?
Buying or providing goods in the ordinary course of business is not a business relationship.