Renal Classic NM Flashcards
Excreted by glomerular filtration
DTPA advantage over CR-EDTA
Wide availability
Low cost
Low radiation dose
Gamma ray suitable for gamma camera
Excreted by tubular secretion
Tc-MAG 3
MAG 3 excreted
By tubular secretion and very small hepatobiliary excretion - - gallbladder activity
Fast blood clearance vs DTPA
Mag3 clearance approximates
Effective renal plasma flow
MAG3 indications
Transplanted kidney
Impaired kidney function
Cortical binding
Tc-DMSA binds to proximal tubular cells
Dehydration cause
Delay in intraparenchymal transit and excretion
Drink 7 ml/kg over hour before
Dynamic scan frames
Phase 1: 1 frame/sec for 1 min = angiogram, renal perfusion - - normal if renal cortex seen within 1-3 sec after aorta
Phase 2: 1 frame/10 sec for 4 min = parenchymal uptake
Phase 3: 1 frame/20 sec for 15 min = renal excretion
No obstruction
Rapid washout
Shape - upward concavity
T1/2 fusid <10-15 min
Obstructive uropathy
Normal or delayed angiogram
Delayed time to peak, progressive rise in activity even after fusid
Absent, incomplete or slow washout
No bladder activity
T1/2 fusid >20 min
Uncertain equivocal response
Normal angiogram, bladder activity delayed if bilateral
Washout delayed until fusid or postvoid
T1/2 fusid 15-20 min, partial obstruction
Poorly functioning kidney
Hydronephrosis - - reservoir effect
Repeat test with F-15 or calculation of mean transit time
Tracer accumulation in parenchyma is proportional to GFR, ERPF
Parenchymal phase
Hilson perfusion index for Transplanted kidney
Ratio area over iliac artery / kidney curve
>1.5 - - kidney hypoperfusion - - acute rejection
ROI background
Perirenal below lower pole or from upper to lower pole laterally
Caudal and lateral
Transit time
Time for passing through single nephron
Tonnensen formula
From 50:50 to 43:57
Not accurate for patients with kyphoscoliosis, ptosis, ectopic or malformed kidney
Indication for mean transit time
Suspected RAS
Kidney transplant rejection
In these cases mean transit time is prolonged
About GFR
Usually becomes abnormal before serum creatinine levels become abnormal (when GFR is reduced by 50%)
Renal function reduced - - creatinine clearance not accurate
Inulin clearance = gold standard, but complex and high cost
Obtained through Tc-DTPA clearance
Two compartment
Central compartment - plasma
Second compartment - extravascular space (tracer diffuses and redistributes back into plasma due to concentration gradient)
6 blood samples after tracer injection up to 180 min
Time consuming, require plasma samples
Single compartment
Draw blood when redistribution from extravascular to intravascular space depends on renal clearance
Ignore first exponential - - GFR overestimated
Impaired renal function - - error smaller
1-3 blood samples
Methods rely on urine collection
Severe renal failure
Angiotensin II
Regulation of GFR in renal hypoperfusion caused by RAS and renovascular hypertension
ACE inhibitor captopril
Cancel adaptation mechanism - - GFR maintained even in presence of RAS due to vasoconstriction of efferent arteriole by Angiotensin II
Causes reduction in GFR - - reduced accumulation and excretion of DTPA, but tubular extraction is not affected - - MAG3 slightly delayed accumulation and no washout
Preparation for captopril scan
Stop ACE inhibitor and Ca channel blockers 2-7 days
Stop diuretic 1 week
Hydration 7 ml/kg over 1 hour
Captopril scan protocol
Dynamic scan
Captopril 50 Mg PO
After 60 min second dynamic renal scan, monitor of BP
0 - normal
1 - mild
2 - moderate
3 - severe delayed excretory phase
4 - mild/moderate parenchymal uptake failure
5 - severe parenchymal uptake failure (washout - like curve)
4-5 - - significant reduction of renal function
Captopril false-positive
Multiple renal arteries
Dehydration (bilateral)
Sodium depletion - - activate renin system
Captopril induced hypotension (bilateral)
Calcium channel blocker (bilateral)
Captopril false negative
Hemodynamically significant stenosis
Poor function at baseline
Positive RAS
Normal curve but peak is delayed
Post captopril decreased GFR
DMSA indication
Acute pyelonephritis
Quantification of parenchymal damage
Assessment of cortical scars
Renal agenesis
Ectopic kidney
Horseshoe kidney
DD Renal mass vs lobular compensatory hypertrophy or prominent column of Bertin
Cause of reflux
Boys - valve in posterior urethra
Girls - obstruction of bladder neck or uretetocele
Neurogenic bladder with spina bifida
Hutch paraureteral diverticulumy
Radionuclide cystography first choice for
After surgery of VUR
Cystography radiopharmaceutical
DTPA, MAG3, Colloid in saline 250-500 ml
Non absorbable through bladder mucosa
Calculate bladder capacity before
VUR degree
Grade 1 - mild/limited to ureter
Grade 2 - moderate, involve ureter and pelvis without dilation of pelvis
Grade 3 - severe with dilation
DMSA should be discarded
After 4 h
Pressure in glomerulus
70 mm Hg
Resultant pressure
35 mm Hg
120 ml/min
Renal blood flow
1200 ml/min
20% of cardiac output
1 day
180 L of plasma filtered
90% reabsorbed
Extraction fraction
DTPA 20%
MAG3 60% - - better quality image
I123-Hippuran >85% - - plasma clearance = renal plasma flow
Plasma protein bind
DTPA 3-5%
MAG3 80%
DMSA 90%
DTPA 200 - 300 MBq
MAG3 100 - 150 MBq
Hippuran 50 - 100 MBq
DMSA 37 - 110 MBq
Percent of renal plasma flow cleared by glomerular filtration
DMSA high radiation dose to kidney
Long effective half life
Lower poles less uptake than upper poles
Lower poles more anterior to upper poles
Dynamic scan protocol
Large FOV
LEHR parallel hole collimator posterior
Matrix 64 or 128 (esp children)
Fusid test
To distinguish simple dilation of urinary tract (congenital, pelvis atony) vs obstructive disease
Dynamic scan - - static post void - - diuretic test
Functional obstruction
Washout delayed until fusid
T1/2 fusid <10 min
Acute pyelonephritis
Larger cortical defect due to edema and ischemia
Only follow up to distinguish
Persists > 6 months - - chronic = scar
Conjugate image
Geometric mean calculated with anterior ROI flipped on posterior image
DMSA protocol
37-110 MBq
Image after 2-4h
Hydration while waiting
VUR complications
Acute pyelonephritis if UTI
Damage to renal parenchyma
Arterial hypertension
Chronic renal failure
VUR first diagnostic
Fluoroscopic voiding cystourethrography
Degree of VUR and presence of posterior urethral valve