Renal pathology Flashcards
lower UTI symptoms ?
- dysuria
- frequency
- urgency
- pain/stinging
- incontinence
- confusion
but can often be asymptomatic
upper tract UTI symptoms ?
- loin pain
- fever
- rigors
- haematuria
- looks more unwell
- vomiting
- anorexia
- costovertebral pain
what counts as uncomplicated UTI ? what complicated ?
it is in a non-pregnant women, everything else is complicated
- pregnant, men, catheter, abnormal anatomy, children, immunocompromised
UTI aetiology ? most common ?
- E. coli (most common)
- staphylococcus
- candida albicans
what is is seen on urine dip in UTI ?
- nitrites (gram -ve bacteria break down nitrates => nitrites)
- leukocytes
what are casts found in urine ?
found on urine microscopy
- casts are made of RBC, WBC, kidney cells, protein, fat
- give clue to renal pathology
- should be that many
when treat asymptomatic bacteriuria
if >65 then do not treat
uncomplicated UTI Mx ?
3 days Abx (nitrofuartoin)
immunocompromised women UTI Mx ?
5-10 days Abx (Nitro)
men, pregnant women, catheter UTI Mx ?
7 days Abx (nitro)
what Abx to avoid during pregnancy ?
avoid trimethoprim in 1st tri
avoid nitrofurantoin in 3rd
Mx of pyelonephritis ? duration of treatment ?
- fluid replacement
- IV Abx (co-amoxiclav)
- drain obstructed kidney
- catheter
- analgesia (paracetamol or codeine phosphate)
- 7-14 Abx days depending on Abx
what counts as recurrent UTIs ?
> 2 in 6 months
3 in 1 yr
What is pyelonephritis ?
infection of the renal parenchyma and soft tissues of renal pelvis/upper ureter
pyelonephritis complications ?
associated with significant sepsis + systemic upset
what is urethritis ?
sexually transmitted disease
- acute urethral discharge following unprotected sex
urethritis aetiology ?
usually Neisseria gonorrhoea (gonococcal)
or chlamydia trachiomatis (non-gonococcal)
urethritis RF ?
- new sexual partner
- multiple sexual partners
- <25
urethritis presentation ?
- dysuria
- urethral discharge
- pruritus at end of urethra (itch skin)
urethritis Ix ?
- urinalysis (leukocyte esterase + ve)
- sediment of first voided urine (high WBC)
- gram stain of urethral discharge (high WCC)
urethritis Mx ? depends on what ?
depends if gonorrhoea or not
- cephalosporin (gonorrhoea)
- azithromycin (not)
urethritis complication ?
- high mortality in untreated women (10-40%)
- untreated may cause: arthritis meningitis, endocarditis, infertility
What is acute prostatitis ?
painful inflammation within the prostate usually plus recent or ongoing infection
- most frequent urological diagnosis in men <50 yrs
acute prostatic aetiology ?
commonly caused by E.Coli (from UTIs)
- in rare cases can be complication of urethritis (STI)
acute prostatic presentation ? (4)
- acute LUTS onset (dysuria, frequency, perineal discomfort)
- systemic signs (fever, chills, malaise)
- extreme lower abdo/ejaculatory/rectal pain
- tender prostate
acute prostatitis Ix ?
- urinalysis (leukocytes, bacteria)
- urine culture (bacteria)
- culture of prostatic secretions (bacteria +ve)
- blood cultures (identify organism)
acute prostatitis Mx ?
treat with Abx (prolonged course often required if chronic prostatitis follows)
- analgesia (NSAIDs)
acute prostatitis complications ? (3)
- develop to chronic prostatis
- sepsis
- urinary retention
what is cystitis ?
it is a chronic condition causing inflam in the bladder => LUTS + suprapubic pain
cystitis Presentaiton ?
similar to LUTI but more persistent (sig impact on QOL + mental health)
- >6 weeks suprapubic pain, frequency, urgency, worse during menstruation
cystitis Mx ? (3)
- supportive mx: avoid alcohol/caffeine, stop smoking, pelvic floor exercises, bladder retraining, CBT
- oral meds: analgesia, antihistamines
- surgical: botulinum toxin injections during cystosocpoy
what is AKI ? what measurements ? (3)
acute decline in kidney function (=> increase serum creatinine and/or reduced UO)
- rise in creatinine > 26 mmol/L within 48 hrs
- rise in creatinine > 1.5 x baseline within 7 days
- urine output < 0.5 mL/kg/h for > 6 hrs
what can the aetiology of AKI be divided into ?
