Endocrine: Adrenal Disorders Flashcards
High ACTH, High Cortisol indicates…
80% of cases
Cushings disease (ACTH hypersection)»_space;> non-pituitary tumor (ACTH dependent)
ACTH Low, Cortisol High indicates…
20% of cases
Iatrogenic/factitious Cushings Syndrome (excess exogenous GC)
malignancy (ACTH independent)
Gold standard dx for cushings…
24 Hour Urinary Free Cortisol Excretion = Gold Standard
4 imaging modalities to evaluate cushings…
MRI (r/o pituitary tumor)
CXR (r/o lung mass)
Pelvic US (r/o ovarian mass)
CT abdomen (r/o adrenal tumor)
Besides 24 hour urinary free cortisol excretion, what two labs can be used to dx cushings?
Late-Night Salivary Cortisol
Low-Dose Dexamethasone Suppression Test
A Low-Dose Dexamethasone Suppression Test: Cortisol > ______ mcg/dL =
abnormal, ACTH-independent
What is the protocol for low-dose dexamethasone suppression test?
measure baseline 8am cortisol
administer 1 mg dexamethasone at 11pm
measure serum cortisol 8 am next day
What is the 1st line tx for cushings absent a specific etiology?
Ketoconazole (1st Line), +/- Metyrapone, Mitotane (medical adrenalectomy)
1st line for cushings due to Exogenous CS
taper to lowest therapeutic dose
1st line for cushings due to Pituitary Adenoma
transsphenoidal resection
1st line for cushings due to Adrenal Tumor
1st line for cushings due to …
Adrenal hyperplasia
inoperable tumor
other malignancy
Ketoconazole (1st Line) +/- Metyrapone, Mitotane (used for medical adrenalectomy)
A patient presents with…
amenorrhea Striae, Hyperpigmentation Moon Face & Buffalo Hump HTN Osteoporosis
Hyperaldosterone has what effect on potassium?
↓ Serum K+
Bilateral Idiopathic Adrenal Hyperplasia is the most common cause of…
Conn’s Syndrome/Primary Hyperaldosteronism
30% of cases of Conn’s Syndrome/Primary Hyperaldosteronism are caused by…
unilateral aldosterone-producing adenoma
a patient presents with…
HTN Hypokalemia weakness paresthesia HA polyuria polydipsia
Conn’s Syndrome/Primary Hyperaldosteronism
3 labs to dx Conn’s Syndrome/Primary Hyperaldosteronism
↑ Plasma Aldosterone Concentration (PAC)
↓Plasma Renin Activity (PRA)/Plasma Renin Concentration (PRC)
Spontaneous Hypokalemia
Who should be tested for Conn’s Syndrome/Primary Hyperaldosteronism
HTN + Comorbidities
What imaging can assess for
Conn’s Syndrome/Primary Hyperaldosteronism?
CT Abdomen
Conn’s Syndrome/Primary Hyperaldosteronism caused by Unilateral Adrenal Adenoma is treated how?
Conn’s Syndrome/Primary Hyperaldosteronism caused by Bilateral Idiopathic Adrenal Hyperplasia is treated how?
Spironolactone + antihypertensives
Conn’s Syndrome/Primary Hyperaldosteronism being treated medically should include monitoring of (3) during the 1st 4-6 weeks…
K+, Cr, BP
↓ synth of all adrenocortical hormones
Addison’s Disease/Primary Adrenocortical Insufficiency
The below indicates…
↓ Cortisol, ↓ Aldosterone, ↓ Androgens
Addison’s Disease/Primary Adrenocortical Insufficiency
What is the MC cause of addison’s?
Autoimmune Destruction of Adrenal Cortex
The below presentation is concerning for…
salt craving
postural hypotension
Addison’s/primary adrenocortical insufficiency
What are 2 diagnostics for addison’s/primary adrenocortical insufficiency?
Serum AM Cortisol
Cosyntropin (ACTH) Stimulation Test
These labs are helpful adjuncts for diagnosing…
ACTH, Renin, Aldosterone, Anti-Adrenal Abs, CMP, CBC
addison’s/primary adrenocortical insufficiency
What is the protocol for Cosyntropin (ACTH) Stimulation Test
draw baseline cortisol
administer bolus of cosyntropin
repeat cortisol q 30 min and 60 min
With Cosyntropin Stimulation Test, Abnormal Result is Cortisol fails to increase by _____ above baseline, or to _____
increase 7 mg/dL
or to > 18 mcg/dL
Three treatment options for addison’s?
hydrocortisone BID/TID
+/- DHEA (women)
The presentation of Secondary/Tertiary Adrenocortical Insufficiency lacks what two addison’s signs/sxs?
Normal aldo, no hyperpigmentation
The below indicates…
↓ Cortisol, ↓ Androgens, ↓ ACTH
Normal Aldo
Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency
The below indicates…
↓ Cortisol, ↓ Androgens, ↓ ACTH, ↓ CRH
Normal Aldo.
What is the MC cause of secondary/tertiary adrenocortical insufficiency?
Exogenous Steroid Use
What is a most commonly benign tumor arising from the chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla
A patient with the below S/S is concerning for…
Episodic HA, Tachycardia, Sweating + paroxysmal HTN
The below can be found in…
Abdominal mass
adrenal mass
Three diagnostic tests used in pheo…
Plasma Metanephrines
24-hr Urine (Catecholamines, Metanephrines, VMA)
Clonidine Suppression Test
What result of Clonidine Suppression Test is abnormal?
no reduction of catecholamines after clonidine admin.
What labs may serve as an adjunct to pheo dx? (4)
Thyroid Function Tests
Plasma Epi/NE
What imaging is helpful in dx pheo?
non contrast CT abd.
What is the progression of tx for pheo?
Chemical Sympathectomy → Surgical Excision/Adrenalectomy (definitive tx)
Low cortisol, low ACTH
exaggerated and prolonged ACTH response on CRH stimulation test
tertiary adrenal insufficiency
steroid use, hypothalamus
Low cortisol, low ACTH
absent/subnormal ACTH response on CRH stimulation
secondary adrenal insufficiency
steroid use, pituitary
What drugs are used as “chemical sympathectomy”?
Phenoxybenzamine: pure alpha blocker
adrenal mass > 1cm incidentally found
adrenal incidentaloma
What are two important questions to answer with adrenal incidentaloma?
is it functioning?
is it malignant?
What must be ruled out in all cases of adrenal incidentaloma?
pheo, subclinical cushings
If adrenal incidentaloma + HTN, r/o…
primary hyperaldosteronism
If adrenal incidentaloma + known malignancy elsewhere…
no biopsy
If negative workup and adrenal incidentaloma is < 2 cm how often should imaging and dexamethasone suppresson be repeated?
imaging q 6 mo
dexamethasone suppression q annually x 4 years
If negative workup and adrenal incidentaloma is 2+ cm, what should be considered?
surgical resection
This test is for…
low dose dexamethasone suppression test
This test is for…
cosyntropin stimulation test
This test is for…
clonidine suppression test