RENAL and ACID-BASE Flashcards
Total body wayer is approximately ___________
60% of body weight
The percentate of TBW is higherst in ___________
newborns and adult males
- Lowest in adult females
2/3 of TBW
Intracellular Fluid
Major cations of ICF are _______
Potassium and Magnessium
The major anions of ICF are
Protein and organic phosphates
1/3 of TBW
Extracellular fluid
The major cation of ECF is ________
The major anions of ECF are ______ and _________
Chloride and HCO3
______ is 1/4 of ECF
(the major plasma proteins are albumins and globulins)
_________fluid is 3/4 of the ECF
Intestitial fluid
- The composition is the same as that of plasma except that it has little protein
- Ultrafiltrate of plasma
A known amount of a substance is given whose volume of distribution is the body of fluid compartment of interest
The substance is allowed to equilibriate
The conentration is measured an the volme of distribution is calculated
Dilution method

______ marker for TBW that distributes wherever water is found
titrated water
_______marker for ECF because it is a large molecule that cannot cross cell membranes and is therefore excluded from the ICF
Marker for plasma volume because it is a dye that inds to albumin and is therefore confined to the plasma compatment
Evans blue
Body water and ody fluid Compartments

Concentration of solute particles
Plasma osmolarity is estimated as :
2 x Na + glucose/18 + BUN/2.8
At steady state, ECF osmolarity and ICF osmolarity are _____________
To achieve osmolarity equality ________ shifts between ECF and ICF
Infusion of isotonic NaCl (addition of isotonic fluid)
also called as isosmotic volume expansion
- ECF volume increase, but bo change occurs in the osmolarity of ECF or ICF
- Plasma protein concentration and heamtocrit decreases
- Arterial blood pressure increases due to ECF volume increases

Diarrhea - loss of isotonic fluid
also called as isosmotic volume contraction
- ECF volume decreases, but no change occurs in the osmolarity
- Plasma portein concentraion and hematocrit increases because of loss of ECF concentrates the portein and RBCs
- Arterial blood pressure decrease because ECF volume decreases

Excessive NaCl intake - addition of NaCl
Also caled hyperosmotic volume expansion
- Theosmolarity of ECF increases because osmoles (NaCl) hace been added to the ECF
- Water shifts from ICF to ECF. As a result of this shift, ICF osmolarity increases until equals that of ECF
- ECF volume increases and ICF volume decreases
- Plasma protein concentration and hematocrit decrease because of theincrease in ECF volume

Changes in voume and Osmolarity of body fluids

Sweating in a desert - loss of water
Also called as hyperosmotic volume contraction
- The osmolarity of ECF increases because swert is hyposmotic (relatively more water than salt is lost)
- ECF volume decreases because of the loss of volume in the sweat. Water shits oit of the ICF, ICF osmolarity increases and ICF volume decreases
- Plasma protein concnetration increases because of the decrease in ECF volume. Although Hematocrit might alsobe expected o increase, it remains unchanged because water shifts out of the RBCs

SIADH - gain of water
Hyposmotic volume expansion
- the osmolarity of ECF decreases because excess water is retained
- ECF volume increases. Water shidts in to thecells, ICF osmolarity decreases until it equals ECF. ICF volume increases
- Plasma protein concentration decreasesbecause of the increase in ECF volume. Hematocrit remains unchanged because water shifts into theRBCs

Adrenocortical insufficiency - loss of NaCl
also called hyposmotic volume contraction
- The osmolarity of ECF decreases. asa result of the lackof aldosteron, theere is decreased NaCl reabsorption. Kidney excrete more NaCl than water
- ECF volume decreases. water shifts into the cells; asaresult of this, ICF osmolarity decreases until it equals ECF osmolarity and ICF volume increases
- Plasma protein concentration increases because of the decrease inECF volume. HCT increases
- Arterial blood pressure decrease because of the decrease in ECF volume