- pre-renal
- intrinsic kidney failure
- post-renal
name pre-renal causes of AKI ?
due to reduced renal perfusion
- low vascular volume (hypovolaemia, haemorrhage)
- low CO
- systemic vasodilation (sepsis)
- renal vasoconstriction
- overdiueresis
- HF
name renal causes of AKI ?
intrinsic kidney failure
- acute tubular necrosis
- glomerulonephritis
- interstitial nephritis
name post-renal causes of AKI ?
due to obstruction to urine
- urolithiasis
what is the physiology when there is reduced perfusion to the kidney ?
reduced perfusion => reduced perfusion pressure => increase Na + water reabsorption
- casocontrction of glomerular effect arteriole and dilation of afferent => maintain glomerular filtration
- reduced perfusion => RAAS activation + ADH release =>concentration urine
AKI RF ? (9)
- age > 65
- underlying KD
- diabetes
- sepsis
- iodinated contrast
- nephrotoxins (NSAIDs, ACEI)
- fluid loss (excessive)
- haemorrhage
- drug overdose
overall AKI Mx ?
- avoid nephrotoxic meds
- adequate fluid intake: fluid hydration (but be careful in HF)
- treat underling cause (stones)
what drugs should be avoided in AKI ?
stop the DAMN drugs
- Diuretics
- Metformin
AKI complications ?
- hyperkaklemiea
- fluid overload
- HF
- pulmonary oedema
- uraemia (=> encephalopathy)
what blood gas would be found in AKI ?
- metabolic acidosis (kidney not producing as much bicarb)
What is CKD ?
abnormal structure or function for more than 3 months with implications for health
what values indicate CKD ?
abnormal function: eGFR <60ml/min or albuminaemia (urine ACR > 3mg/mmol)
what is creatinine ? why good to measure for kidney disease ?
measure creatinine (waste product of muscle metabolism - directly proportional to muscle mass), purely excreted by kidney so measure of kidney function
most common causes of CKD ? (3)
- diabetes
- glomerulonephritis
- HTN/renovascular disease
CKD presentation ?
usually asymptomattic
- fatigue
- oedema
- nausea
what is used to stage CKD ?
to stage and work out prognosis ( bad = low GFR, high ACR)
how is CKD diagnosed ?
> 3 months (documented or inferred)
- eGFR < 60ml/min
- ACR > 3 mg/mmol
(so need blood and urine test)
what is the general Mx of CKD ?
slow progression
- BP control (use ACEI/ARB)
- avoid nephrotoxins
- treat underlying disease
- anaemia
- stop smoking
what is renal replacement therapy ? what does it not do ?
RRT: removes excess water = salt + electrolytes and waste products
- but does not activate vit D or produce EPO
in what CKD patients should transplant be considered ?
G5 patients
what are contraindications to transplant in CKD patients ?
- cancer with mets
- active infections
- unstable CVD
CKD complications ?
- CKD is RF for CVD
- all-cause mortality
how often should you monitor renal function in CKD ?
monitor GFR + ACR at least annually according to risk
- if high risk, monitor every 6 months
- if v high risk, monitor every 3-4 months
how does CKD affect serum phosphate and vit D levels ?
CKD => high serum phosphate + low hydroxylation of vit D by the kidney
what is glomerulonephritis ?
umbrella term: for inflammation + damage of the glomerulus (filters of the kidney) can be acute or chronic
generally what is nephrosis and nephritis ?
nephrotic: proteinurea due to pdocyte pathology
- nephritis: haematuria due to inflam damage
what is podocyte involvement in glomerulopnephritis ?
podocytes lay key role in glomerular filtration barrier (absence => protein in urine)
what does glomeruli nephritis cause ?
- reduced renal efficiency
- causes protein + RBC to leak form blood into urine
- high BP (flame haemorrhages in eye, heart hypertrophy)
what is nephritis syndrome ? main symptoms ?
group of symptoms (not diagnosis) suggests kidney inflam
- haematuria (micro or macroscopic)
- oliguria (reduced UO)
- proteinurea
- fluid retention
- red cell cast on ruine microscopy
Mx of most types of glomerulonephritis ?
