Reformation Flashcards
Who was Johannes Gutenberg?
Invented printing press
Who was Martin Luther?
German monk that posted the 95 theses
What were the 95 theses?
Things he belived differently than the catholic church. (indulgences, simony, etc)
What was the Diet of Worms?
Public hearing to get Martin Luther to take back what he had said against the Catholic church
What are indulgences?
Paying money in order to pardon your sins.
Who was John Calvin?
Protestant leader that argued for the idea of predestination.
What is predestination
The idea that God has already chosen who is granted salvation.
What Christian branch is predestination associated with?
Who is william tydnale
Translated Bible from Greek to english.
What impact did William tydnale have on the reformation?
Improved literacy rates along with the printing press
What were the impacts of the printing press?
The Catholic church was upset because they could no longer control the religious texts people had in their possession. Printing press made it easier for protestants to spread their ideas. Improved literacy rates, made books cheaper, and improved efficiency
What were the significance of writing and printing books using vernacular language?
Allowed for people to interpret the Bible for themselves because more people could afford them
What was the Index of forbidden books?
A list of books that the Church created that contained books that were banned to Christians. An attempt to stop the spread of reformation.
Which countries are predominantly Catholic?
France, Spain, Southern Germany, Italy
What countries are predominantly protestant?
England, Northern Germany, most of North Europe
What are the Jesuits?
People focused on education as a way to combat the protestant reformation
Who founded Jesuits?
Ignatious of Loyola
What was the council of trent?
A council that met over 20 times to restore faith in the Catholic Church and stop the protestant reformation
Who was King Henry VIII?
King of england from 1509-47. Had 6 wives
Was King Henry VIII´s relationship with the catholic church good?
No. He wanted an annulment from Catherine, but the church wouldnt allow it, so he broke away and formed a protestant church.
What is nepotism?
Favoring a friend/family member for a job in which they are unqualified
Who was Catherine of Aragon?
Princess of spain, daughter of KF&QI. Became queen after marrying husbands brother.
What are the 3 branches of the protestant church?
Lutheran, Calvinist, Anglican
What are the 2 main branches of the catholic church before the protestant reformation
Roman Catholic & Eastern orthodox