Renal: Men's Health Flashcards
Rank the decades of life by prevalence of BPH
60-70 (70%) > 51-60% > 41-50 (20%)
A patient presents with the following, concerning for…
- 4 months of bothersome urinary sxs
- hx of UTI
- gross hematuria
What diagnostics can be used for BPH?
UA (r/o infx, hematuria)
Behavior modifications that can be helpful in BPH include…
avoid caffeine, etoh, exacerbating meds
fluid restriction b4 bed/activity
double voiding
What are 1st line meds for BPH?
alpha blockers (-osin)
What are 2nd line meds for BPH
5 alpha reductase inhibitors (-asteride)
The following are surgeries that can treat…
TURP TUNA TUMT Stent Suprapubic prostatectomy
the following epidemiology describes…
- young to middle aged men via urethra
- PEK pathogens
- increased risk with catheterization, bx, instramentation
acute bacterial prostatitis
Patient presents with:
- acute onset of frequency, urgency, dysuria
- obstructive voiding sxs
- perineal pain
- fever/chills, myalgia, malaise
acute bacterial protstatitis
What diagnostics can be helpful in acute bacterial prostatitis?
DRE (tender, edematous)
urine stain and cx
What labs can help diagnose acute bacterial prostatitis?
elevated PSR and ESR
What differentiates acute bacterial prostatitis from UTI?
tender edematous prostate on DRE
If patient is stable and reliable, what outpatient treatment can be done started?
fluoroquinolone or TMP-SMZ x 6 weeks
Repeat urine cx in acute bacterial prostatitis when?
7 days after abx
If repeat cx is positive after 7 days of abx, what should you do?
alternate regimen
When should you consider hospitalization and what tx for acute bacterial prostatitis?
toxic sxs
IV abx
A patient presents with the following, which is concerning for what condition?
- Chronic GU sxs w/ evidence of bacterial prostate infx
- subtle sxs
- recurrent UTI
+/- pain, bladder outlet obstruction, hematuria
+/- prostate tenderness/hypertrophy
Chronic bacterial prostatitis
Gold standard diagnostic for chronic bacterial prostatitis…
prostatic fluid analysis (but most often presumptive dx)
Tx for chronic bacterial prostatitis
1st line: fluoroquinolon x 6 weeks
2nd: TMP-SMZ x 6 weeks
the following epidemiology describes what condition?
- pelvic pain for at least 3 of preceding 6 month
- large majority of prostatitis cases
- prevalence peak in 5th decade
Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome
What labs/diagnostics can be helpful in chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome?
genital rectal exam
UA and Cx
Imaging PRN
How is CP/CPPS diagnosed?
Patient presents with:
- chronic pain x 3 mo
- pain in lower abdomen, testes, on ejaculation
- voiding difficulty
- blood in semen
- relapsing/remitting pattern
What three medications in combo may be helpful for CP/CPPS?
alpha blockers, abx, 5-a-reductase inhibitors
Three methods of screening for prostate CA?
Who should prostate CA screening be tailored to?
> 10 years of life expectancy
Black men
A patient 60+ yo has the following presentation, which is concerning for…
- frequency, urgency, nocturia, hesitancy
- bone pain, fatigue, wait loss
- nodular/asymmetric DRE
prostate CA
Bone pain, fatigue, weight loss in prostate CA indicate what stage of disease?
frequency, urgency, nocturia and hesitancy in prostate CA are often due to…
concomitant BPH
abnormal prostate exam or abnormal PSA indicate…
prostate biopsy
How is prostate CA scaled?
TMN/gleason score
4 options for prostate CA dependent on age, staging, lifestyle, comorbidities…
radical prostatectomy
androgen deprivation
Describe the surveillance after tx for prostate CA…
PSA 6-12 mo x 5 years then annually
What causes of ED have the following finding?
rapid onset
GU trauma
What causes of ED have the following finding?
nonsustained erection
venous leak
What causes of ED have the following finding?
certain drugs
depression or drug induced
What causes of ED have the following finding?
loss of nocturnal erections
vascular or neuro dz
What labs should be ordered to assess ED?
A1c/FPG CBC/CMP TSH Lipids serum T
The physical exam for ED should include…
DRE, 2ndry sex characteristics, femoral/peripheral pulses, breast exam, testicular volume
Nocturnal tumescence test can distinguish what two causes?
psychogenic or organic cause
Duplex doppler is useful in ED to identify…
arterial obstruction or venous leak
2nd line for ED?
