Renaissance vocab Flashcards
A great flowering of culture, based on classical Greek and Roman ideas and art, that began in Italy in the Late Middle Ages and spread throughout Europe
A philosophy that tries to balance religious faith with an emphasis on individual dignity and an interest in nature and human society
The belief in the importance of the individual as opposed to the larger community
The view that religion need not be the center of human affairs; relating to earthly life rather than to religious or spiritual matters
Everyday spoken language
The buying and selling of goods; business
City State
An independent state consisting of a city and its surrounding territory
Someone who gives money or other support to a person or group
Try to present something the way it is in reality
Linear Perspective
Mathematical system for representing three-dimensional space on a flat surface
Renaissance Man
A person who is interested and talented in many things
Regarded as being produced by
When a painter makes the edges of objects in the background softer, giving a smokey illusion
A painting made on fresh plaster
The Scientific Revolution
A series of events that marked the emergence of modern science during the early modern period, when developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology and chemistry transformed the views of society about nature
Geocentric Theory
Theory that states that the Earth is at the center of the universe and the sun, moon, and stars revolve around the Earth
Heliocentric Theory
The theory that places the sun at the center of the universe
Scientific Method
A way of using observation, experiments, and careful reasoning to gain new knowledge
Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
Through observation and experimentation, Newton concluded that a body remains either at rest or in motion in a straight line unless it is affected by some outside force
A poem of fourteen lines with a fixed rhyming pattern