Indicates the volume of plasma cleared of substance per unit time

RBF is ______% of the cardiac output
RBF is _______ proportional to the pressure difference between the renal arter and the renal vein
Directly propotional
- inversely proportional to the resistance of the renal vasculature
__________of arterioles leads to decrease in RBF
- produced by the activation of the sympathetic nervou system and angiotensin II
- at low concentration, ATII preferentially constricts efferent
____________ dilate efferent arterioles and produce decrease in GFR
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
_________of renal arteriole leads to an increase in RBF produced by prostaglandin E2 and I2, bradykinin ,nitric oxide, and dopamine
causes vasodialtion of the afferent arterioles and to a lesser extent, vasoconstriction of efferent arterioles
Atrial natriuretic peptide
overall, ANP increases RBF
Autoregulation of RBF is accomplished by _________
changing renal vascular resistance
RBF remains constant over the range of arterial pressure from ___________
80 to 200 mmHg
Mechanisms for Autoregulation of RBF
Tubuloglomerular feedback
_______________in wich the renal afferent arterioles contract in response to stretch. Thus increased renal arterial pressure stretches the arterioles, which cobtract and increase resistance to maintain constant blood flow
Myogenic mechanism
_____________in which, inreased renal arterial pressure leads to increased delivery of fluid to the macula densa. The macula densa senses the increased load and causes constriction of the nearby afferent arteriole, increasing resistance to maintain constant blood flow
Tubuloglomerular feedback
Clearance of _______ is used to measure Renal Plasma flow
para-aminohippuric acid (PAH)
- Meaures effective PAH and understiamtes true RPFby 10%
- Clearance of PAH does not measure renal plasma flow to regions pf the kidney that do not filter and secrete PAH, such as adipose tissue

Measurement of RBF

________ isused to measure GFR
filtered but not reabsorbed or secreted by renal tubules.

Both BUN and serum creatinine ______ when GFR decreases
_______ azotemia, BUN increase more than serum creatinine and there is an Increased BUN/creatinine ration (>20:1)
GFR ____ with age
The fraction of RPF filtered across the glomerular capilalries
Filtration fraction
- normally about 0.20
- the remaining 80% leaves the glomerular capillaries by the efferent arterioles and becomes the peritubular capillary circulation
______in the filtration fraction increases the protein concentraion of peritubilar capillary blood, which leadds to increased reabsorption in the proximal tubule
________in the filtratin fraction produce decrease in the protein concentration of peritublar capillary blood and decreased reabsortpion in the proximal tubule
The driving force for glomerular filtration is _______across the glomerular capillaries
net-ultrafiltration pressure
_______is always favored in glomerular capillaries because the net ultafiltration pressure always favor the movement of fluid out of the capillary
GFR can be expressed by the __________
Starling equation

____ is filtration across the glomerular capillaries
Kf is the________ of the glomerular capillaries
filtration coefficient
- The glomerular barrier consists of
- capilalry endothelium
- basement membrane
- filtation slits of the podocytes
- Normally, anionic glycoproteins line the filtration barrier and restrict the filtration of plasma proteins, which are also negatively charged
PGC is _____________ which is constat along the length of the capillary
Glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure
- Increased by dialtion of the afferent arteriole or constriction of the efferent arteriole
- Increase cause increase in net ultrafiltration pressure and GFR
πGC is ____________. It is usually zero, and therefore ignored,
bowman space oncotic pressure
Effects of changes in Starling forces on GFR, RPF, and Filtration Fraction

the difference between the aamount filtered across the glmerular capilalried and the amount excreted in urine
Reabsirption or secretion rate

If filtered load is greater than the extretion rate, then ___________ has occured
net reabsorption
If the filtered load is less than the excretion rate, then _______ has occured
net secretion
Filtered load of glucose ____________ in direct proportion to the plasma glucose concentration
(filtered load = GFR x P )
Na-glucose cotransport in the ___________ reabsorbs glucose from tubular fluid into the blood.
Proxximal tubule
The reabsorptive rate at which the carriers are saturated is the _______
Defined as the plasma concentration at which glucose first appears in the urine
(Approximately 250 mg/dL)
The region of the glucose curves between the threshold and Tm
Occurs between plasma glucose of approximately 250 and 350 mg/dL

Represents the excretion of glucose in urine before saturation of reabsorption is fully achieved
filtered load of PAH __________ in direct proportion to the plasma PAH concentration
Secretion of PAH occurs from peritubular capillary blood into tubular fluid (urine) via carriers in the _________
Proximal tubule
Excretion of PAH is the _________ across the glomerular capillaries plus __________ from peritubular capillary blood
Sum of filtration
RPF is measure by the clearance of PAH at plasma concentrations of PAH that are _________ than at Tm
Substances with the _________ clearances are those that are both filtered across the glomerular capillaries and secreted from the peritubular capillaries into urine
Subsances with ______ clearances are those that either not filtered or are filtered and subsequently reabsorbed into peritubular capillary blood
Substance with clearances equal to GFR
glomerular markers
Have an HA form and A form
weak acids
- The HA form which is uncharged and lipid soluble can “back-diffuse” from urine to blood
- the A form, which is charged and not lipid soluble cannot “back diffuse”
Weak acids at ________, the HA form predominates. there is more back diffsuion, and there is increased excretion of the weak acid.
Acidic urine
Have an BH form and a B form
weak bases
- the B form, which is uncharged and lipid soluble, can back-diffuse from urine to the blood
- The BH form is charged and not lipid soluble cannot back diffuse
_______ is urine at any point along the nephron
Tubular fluid
Plasma is systemic Plasma . It is considered ______
comapres the concentration of a substance in tubular fluid at any point along the nephron with the concentration in plasma
TF/P ratio
if Tf/P = ____.then either there has been no reabsorption of the substance or reabsoprtion of the substance has been exactly proportional to the reaborption of water
IF TF/P is __________ then reabsorption of the substance has been greater than the reabsorption of water and the concentration in tubular fluid is less than that in plasma
If TF/P is _______ then eeither reabsorption of the substance has been less than the reabsorption of water or there has been secretion of the substance
used as amarker for water reabsorption along the nephron
Increases as water is reabsorbed
- The following equation shows hw to calculate the fraction of the filtered water that has been reabsorbed

