religion post-1685 Flashcards
what three issues with the pope did Louis face?
- Innocent was not impressed with Louis’ revocation of the Edict of Nantes
- there were issues over French diplomatic asylum
- the Cologne election
why was innocent not impressed with Louis’ revocation of the edict of nantes?
- he resented Louis for the regale extension and the four gallican articles
- he would rather Louis have focused his efforts on helping to fight the Turks and defend Christendom
- he condemned anti-protestant violence and forcible conversions
what issue was there over French diplomatic asylum?
- Leopold removed French embassy immunity from inspection by Vatican officials pursuing criminals
- Louis resorted to military power to assert diplomatic right by dispatching several hundred men and the Marquis de Lavardin to fortify France’s embassy in Rome
- the Pope publicly excommunicated Lavardin and secretly excommunicated Louis and his ministers
- Louis responded by unleashing anti-papal propoganda accusing the Pope of Francophobia and persuading Leopold to attack France
what papal issue was there over Cologne?
- Louis’ confrontational approach that had worked on Alexander VII had backfired
- Louis’ argument with the Pope over the Cologne bishopric saw Louis’ candidate ousted
- Louis’ decision to invade the papal state of Avignon in retaliation worsened the situation
- his actions horrified European opinion and hardened international resolve to check French aggression
when did Louis attempt a reconciliation with the papacy?
after the death of Innocent XI in 1689
what actions did Louis take to restore his papal relations?
- he restored Avignon
- he withdrew the Gallican articles and made a compromise with the regale
- but he averted total ultramontanism and kept some of his Gallican supporters by still allowing the Gallican articles to be taught and read keeping part of his disputed regale income
what three papal bulls were issued and how did Louis respond to them?
- Louis accepted Pope Clement XI’s condemnation of the Jansenists in his 1703 ‘cum nuper’
- the parlement President de Harlay (supported by Pontchartrain) resisted Louis’ lettres des cahets ordering acceptance of papal condemnation of the theologians
- Louis accepted Clement’s bull in 1693 which required all bishops to condemn respectful silence and affirmed papal infallibility over faith and doctrine
- this papal bull really angered Gallicans as it condemned 101 Jansenist propositions and encouraged papal infalliility
- Louis attempted to force through all the bulls
how did Louis’ relationship with the papacy affect his relationship with Gallicans and the Jansenists?
in order to fight Jansenism he had to side with the pope with pitted him against Gallicans
when Louis tried to force through the papal bulls who opposed him?
- 15 bishops
- paris archbishop noailles
- a paris parlement remonstrance
- nearly half the Sorbonne’s theologians
- chancellor pontchartrain who resigned after he was asked to discipline the bishop of Metz
overview of Louis’ relationship with the papacy?
he took a pretty anti-papal stance to start in the aftermath of Innocent XI but after this pretty heavily backfired he reconciled with the papacy also so he could pursue his anti-jansenist agenda but that meant he fell out with the gallicans.
in what five ways did the papacy condemn Jansenism?
- 1690 Alexander VIII condemned 31 Jansenist propositions
- 1693 Innocent XII published Vineam Domini which required all bishops to condemn respectful silence
- 1694 Innocent XII condemned five Jansenist propositions thereby invalidating the peace of the church
- 1703 Clement XI condemned Jansenists in Cum Nuper
- 1713 Clement XI’s Unigenitus condemned 101 Jansenist propositions
why was Louis particularly driven to destroy Jansenism after 1685?
- Port Royal seemed in the perfect position to attack as it was weakened by the death of some of its long term defenders
- 75% of its original nuns had died and the rest were past their 50s
- their increasingly outspoken nature also drove Louis to eliminate them such as Arnauld’s ‘phantom of Jansenism’
- Pierre Quesnel published paper that emphasised Jansenism was not bound to obey any pope, bishop or king
- this showed Jansenism to be an enemy of the state and a republican threat causing Louis to invite papal condemnation to destroy it
what steps did Louis take to attack Jansenism directly?
- he appointed a new abbess under his control
- the nuns refused to accept her
- as a result Louis sent 300 archers and 3 police officers to arrest and disperse the nuns, destroy buildings and exhume 3000 corpses in 1709
what was the effect of Louis’ direct methods to deal with Jansenism?
- his campaign was successful but his actions were seen as immoral
- emotive writings defended port royal
- the chopping of corpses limbs and heads to fit into travel containers showed Jesuit immorality
- by managing the Jansenist situation Louis lost the support of his Gallican
- Louis failed to completely contain Jansenism and by his death he had only reinvigorated the movement
what happened with the quietists?
- in 1687 Madame Guyon wrote a Quietist book
- her influence grew when Maintenon hired her to encourage a more spiritual focus at Saint Cyr
- Maintenon’s confessors persuaded her to condemn Guyon and she was dismissed, then put in a convent, then exiled and her books were burnt
what is quietism?
- it emphasises an individuals ability to communicate with God, total surrender to the will of God and the rejection of the self and other worldly impulses
- this undermines many elements of catholicism such as sermons, sacraments and ceremony
Fenelon and Quietism?
- although Maintenon had been exiled she had successfully won over the dauphin’s tutor Fenelon
- he defended her books
- Louis, Maintenon and Bossuet combined against him and he was banished to Cambrai and forced to condemn his own books
- he later became a stern critic of Louis’ and condemned his treatment of the poor
what is an overview of Jansenism post-1685?
1690: Alexander VIII condemns 31 Jansenist propositions
1693: ‘Vineam Domini’ published by Innocent XII required all bishops to condemn respectful silence from the PotC
1694: Innocent XII condemns al five propositions and thereby invalidated the PotC
- Port Royal was weakened by the death of some of its long term members, 75% of original nuns had died and the rest were in their 50s
1703: ‘Cum Nuper’ by Clement XI opposed by Parlement President de Harlay and Pontchartrain who resisted Louis’ lettres des cachets ordering acceptance of the condemnation
1709: Quesnel published papers saying Jansenism was not by any pope, bishop or king so Louis invites papal condemnation and sends in a new abbess, when the nuns refuse to accept her he sent 300 archers and some polices officers to arrest and disperse them, destroy buildings and exhume 3000 corpses (actions as seen as immoral e.g. cutting up limbs to fit in travel containers)
1713: Unigenitus by Clement XI that condemned all 101 Jansenist propositions
what are all popes under Louis?
Alexander VII: 1655-1667
Clement IX: 1667-1669
Clement X: 1669-1676
Innocent XI: 1676-1689
Alexander VIII: 1689-1691
Innocent XII: 1691-1700
Clement XI: 1700+