- immunosuppression (steroids)
- BP control by blocking RAAS (ACEI), like in CKD Mx
causes of nephritic syndrome ? (4) commonest cause
- IgA nephropathy (most common)
- post strep glomerulonephritis
- Anti-GBM disease (good pastures)
what is IgA nephropathy / pathophys ? another name for it ? nephritic or nephrotic ?
Bergers disease - nephritic
AgI gets glycosylated (sugars stick to it) => when moves through kidney gets deposited => inflammation + scarring (nephritis)
what can trigger IgA nephropathy ?
often developed after URTI of gastroenteritis
how is IgA nephropathy diagnosed ?
kidney biopsy for diagnosis (mesangial IgA deposits + glomerular mesangial proliferation)
IgA nephropathy Mx ?
- control BP (ACEI, ARB), RAAS inhibitors to reduce proteinurea
- oral prednisolone if bad
what is post strep glomerulonephritis ? time course
occurs 1-3 weeks after a beta haemolytic streptococcus infection (like tonsillitis)
immune complexes (streptococcal antigens, Abs + compliment proteins) get stuck in glomeruli => kidney inflam
post strep glomerulonephritis presentation ?
(nephritic syndrome)
- haematuria
- oedema (sign of severe of chronic disease)
- oliguria
post strep glomerulonephritis diagnosis ?
diagnosis: renal biopsy for definitive Dx
- blood would show nephritic pic
- evidence of strep infection
post strep glomerulonephritis Mx ?
80% make full recovery
- if worsening renal function: anti-HTN (dietetic)
- main way to prevent PSGN is to prevent strep infection
what is anti GBM disease ? also known as ? nephritic or nephrotic ?
good pastures (nephritic syndrome)
- rare autoimmune
- pulmonary- renal condition characterised by anti glomerular basement membrane antibody
describe anti GBM disease pathosphsy ?
autoantibodies to alpha 3 chain in type IV collagen (found in alveoli + glomerular BM)
- causes glomerular nephritis and pulmonary haemorrhage
if patient present with renal failure and haemoptysis what should you consider ?
- goodpastures
- granulomatosis with polyangitis
anti GBM disease presentation ?
- renal disease (oligo/anurea, haematuria, AKI)
- lung disease (pulmonary haemorrhage (=> SOB, haemoptysis)
anti GBM disease Ix ?
- anti-GBM antibody titre (=ve)
- renal biopsy (IgG staining)
anti GBM disease Mx ?
plasma exchange
- corticosteroids (prednisolone)
- cyclophosphamide
what are the primary causes of nephrotic syndrome ?
- minimal change disease
- focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
- membranous nephropathy
- membranoproliferative GN
what is nephrotic syndrome ? triad ?
kidney disorder that causes your body to pass too much protein in urine (BM becomes highly permeable to protein)
- proteinurea
- hypoalbumaemia
- peripheral oedema
nephrotic syndrome presentation ?
- frothy urine
- generalised oedema
- Pallor
what does nephrotic predispose to ? complications
- thrombosis (due to increased clotting factors)
- infection (due to Ig loss)
- hypertension
- high cholesterol
what would be found on investigation of nephrotic syndrome ?
classic triad: low serum albumin, high urine protein, oedema
- deranged lipid proflie
- high BP
- hypercoagulabilty
- haematuria usually absent
nephrotic syndrome mx ?
- reduce oedema (fluid + salt restriction, diuretics - furo)
- treat underlying cause (renal biopsy)
- reduce proteinuria and BP (ACEI/ARB)
- complications (VTE prophylaxis, avoid infection)
most common nephrotic syndrome in children ? adults ?
children: minimal change disease (idiopathic)
- adults: focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
what is minimal change disease ?
most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in kids
- characterised by heavy proteinuria, oedema, hypoalbuminaemia, hyperlipidaemia
- has minimal histological changes in kidney (hence name) (mild mesangial proliferation)
minimal change disease aetiology ?
- mostly idiopathic
- secondary to HL, leukaemia, hep B/C infection