Renaissance Sections 3-4 Flashcards
Protestant Reformation
Religious reforms that divided the church
Martin Luther
A person who began the P. Reform
Christian humanism
A movement wanting the reform of the church
Desiderius Erasmus
A Christian humanist who wrote the Praise of Folly
The praise of folly
A book by Erasmus criticizing society humorously
Julius 2
A pope who led armies against his enemies
An acceptance into Heaven
A release from a punishment for a sin
Modern devotion
A devotion downplaying dogma to follow Jesus’ teachings
A place in Germany with a University Luther taught about the bible
A belief that a persons faith in God and good works would get them into heaven
95 theses
Luther’s problems with the Church
Pope Leo X
The pope at the time of Luther
Edict of Worms
A document excommunicating Luther
Luther’s doctrine, the 1st Protestant faitj
Charles V
The HRE at the time of the rise in Lutheranism
One of the Low Countries
One of the Low Countries
Francis I
The king of France, rivaled Charles V
Peace of Augsburg
A document allowing Germans to chose Lutheranism or Christianity
Ulrich Zwingli
A priest in Zürich, Switzerland
A place in Switzerland
John Calvin
A man who fled France to avoid persecution for being Protestant, wrote Institutes of Christian Religion
The belief that God predetermined a persons place in Heaven/Hell
A place with a church government using clergy and laity
Henry 8
An English king who broke from Christianity
Catherine of Aragon
Henry’s first wife, divorced
To declare something void
Thomas Cranmer
The Archbishop of Canterbury who declared Henry’s 1st marriage invalid
Elizabeth 1
Anne Boleyn’s daughter who became queen
Act of Supremacy of 1534
An act declaring the king the head of the Church of England
Thomas more
A Christian humanist who opposed Henry 8, was beheaded
Edward VI
The king after Henry 8, from his 3rd wife
Mary 1
The next queen after Edward, tried/failed to make England more catholic
People who didn’t give power to the state, and saw everyone as equal, and wanted to separate church and state
Catholic reformation
When the Catholic Church began a revitalization after the P. Reformation
Ignatius of Loyola
A Spanish nobleman who formed the Jesuits
Pope Paul III
The pope who recognized Jesuits as a religious order, led the Catholic reform
Council of Trent
A pillar of the Catholic Reformation that made decrees strengthening the church