19 - IV: Other types of reports 2 Flashcards
What is GAGAS?
Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards.
Who issues GAGAS?
Government Accountability Office by the Comptroller General of the United States.
What is GAGAS refer to?
Yellow Book.
GAGAS: is a written report on IC required for every audit?
GAGAS: what should report on IC include?
- the auditor’s understanding for planning purposes and assessment of control risk.
- scope of the auditor’s testing of control.
- if any sig deficiencies are identified, obtain a response from management (include a written response or summary if verbal) in the report on IC.
GAGAS: reporting on compliance when there is no noncompliance, what should be included?
- Distinguish between general requirements and specific requirements.
- Focuses on noncompliance having a “material and direct effect” on FS (more than inconsequential).
- Scope of auditor’s compliance testing.
- My have duty to report fraud, illegal acts, abuse (if management not responsive).
GAGAS: what kind of illegal acts must the auditor report?
Those that could result in criminal prosecution.
GAGAS: what are 3 Cs of reporting requirements?
Controls: report on IC over FS in all cases.
Compliance: report on compliance (general/specific).
Crimes: report all know illegal acts - criminal prosecution.
GAGAS: under what Act must an entity who uses above certain federal money be audited? What is the purpose? What are 2 requirements?
Single Audit Act of 1984 - applies to State/local government that receive/spend more than $750,000 expenditures in a yr.
Promote efficiency.
- Requires a single coordinated audit of the aggregate federal funds (w/ emphasis on “major” assistance programs to be audited), not grant by grant audits.
- Requires an audit of the entity’s FS and a schedule of expenditures of federal assistance.
GAGAS: Single Audit Act: which stds should be used in audit? What should an auditor identify? What are other responsibilities?
Identify each “major program” based on risk assessments (determine materiality separately for major programs).
*Test controls over each major program.
*Evaluate compliance (emphasis on direct/material effects on major programs).
GAGAS: Single Audit Act: Reporting requirements?
- Fairness of FS and schedule of expenditures of federal assistance.
- IC over financial reporting (and testing of controls over major programs) - does not require audit of IC - (sig deficiencies/material weaknesses).
- Compliance (direct/material affects).
- Schedule of findings and questioned costs - if the auditor identified any audit findings.
GAGAS: Report title? How does it begin? What are 2 separate sections?
“Independent Auditor’s Report on IC over financial reporting on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of FS performed in accordance w/ Government Auditing Stds”
Begins by identifying that audit of FS performed.
1. IC over Financial Reporting.
2. Compliance and Other matters.
GAGAS: how is illegal acts disclosed?
Through references.
GAGAS: Single Audit Act: What does opinion on schedule look like? On compliance look like?
S: In our opinion…is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the FS taken as a whole.
C: In our opinion, …complied in all material respects, with the compliance requirements …that could have a direct and material effect on each of its major federal programs for the yr ended…
When does Compliance Audits (SAS No. 117) apply?
When performing a “compliance audit” under GAAS, Government Auditing Standards, a governmental audit requirement to express an opinion on compliance requirements.
Compliance Audits (SAS No. 117): 2 objectives?
- To express an opinion about the applicable compliance requirement.
- To identify requirements that are supplementary to GAAS and GAGAS and to evaluate those requirements.
Compliance Audits (SAS No. 117): which stds does it incorporate re: risk assessment? What understanding must be obtained? What are things must be assessed?
AICPA’s risk assessment standards.
An understanding of the applicable compliance requirements and IC over compliance.
- Assess the risk of material noncompliance and consider whether those risks are pervasive to compliance.
- Perform further audit procedures in response to risks and develop an overall response to any pervasive risks - perform tests of details.
Compliance Audits (SAS No. 117): what must the auditor do re: supplementary audit requirements?
Identify them (beyond GAAS and GAGAS) in the governmental audit requirements.
Compliance Audits (SAS No. 117): are supplementary audit requirement always specified?
No, sometimes yes, sometimes just provide frameworks.
Compliance Audits (SAS No. 117): opinion: what is it directed at?
At compliance at the program level (and materiality is determined for the program as a whole).
Compliance Audits (SAS No. 117): reporting: what are 3 reporting options?
- A separate report on compliance.
- A combined report on compliance and IC over compliance.
- A separate on IC over compliance.
Compliance Audits (SAS No. 117): when does the auditor give positive and negative assurance?
P: on items tested.
N: on items not tested.
What is SSARSs?
Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services.
Who issues SSARSs?
AICPA’s Accounting and Review Services Committee (ARSC).