1.6 Personal Control pre-1685 Flashcards
who was Hugues de Lionne?
- directed Louis’ foreign policy
- the most intelligent of his ministers
what features are at Versailles that show control over the natural environment?
- flower beds were changed daily
- 300 sculptures
- 1,400 fountains
- the grand canal is 1,500m long
- the lake reflects the sky to show Louis’ union between heaven and earth
- it was supplied with Seine river water that was pumped from 3 miles away
- the natural ground was swampy and marshy
who was Le Tellier?
- appointed for state of war in 1643, survived through the Frondes
- had lost of experience
how did Fouquet fall?
- he was the youngest surintendant de finances ever in 1653
- Fouquet had immense power that brought back memories of the Fronde for Louis and challenged his power
- built Vaux-le-Vicomte in 1641 that is massive
- in 1658 he bought belle-ile-en-mer and fortified it
- he made advances on one of Louis’ mistresses, de la Valliere in 1661
- he began to outshine Louis
- when Mazarin died it was expected he would become the next first minister
- Colbert revealed irregularities in Fouquet’s account and called out his embezzlement
- he was arrested in 1661 after his fete at Vaux
- his trial lasted 3 years before he was condemned to banishment, Louis commuted the sentence to life imprisonment and he was taken to the fortress of Pignerol where he died
who was Colbert?
- he was in charge of Mazarin’s personal finances before taking over from Fouquet
- he was controller general, superintendant of buildings and commerce, secretary of state for the marine and royal household
- died in 1683
why was it significant that Louis selected nobles of the robe to be his ministers?
- they owed their rise to power and their position to the crown
- they were more reliable than members of his family who might have ambitions of their own and didn’t owe their positions to him
- all the ministers families rivalled each other which made them more competitive
in terms of parlement and intendant control, how did Louis curtail the power of the parlement?
- reduced the capital value of offices and parlement’s capacity to discuss edicts
- he made royal decrees superior to those of parlement
- he used the general apathy of parlement to his changes to remove their right to remonstrance in 1673
- office values were 5x those of 1638, the paulette was extended and there were opportunities to get money elsewhere
- this meant officiers saw no threat to their position
how did Louis fail to exercise power and control over regional parlement?
- magistrates resisted royal edicts
- Colbert failed to standardise legal procedures
- Louis had good control over his court but achieving widespread control was hard
why was it hard to control intendants?
- there was a lack of country-wide infrastructure that limited communication
- this led to corruption: there were only 33 intendants in 1673 and Bearn didn’t have one at all until 1682
- intendants were overworked and underpayed which meant power was delegated to deputies who were underqualified and ignored royal edicts
how did Versailles exercise control over the nobility?
- The chateau acted as a vast stage for the nobility to see practically all his waking life
- Six successive parties of over one hundred people observed the petit levee which was his morning wake up
- Some of the highest rank got to see Louis leave his bed and less favoured courtiers watched him complete dressing and put on his wig
- Procession followed Louis go through the hall of mirrors to take mass, while he worshipped God courtiers would worship him
- It tamed the nobility by reducing powerful individuals to a dependency upon courting Louis’ favour by attending to his every need
how did plays increase Louis’ gloire
- the playwright Pierre Corneille compared Louis to Caesar and said he only had to appear and his enemies would collapse
- Moliere compared him to Apollo and Neptune
how did fetes increase Louis’ gloire?
- the 1664 fete ‘pleasures of the enchanted island’ had fireworks, equestrian parades, opera, comedy, theatre and ballet
how did writing increase Louis’ gloire?
- in 1671 there was a prize competition for the best public writing or speech praising the king
- the famous poet chapelain wrote sonnets of Louis’ invasion of Flanders
- the Gazette de France reported and praised all of Louis’ actions
how did science increase Louis’ gloire?
- there was an exact map of France made for intendants
- Cassini was an Italian astronomer who received a 9000 livre pension to live in France. He discovered Jupiter’s great red spot, Saturn’s satellites and the first accurate measurement from the earth to the sun
what shows Louis’ love of the arts?
- he was arguably the most triumphant patron of the arts in modern europe
- he personally selected all his musicians, sculptures and pictures
- he practiced dancing everyday till 60
- he loved jewels and fashion and even had the Mona Lisa in Versailles
how did propoganda increase Louis’ gloire?
- a committee was set up called the petite academy tha created medals and tapestries
what was the Grand Carousel
- 1662
- great display of horsemanship and pageantry
- took place in the Tuileries palace to honour the birth of the dauphin
- there were over 15000 spectators
what was Colbert’s role in the patronage of the arts?
- established the academy of opera, music, dance, architecture and the gobelins
- he met the academies every Tuesday and Friday and proofread all documents
when did the court move into Versailles?