7 - II: Financial stmt audit Flashcards
What’s the primary focus on financial accounting (language of business)?
Preparation and distribution of general purpose, historical financial stmts.
What does financial accounting present?
Representation of management.
Who is the sender of the message for accounting? Who are the receivers? What’s the message?
Management. Users. F/S.
Where does auditing fit?
Users want to evaluate the performance, but info was prepared by management and there is credibility gap, which is filled by auditing.
What’s the definition of auditing?
A systematic process (Fieldwork stage) of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence regarding assertions about economic actions and events to ascertain the degree of correspondence between those assertions and established criteria and communicating the results to interested users (reporting stage).
What are accounting std-setting bodies?
GAAP or other applicable financial reporting framework.
FASB (businesses/others), GASB (state/local government), FASAB (federal government), IASB (IFRSs).
What are audit std-setting bodies?
ASB:auditing stds board (non-issuers: private) [GAAS:generally accepted auditing stds], PCAOB (public company accounting oversight board) (issuers:public), GAO (government accountability office), IFAC’s (international federation of accountants) IAASB (international auditing and assurance stds board) issues ISA (international stds of auditing).
What does GAAS refer to?
The body of authoritative professional stds issued in the form of Stmt on Auditing Stds.
What are the 4 categories of the 7 underlying principles of GAAS? Are the principles authoritative?
Purpose/premise, responsibilities, performance, reporting. PR-PR.
What is the purpose of an audit?
Provide F/S users with an opinion by the auditor on whether the F/S are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. An auditor’s opinion enhances the degree of confidence that intended users can place in the F/S.
What is the premise?
Management or those charged w/ governance have responsibility for the preparation and fair presentation of the F/S and to provide the auditor with all info relevance to the preparation and fair presentation of the F/S.
What are responsibilities (used to be characteristics)?
Appropriate competence/capabilities, comply w/ relevant ethical requirements, maintain professional skepticism, exercise professional judgment.
What are performance (used to be fieldwork stds)?
To express an opinion - obtain reasonable assurance about whether the F/S as a whole are free from material misstatement (due from fraud or error).
To obtain reasonable assurance (high, but not absolute) - plan/properly supervise, appropriate materiality level, identify/assess risks of material misstatements based on an understanding of the entity, environment, internal control.
(The auditor is unable to obtain absolute assurance because of the nature of financial reporting, nature of audit procedures, the need for the audit to be conducted within a reasonable period of time.)
What is reporting?
Based on the evaluation of the audit evidence obtained, an opinion is expressed or state that it can’t be expressed. Opinion states that the F/S are presented fairly in all material respects, in accordance w/ applicable financial reporting framework.
What does Stmt of Auditing Stds (SASs) cover?
Sufficient knowledge of the SASs to identify those applicable to the audit.
Prepare to justify any departure from the SASs.
Materiality and audit risk.
What does Interpretive Publications include?
Appendics to the SASs, auditing interpretations of the Sass, auditing guidance included in AICPA Audit and Accounting Guides, AICPA auditing stmts of position.
Do auditors need to apply the guidance?
Yes, if not, be prepare to explain.
What are Other Auditing Publications? are they authoritative?
Articles in Journal of Accountancy, ACIPA’s CPA letter, etc.
What are two categories of Professional Requirement? What are key words for each?
Unconditional (no exception) - must.
Presumptively mandatory requirements (rare exception allowed, but must explain/document) - should.
Are Application & Other Explanatory Material requirement? Key words?
No. May, might or could
Who issues Stmts on Quality Control Stds (SQCS)? To what SQCS apply to?
AICPA’s Auditing Stds Board.
The whole portfolio of accounting & auditing engagements which involves the public interest.
What governs individual audit engagement?
Does SQCS apply to tax or consulting services?
SQCS involve reasonable (not absolute) assurance regarding what?
Compliance w/ professional stds/ legal and regulatory requirements.
That report issued are appropriate.