Give the virion properties of Reoviridae.
- Nonenveloped ds RNA
- Cytoplasmic replication
- “Reo” - respiratory enteric orphan
- 10-12 segments genome
Genus orbivirus is transmitted primarily by arthropod vectors such as ?
Species of Culicoides
midges, mosquitoes, black flies, sandflies, ticks
What are the clinical signs of Blue tongue?
fever, salivation, frothing, nasal discharge, “blue tongue” (cyanotic through vascular compromise) weight loss, respiratory distress, edema, ulceration, reluctance to eat/drink, and muscle degeneration
What is the transmission mode of Blue tongue virus?
- Biting insects (Culicoides midges); biological vectors
- Potential horizontal transmission
- Wind-borne dispersal
Describe the pulmonary form (Dunkop) of African horse sickness.
- Increased respiratory rate
- Affected animals may stand with their forelegs apart, head extended, nostrils dilated
- Spasmodic coughing accompanied by profuse sweating and a discharge of frothy fluid from the nostrils
- Most common in completely susceptible horses infected with a highly virulent virus
Describe the cardiac form (Dikkop) of African horse sickness.
- Fever lasting for 3-6 days followed by edema involving the supraorbital fossae and eyelids, sometimes with accompanying congestion and hemorrhage in the conjunctiva
- Edema on lips, tongue, intermandibular space, laryngeal region
- 50% mortality rate
- Death occurs within 4-8 hours
Describe the mixed form of African horse sickness.
- Intermediate severity
- 70% mortality rate
Rotaviruses induces what disease?
- Causes gastroenteritis: responsible for causing diarrhea (scours) in newborn animals of all species
Give the clinical signs of Orthoreoviruses in birds.
o Most frequent associated dss. syndrome: TENOSYNOVITIS and ARTHRITIS IN CHICKENS
o There’s inflammation within tendons and tendon sheath and around joints with possible necrosis and hemorrhage