Report 12 Flashcards
The triple E of global prosperity and the holy trinity of sustainable development
economy, equity, ecology
Biodiversity has experienced multiple alterations due to multitude of influencing factors including deforestation, climate change, plastic pollution, and environmental contamination, resulting in its progressive degradation
over time, there’s a gradual change and a fast paced change
hockey stick curve
is labeled as the data monitored in the chart. This data could represent revenue, population or temperature
x-axis or horizontal axi, is typically denoted in years while the y-axis, or vertical axis
establish that only about 24% remains of the country’s forest cover, with lows falling as badly as 20% in the late 1990s
2011 Philippine Forest Statistics
Another thing is that the coral reef system in the Philippines is down to ______ in terms of being in excellent condition, as over _______ are already severely damaged
5%; 32%
reports that 85% of the reefs in the Coral Triangle (the region covering countries such as the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, et al.) are threatened, shadowing the global average which stands at 60%
world resources institute
Land degradation, desertification and drought are significant and growing barriers to sustainable development as climate change and environmental degradation impact human health, productivity and resilience
provides technical expertise and capacity building services to countries to integrate land, biodiversity and climate priorities into policy making and public investments
UNDP Global Policy Centre on Resilient Ecosystems and Desertification (GC-RED)
UNDP works to increase government, business and public support for biodiversity conservation, accelerating the actions necessary for systemic change and achievement of global biodiversity goals, through :
1 program support
2 policy and capacity development advisory and technical support
3 advocacy
Climate change, ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss directly impact
Indigenous Peoples (IPs) and Local Communities (LCs)
UNDP assistance to local actors rests on three key pillars:
1 ingress order
2 agriculture, forestry, fisheries sectors
3 developmental cooperation
4 monitoring and evaluation
Reciprocal Mainstreaming
Aligned objectives across various national strategies
● land use change and degradation (Colombia)
● increase in forest cover (Nepal, Uganda)
● species in danger of extinction; and the number and size of protected areas.
● green growth strategies:climate change-centric (Indonesia, France and Mexico)
● poverty reduction strategies of Brazil and Ethiopia
Institutional Mandate and Coordination Mechanism C
Clear roles and responsibilities enhances transparency and accountability
Strong coordination system ensure policy coherence
Robust, Policy-relevant and Accessible Information System
Baseline establishment, quantifying benefits, targeting biodiversity expenditures at needed areas
Insufficient Allocation for Biodiversity-related Expenditures
Accessible information on public diversity expenditure
● Central to economic growth and development worldwide
● These sectors supply essential commodities such as food, fibre, fuel and fodder which constitute basic needs of society as well as inputs for other economic sectors.
agriculture, forestry, fisheries
● Supports biodiversity mainstreaming by strengthening frameworks for mainstreaming at the national level as well as directly supporting the mainstreaming of biodiversity into specific sector policies, plans and projects
development cooperation
development cooperation aims to:
a) improve policies and institutions,
b) improve data and information systems, and
c) to mobilise financing for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use
Establish a Strong Social and Business Case for Biodiversity
Conduct a National Assessment of Biodiversity and
Ecosystem Services.
Integrate Biodiversity-Related Considerations into
Sector-Level Resource Assessments.
Invest in Statistical/Data Systems for evidence-based
Develop Targeted Messages for stakeholders.
Align Policies on Biodiversity for Sustainable Development
Develop a Clear Long-Term Vision for biodiversity within national strategies
Promote Strategic Leadership for biodiversity within government
Integrate Biodiversity into National Development Planning.
Review and Evaluate Legal Policy Frameworks.
Define Indicators for environmental and socio-economic variables.
Review and Evaluate Policy Instruments
Build on Indicators from Aichi Biodiversity Targets and SDG
Explore additional indicators covering inputs, processes, outputs, outcomes, and impacts
Strengthen Institutions and Capacity
Establish coordination mechanisms.
Define mandates and roles for relevant institutions
Provide training and enhance capacity
Promote research and collaborations for biodiversity mainstreaming
Mobilize Adequate Financing for Biodiversity
Develop approaches to track biodiversity-related expenditure
Consider economic instruments to generate revenue
Engage the private sector in biodiversity mainstreaming efforts