Corrects the TF/Px ratio for water reabsorption. this double ratio gives the fraction of filtered load remaining at any point along the nephron.
[TF/Px] / [TF/Pinulin] ratio
Sodium is ______along the entire nephron, and very little is excreted
Sodium handling along the nephron

Reabsorbs 2/3 or67% of the filtered sodium and water
Site fo glomerulotubuluar balance
Proximal tubule
Mechanism of sodium reabsorption of sodium
The process is isosmotic. the reabsorption of sodium and water in the PCT is exactly proportionl. therefore TF/PNa and TF/Posm =1

Sodium is reabsorbed by __________ with glucose, amino acids, phosphates and lactate
Sodium is also reabsorbed by _________ via Na-H exchange. which is linked directly to the reabsorption of filtred HCO3
diuretics that act in the early proximal tubule by inhibiting the reabsorption of filtered HCO3
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
In the late proximal tubule, sodium is reabsorbed with ________
Maintains constant fractional reabsorption )2/3 or 67%)of th filtered sodium and water
Glomerulotubular balance in the proximal tubule
Mechanism of Glomerulotubular balance
- based on starling forces in the peritubualr capillaries
- Fluid reabsorption is increased by increase in πc of the peritubilar capillary blood and
ECF volume contraction ____________ absorption
- increases peritubular capillary protein concentraion and πc and decreases peritubular capillary Pc.
ECF volume expansion ________ reabsorption
- decreases periubular capillary protein concentration and πc and increases Pc
TF/ ratios along the proximal tubule
- at the beginning of the proximal tubule, TF/P for freely filtered substance is 1
- Moving along the PCT, TF/P for sodium and osmolarity remain at 1 because sodium and total solute are reabsorbed proportionately with water
- Glucose, amino acids and HCO3 are reabsorbed proprotionately more than water, so their TF/P values below 1
- In the early PCT, Cl is reabsorbed proportionately less than water so its TF/P valueis greater than 1.0
- Inulin is not reabsorbed so its TF/P value increases steadily avove 1.0 as water is reabsorbed and inulin is left behind

Reabsorbs 25% if the filtered Na
contains Na-K-2Cl contransporter
site of action of the loop diuretics
impermeable towater
diluting segment
Thick asccending limb of the loop of henle
- has a lumen positive potential difference
- some K diffuses back in to the lumen, making the lumen electrically positive

togeter rabsorbs 8% of the filtered sodium
Distal and collecting duct
Reabsobs NaCl by Na-Cl conductance
site of action of thiazide diuretics
impermeabe to water
cortical diluting segment
Early distal tubule

2 cell types in the late distal tubule and collcting ducts
Principal cells
a-intercalated cells
Reabsorbs Na and water
Secretes K
Aldoseterone increases sodium reabsorption and increases Potassium secretion
Principal cells
________________increases water permeability by directing insertion of water channels in the luminal membrane potential
Antidiuetic hormone
- in the absence of ADH, the principal cells are virtually impermeable to water
Examples of K sparing diuretics
secretes H aby an H-ATPase, which is stimulated by aldosterone
Reabsorb Potassium by an H, K ATPase
a-intercalated cells
Most of the body’s K is locaed in the
Potassium is ______, _____, and _______ by the nephron
TF/PK in the Bowman space is ________
Filtration occrs freely across the glomerular capillaries
Reabsorbs 67% of te filtered K along with Na and water
Proximal tubule
Reabsorbs 20% of the filtered K
Reabsorption involves Na-K-2Cl transporter in the luminal membrane of cells
Thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle
Either reabsobr or secrete K
Depends on dietary K intake
Distal tubule and collecting duct
Causes of Shift of K out cells (hyperkalemia)
- Insulin deficiency
- B-adrenergic antagonist
- Acidosis
- Hyperosmolarity
- Inhibitors of Na-K pump (difitalis)
- Excercise
- Cell lysis
Causes of shift of K into the cells (hypokalemia)
- Insulin
- B-adrenergic agonists
- alkalosis
- Hyposmolarity
Reabsorption of K involves ___________ in the uminal membrane of the alpha intercalated cells
- occurs only on low K diet (potassium depletion)
Secretion of potassium occurs in the __________
Principal cells
- variable and accounts for the wide range of urinary K excretion.
- Depends on factors such as dietary K,aldosterone levels, acid-base status, and urine flow rate
Potassium handling of nephrons

