In prokaryotes, transcription occurs in only one direction and begins at only one point
In eukaryotes, transcription occurs in both directions and at more than one point and occurs in the nucleus
A duplicating mechanism involves disengaging the DNA strand (polynucleotide) by loosening the weak hydrogen bonds
Serves to loosen the twin screw, separating the two straps , separating each other and converting DNA into a single strand by breaking the hydrogen bonds
DNA is replicated in opposite directions. That is, the backing thorns move in opposite directions ‘Bidirectional replication’ .
mechanism of DNA replication
Semi-continuous DNA replication, one strand is copied continuously, while the other lagging strand is copied in the form of pieces called Okazaki fragments.
mechanism of DNA replication
Polymerization only occurs in the direction of 5 to 3
mechanism of DNA replication
DNA Topoisomerases , DNA polymerase , Helicase , Primase , DNA ligase .
the enzymes that work on replication of DNA
Connects the Okazaki fragments
DNA ligase
RNA is made to initiate, because the polymerase enzyme does not work in the direction of 3 - 5, so this tape is constructed in the form of small pieces in the direction of 5 - 3 by the enzyme polymerase and then these small pieces are linked together by the binding enzyme - Ligase DNA
It extends the length of the thread but cannot start forming a new thread, and it only works in one direction 5 to 3.
DNA polymerase
The most important enzyme in this process (loading of nitrogenous bases) is the enzyme for DNA polymerase (DNA). The role of this enzyme is to clone a complementary or complementary strand of parental DNA. The first one acts as a template, thereby creating two daughter strands.
DNA polymerase
It works to convert DNA into a single strand by breaking down the hydrogen bonds.
Decodes supercoiling in DNA.
DNA Topoisomerases
Most of the protein synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm, but the protein’s genetic code is in the nucleus
Its size does not allow it to leave the nucleus, so a small copy of it is taken in m-RNA because the DNA
Which can leave the nucleus through the openings of the nucleus into the cytoplasm.