2 - I: MIPPs Independence Rules Flashcards
What must a member do when the Code does not resolve independent issues?
Turn to Conceptual Framework
What are four areas that threat independence?
Financial relationships, employment relationships, family relationships, consulting relationships.
What are time periods a member must follow independence rules?
The period covered by the financial stmt.
The period of the professional engagement.
What are four categories of covered members who must comply with the independence rule for financial interest?
An individual on the attest engagement team (team member).
An individual in a position to influence the engagement (PTI).
A partner, partner equivalent, or manager who provides more than 10 hrs of non attest services to the attest client within any fiscal year (10 hr person).
A partner or partner equivalent in the office in which the lead attest engagement partner or equivalent practice in connection with attest engagement (OPIO-other partner in office).
The firm, including the firm’s employee benefit plans.
An entity whose operating, financial, or accounting policies can be controlled by 1-5.
Can members of another firm work in a manner similar to internal auditors without creating an independence problem for the attest engagement?
Yes, as long as the firm complies with AU-C Section 610 (rules for the proper relationships between internal and external auditors)
Can a covered member reissue a previously audited report or consent to its incorporation by reference when they are no longer independent? What are actions acceptable?
Yes, as long as no new work that is considered to be a new audit is done.
Making inquiries to successor, reading subsequent financial stmts, taking other procedures necessary to assess the effect of new facts on the original report.
Is is ok for the engagement letter to indemnify members from the client’s knowing misrepresentations?
Can a member sign a current-year audit report if it has unpaid fees for service provided more than one year prior?
Can this be changed if a member does not bill or client issues a note?
What is an exception to unpaid fees?
Client in bankruptcy
Is independence impaired when a CM is committed to acquire any direct (whether or not material) or any material indirect financial interest in an attest client?
When is independence not impaired regarding financial interest?
When interest is both indirect and immaterial
What is financial interest?
Ownership (or obligation to obtain) in equity, debt/derivatives issued.
What are two keys to define direct financial interest?
Owned directly.
Have control.
What is the ownership rule for a partner or professional employee (or their immediate family) of a firm engaged in attest service?
Can’t own more than 5% of a client’s ownership interest.
Is independence impaired for a covered member if receive or learn they will receive unsolicited financial interests?
No as long as they dispose of the interest as soon as practicable but within 30 days after having both knowledge and the right to dispose.
Or do not participate on the attest engagement team.
When is the interest in mutual fund direct if a CM owns shares? When is it indirect?
Interest in fund itself.
Interest in underlying investments if own less than 5%.
When does a CM must determine financial interest is material regarding mutual funds?
If a CM owns more than 5% of a diversified fund’s shares or a financial interest in an undiversified fund.
When is CM’s interest direct regarding retirements, savings, compensation?
Self-direct investments or have the ability to supervise or participate in the plan’s investment decision.
When is the independence threatened regarding a defined benefit plan?
When CM or their IMF are trustee or have the ability to supervise or participate in the plan’s investment decisions.
Is the financial interest direct or indirect in case of general partners?
Direct because GP has authority to influence decision.
Is the financial interest direct or indirect in case of agent-managed LLC?
Indirect unless the member has the authority.
When is independence threatened in case of trust and estates?
When the trust/estate owns or is committed to acquire more than 10% of client’s equity ownership even if you don’t have authority..
The value of the trust’s/estate’s holdings in the attest client exceeds 10% of total assets.
When is the interest direct in case of grantor? When is it indirect?
Ability to amend or revoke the trust.
Authority to control.
Ability to supervise/participate.
Underlying trust investments will ultimately revert to CM.
When none of these factors exist - indirect.
Is blind trust as well as underlying investments direct or indirect?
Direct because investments will revert to the grantor who retains the right to revoke or amend the trust.