Mechanis of distal K seretion
- At the basolateral membrane, K is acively transported into the cell by NA-K pump
- At the luminal side, K is passively secreted into the lumen through K channels. The agnitude of this passive secretion is determined by chemical and electrical driving forces on K across the luminal membrane

Changes in distal Potassium Secretion

Mechanism of aldosteron in K secretion
Involves inreased sodium entry into the cell across the luminal membrane and increased pumping of sodium out of the cells by the Na-K pump. Stimuation of the Na-K pump simulataneously increases K uptake into the principal cells, increaseing the intacellular K concentration andn driving force for K secretion
Hyperaldoseronism causes_____________
Acidosis ______K secretion
Urea is reabsorbed, secreed in the nephron by ___________
- either simple or facilitated
- 50% of the filtered urea is reabsorbed in the PCT
- Urea is secreted into the thin descending limb of LOH
Urea cannot pass through the ______, _______, and _________
distal tubule, cortical collecting ducts, and outer medullary collecting ducts
Stimulates a facilitated diffusion for urea (UT1) in the inner medullar collectin ducts
Urea excretion varies with ___________
Urine flow rate
- at high levels of water reabsoption, there is greater urea reabsorption
85% of filtered phosphate is reabsobred in the_____________ by ______
proximal tubule by sodium -phosphate co transport
Inhibits phosphate reabsorption in the PCT
- Activates adenylate cyclase, generating cyclic AM and inhibiting N-Phosphate co transport
- causes phosphaturia and increasesd urinary cAMP
60% of the plasma Ca is filtered acrosss ________________
glomerular capilalries
90% og the filtered calcium is reabsorb by passive processes that are coupled to sodium reabsorption in the ____________
Proximal tubule and thick ascending limb
cause increased urinary calcium excreton
Loop diuretics
PTH ____________ calcium reabsorption by activating adenylate ylace in the distal tubule
Thiazide diuretics ________ calcium reabsorption in the early distal tubule
- treatment of idiopathic hyercalciuria
Magnesium reabsorb in the ________,_________, and ___________
PCT, thick ascending limb, and distal tubule
in the _________________ magnesium and calcium compete for reabsorption
thick ascending limb
Response to water deprivation

Response to water intake

Gradient of osmolarity from the cortex (300 mOSm/L) to the papilla (1200 mOsm/L) and is composed primarily of NaCl and urea
Corticopapilalry gradient - high ADH
- established by countercurrent multiplication and urea recylcing
- maintained by countercurrent exchange in the vasa recta
Countercurrent multiplication in the loop of Henle
- depends on NacCl reabsorption in the thick ascending limb and countercurrent flow in the descending and ascending limbs of the loop of henle
- augmented by ADH
- stimulate NaCl reabsorption in the thick ascending limb.
Urea recycling
From the inner medullary collecting ducts into the medullary interstital fluid
Augment by ADH
______are the capillaries that supply the loop of Henle. They maintain the corticopapillary gradient by serving as osmotic exchanges
Vasa Recta
Mechanism for producing hyperosmotic urine

Production of concentrated urine
- Corticopapilalry osmoic gradient -high ADH
- Countercurrent multiplication in the loop og henle
- urea recycling
- vasa recta
- Proximal tubule -High ADH
- TF/Posm = 1
- Thick ascending limb - High ADH
- diluting segment
- Na-K-2Cl contransporter
- impermeable to H20
- TF/Posm <1
- Early DCT - high ADH
- cortical diluting sergmen
- impermeable to water
- late DCT - high ADH
- ADH increaes water permeability
- TF/P = 1
- Colleting ducts - high ADH
- ADH icnreases water permeability
- Tf/P >1
Production of dilute urine
- Corticopapillary osmotic gradient - no ADH
- smaller
- PCT -no ADH
- TF/P = 1
- Thick ascending limb LOH -no ADH
- TF/Posm <1
- Early distal tubule - no ADH
- TF/P, <1
- Late distal and collecting ducts - no ADH
- Impermeable to water
- TF/P <1

