Cardiovascular (REVIEW TEST) Flashcards
A 53 y/o woman is found, by arteriography to have 50% narrowing of her left renal artery what is the expected change in bloodflow through the stenotic artery
- decreased by 24
When a person moves from supine to standing position.
Increased contractility
At which site is sytolic BP the highest ?
renal artery
A persons ECG has no p wave but has normal QRS and a normal T wave. therefore his pacemaker is located in the
AV node
If the ejection fracion increases, there will be a decrease in
End systolic volume
An ECG shows ventricular extrasystoles
An extrasystolic beat would produce
Decreased pulse pressure because stroke volume is decreased
After an extrasystole, the enxt normal ventricular contraction produces
Increased oulse presssure because the contractility of the venricle is increased
An increae in contractility is demonstrated on a Frank starling diagram by
Increased cardiac output for a given end diastolic volume
On the graph left ventricular volume and pressure, isovilumentric conraction occurs

The aortic valve closes at point

point 3
The first heart sound corresponds to point

point 4
if the heart rate is 70 bpm, then the CO of this ventricle is closest to

5.25 L/min

In a capillary Pc is 30 mmHg, Pi is -2mmHg. and πc is 25 mmHg and πi is 2mmHg
What is the direction of fluid movement and the net driving force?
Filtration; 9 mmHg
(Pc-Pi) - (πc-πi)
30-(-2) -(25-2) mmHg
In a capillary Pc is 30 mmHg, Pi is -2mmHg. and πc is 25 mmHg and πi is 2mmHg
if Kf is 0.5 ml/min/mmHg, what is the rate of water flow across the capillary wall?
4.50 mL/min
Kf x net pressure
0.5 ml x 9
The tendency for blood flow to be turbulent is increased by
Partial occlusion of a blood vessel
A 66 y/o man who has had a sympathectomy, xperiences a greater than normal fall in arterial pressure upon standing up. The explaination for this is
A suppressed response of the baroreceptor mechanism
The ventricles are completely depolarized during which isoelectric portion of the ECG?
ST segment
In which of the ff situations is pulmonary blood flow greater than aortic blood flow?
Left to right ventricular shunt
The change indicated by the dashed lines on the cardiac output/venous return curves

Increased mean systemic pressure
A 30 y/o female patient’s ECG shows two P waves preceding each QRS complex. the interpretation for this is
Decreased conduction through AV node
An acute decrease in arterial blood pressure elicits which of the following compensatory changes
Decreased firing rate of the caortid sinus
The tendency for edema to occur will be increased by
Increased venous pressure
Inspiration splits the second heart sound because
the aortic valve closes before the pulmonic valve
During exercise, total peripheral resistance decreases because of the
Local metabolites on skeletal muscle
Curve A in the figure

Aortic pressure
Curve B in the figure

Ventricular volume
An increase in arteriolar resistance, without a change in any other component of the cardiovascular system will produce
an increase in arterial pressure
The following easurements were obtained
- CVP 10 mmHg
- HR: 70bpm
- Systemic arterial oxygen - 0.24 ml
- Mixed venous = 0.16
- Whole body Oxygen consumption : 500 ml/min
What is the cardiac output?
8.00 L/min

Which of the ff is the result of an inward sodium current
Upstroke of the action potential in Purkinje fibers
The dashed line in the figure illustrates the effect of

Increased contractility
The X axis in the figure could have been labeled

End diastolic volume
The greatest pressure decrease in the circulation occurs across the arterioles because
They have the greatest resistance
Pulse pressure is
Deermined by stroke volume
In the SA node, phase 4 depolarization is attribuable to
increase in sodium conductance
A healthy 35-year old man is runnin a marathon. During the run, there is an icnrease in his splanchinc vascular resistance, Which receptor is responsible for the increased resistance?
alpha 1 receptors
During which phase of the cardiac cycle is aortic pressure highest
Reduced ventricular ejection
Myocardial contractility is best correlated with the intracellular concentraion of
Which of the following is an effect of histamine
Vasodialtion of arterioles
Carbon dioxide regualtes blood flow to which one of the ff organs
Cardiac output of the right side of the heart is what percentatge of the ccardiac output of theleft side
The physiologic function of the relatively slow conduction through the av node is to allow sufficient time for
Filling of the ventricles
Blood flow to which organ is controlled primarily bythe sympathethic nervous system rather than local metabolites
Which of the followinh paramaters is decreased during moderate exercise?
total peripheral resistance
A 72 y/o woman who is being treated with propanolol, finds that she cannot maintain her previous excercise routine. her physician explains that the drug has redced her cardiac output. Blockade of which recceptor is responsible for the decrease in cardiac output?
B1 receptors
During which phase of the cardiac cyscle is ventricular volume lowest
isovolumetric ventricular relaxation
Which of the following changes will cause an increasein myocardial oxygen consumption?
Increase size of the heart
which of the following substance crosses capillary walls priarily through water fille clefts between endothelial cells
A 24 y/o woman presents to the emergency department with severe diarrhea. Whe she is supine, her BP is 90/60 and her HR is 100 bpm. when she is moved to a standing position, her HR increases to 120 bpm. which of the ff. accounts for the further increase in heart rate upon standing>
Decreased venous return
A 60 y/o businessman is evaluated by his physician, who determines that his BP is significanty elevated at 185/130 mmHg. Lab tests reveal an increase plasma renin activity, plasma aldosterone level, and left renal vein renin level. Hist right renal vein renin level is decreased. What is the most likely cause?
Left renal artery stenosis
During which phase of ventricular action potentil is the membrane potential closest to the K equilibrium potential?

phase 4
During which phase of the venricular action potential is the conductance to calcium highest?
Phhase 2
Which phase of the ventricular action potential coincides with diastole?
Phase 4
Propanolol hhas which of the ff effects?
Decreases heart rate
Which receptor mediates slowing of the heart?
Muscarinic receptor
Which of the ff agents or changes has negative inotropic effect on the heart?
The low resistance pathways between myocardial cells that allow for the spread of action potentials are the?
gap junctions
- Which agent is released or secreted after a hemorrhage and causes an incease in renal Na reabsorption
During which phase of the cardiac cycle does the mitral valve open
Isovlumetric relaxation
A hospitalied oatient has an ejectionfraction of 0.4, a heart rate of 95 bpm and a cardiac output of 3.5 L/min. What is the aptients EDV?
92 ml