The following presentation is concerning for…
- sexually active male
- dysuria, urethral d/c
- inflamed meatus
What two labs can help dx urethritis?
gram stain
first void urine NAAT
Tx for gonococcal urethritis?
ceftriaxone 250 mg IM + azithro 1g x 1 dose
Tx for gonococcal urethritis if PCN allergy?
gentamycin 240 mg IM + azithro 2g x 1 dose
What is the tx for non-gonococcal urethritis?
azithro 1g PO
doxy 100mg PO BID x 7 days
Is retest needed if urethritis is treated with 1st line?
The following presentation is concerning for…
- acute/unilateral scrotal pain
- radiation to ipsilateral flank
- hemi-scrotal swelling, tenderness
- fluctuant mass
(+) Prehn sign
What are 4 components to epididymitis dx?
PE, UA, swab, US
Tx for epididymitis if STI suspected…
ceftriaxone 250mg IM x 1 and doxy 100mg BID x 10 days
Tx for epididymitis if enteric organism…
levofloxacin 500mg qd x 10 days
ofloxacin 300mg BID x 10 days
Bacterial epididymorchitis can be treated how?
same as epididymitis
What are three components for epididymorchitis dx?
Right sided varicocele is less common, and suspicious for what condition?
pelvic/abd malignancy
The following presentation is concerning for…
dull, achy testicular pain relieved with support or supine (prehns sign)
mass that increases in size with valsalva
decreased size when supine or elevated
How is varicocele treated?
ligation of spermatic vein if sxs, infertility concerns, testicular atrophy
what imaging can be used for routine varicocele?
doppler US
If no decompression of varicocele occurs in recumbent position, what test is indicated?
CT for outlet obstruction
The following presentation is concerning for…
- unilateral, hemi scrotal swelling
- neg. prehn
- bell-clapper deformity
- absent cremasteric reflex
testicular torsion
The following presentation can indicate what?
- painless, solid testicular swelling/nodule
- dull ache/heavy sensation in lower abdomen, scrotum
- inguinal, para-aortic LAD
+/- supraclavicular LAD
Testicular CA
What is important when examining testicles for testicular CA?
examine unaffected first
Any firm, hard, fixed area should be considered…
cancer until proven otherwise
What imaging can be helpful for testicular CA?
scrotal US
CT abd./pelvis
What labs can help ID and monitor testicular CA?
Beta HCG
What are the two primary testicular tumors?
nonseminoma (65%)
seminoma (35%)
How is testicular CA treated?
radical inguinal orchiectomy
When should post-tx surveillance for testicular CA happen?
q 3 mo for 2 yrs
6 mo, yearly after year 5
Direct hernia protrudes through…
hesselbach’s triangle
is direct or indirect hernia more common?
Patient presents with:
- heaviness/discomfort with straining
- painless bulge
inguinal hernia
The below are signs of what hernia complication?
NV abd. distension pain redness fever
2nd MC urologic malignancy associated w/ TOBB, chemical dyes
bladder CA
PE for bladder cancer is usually…
What are 90% of bladder cancers?
transitional cell carcinoma
The following clinical features paint a picture for…
-painless hematuria
+/- obstructive/irritating urinary sxs
para-aortic LAD
bladder CA
Hepatomegaly, supraclavicular LAD, periumbilical nodules represent what in reference to bladder CA?
Gold standard for bladder CA dx?
Tx for bladder CA?
transurethral resection
This defines…
leakage with exertion/valsalva due to urinary sphincter dysfunction
stress incontinence
MC cause of stress incontinence
prostate surgery
typical presentation for incontinence?
nocturnal enuresis
4 components to physical exam for incontinence?
abd, neuro, genital, rectal exam
labs for incontinence?
UA and cx
Tx for urgency incontinence…
antimuscarinics (-terodines)
alpha blockers w/ BPH (-oszin)
stress incontinence is treated with…
condom catheter
penile clamp
overflow incontinence is tx with…
alpha blockers
The following indicate “complicated incontinence” and require referral to …
severe sxs pelvic pain hematuria PSA recurrent UTI previous rads/surgery neurologic dz