Use to estimate the abilty to concetrate or dilute urine
Free water clearance

urine that is isosmotic to plasma (isosthenuric)
CH2O is zero
- Loop diuretic
- inhibits NaCl reabsorption in the thick ascending limb, inhibiting both dilution in the thick ascending limb and production of the corticopapillary osmotic gradient
Summary of ADH pathophysiology

Urine that is hyposmotic to plasma (low ADH)
CH2O is positve
- high water intake
- central diabetes insipidus
- nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Urine that is hyperosmotic to plasma (High ADH)
CH20 is negative
- Produced in water deprivaton (ADHrelease from the pituitary is stimulated) or SIADH

Two types of acid produced in the body
Volatile and nonvolatile acids
Volatile acids
- CO2
- produced from aerobic metabolism of cells
catalyze the reversible reaction between CO2 and H2O
Carbonic anhydrase
Nonvolatile acids
Fixed acids
icnlude sulfuric acids
normally Produced at a rate if 40 to 60 mmoles/day
Prevent a change in pH when H ions are added to or removed from a solution
Buffers are most effective within _____pH unit of pK of the buffer
Major extracellular buffer
pK of CO2/HCO3 bufferpair is 6.1
minor extracellylar buffer
most important urinary buffer
pK of H2PO4/HPO4 buffer is 6.8
Major intracellular buffer
What is a better buffer, deoxyHgb or oxyhemoglobin?
Henderson-hasselbach equation

describes how the pH of a buffered solution changes as H+ ions are added to it or removed from it
Titration curves
A buffer is most effective in the __________ portion of the titration curve, where the addition or removal of H causes little change in pH
According to the Henderson-Hasselbach equation, when the pH of the solution is ________ to the pK, the concentrations of HA and A are equal
Reabsorption of filtered HCO3 occurs primarily in the __________
proximal tubule
Regulation of filtered load of HCO3
Increaes in the filtered load of HCO3 result in the increasse rates of HCO3 reabsorption However, if the plasma HCO3 concentration becomes very high, the filtered load will exceed the reabsorptive ccapacity and HCO3 will be excreted in the urine
Increases in PCO2 result in ___________ rates of HCO3 reabsorption
ECF volume expansion results in ____________HCO3 reabsorption
Stimulates Na-H exchange thus increases HCO3 reabsorption, contributing to the contraction alkalosis that occurs secondary to ECF volume contraction
Angiotensin II
Excretion of fixed H+
- Excretion of H as titatable acid (H2PO4)
- depends on the amount of urinary buffer present and the pK of the buffer
- minimum urinary pH is 4.4
- Excretion of H as NH4
- depends on the amount of NH3 synthesized by renal cells and the urine pH
- diffusing trapping
_______inhibits NH4 synthesis, which produces a decrease in H excretion as NH4 (type 4 RTA)
Summary of acid -base disorders

In chronic metabolic acidosism an adapative increase in__________synthesis aids in the excretion of excess H+
NH3 synthesis
Causes of Acid-Base Disorders

If metabolic alkalosis is accompanied by ECF volume contraction
the reabsortipn of HCO3 increases (secondary to ECF volume contraction and activationof the RAAS), worsening the metabolic alkalosis (contraction alkalosis)
Compensatory response to Acid-Base Disorders

Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase
Proximal tubule
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (Acetazolamide_
Increase HCO3 excretion
Inhibition of Na-K-2CL cotransport
thick ascending limb of the loop of henle
Loop diuretics (furosemide, ethacrynic acid, bumetanide)
- Increased NaCl excretion
- Increased K excretion (Increase DCT flow rate)
- Increased Ca excretion (treat hypercalcemia)
- Decreased ability to concentrate urine
- Decreased ability ro dilute urine (inhibitin of diluting segment)
Inhibition of Na-Cl co transport
Early distal tubule (cortical diluting segment)
Thiazide diuretics
- Increased NaCl excretion
- Increased K excretion
- Decrease Ca excretion (treatment for idiopathic hypercalciuria)
- Decreased ability to dilute urine
- No effect on the ability to concentrate urine
Inhibition of Na reabsorption. Inhibition of K secretion, Inhibition of H secretion
Late distal and collecting duct
K-sparing diuretics
- Ibcreased sodium excretion
- Decrease K excretion
- Decreased H excretion
Effects of hypoaldosteronism
Decreased sodium reabsorption (ECF volume contraction)
Decreased K secretion (volume contraction)
Decreased H+ secretion (metabolic acidosis)