Religion, Peace, And conflict Flashcards
war definition
fighting between nations
peace definition
the absence of conflict which leads to happiness and harmony
justice definition
bringing about what is right and fair according to the law and making up for a wrong doing that has been committed
Forgiveness definition
Showing grace and mercy and pardoning someone for what they’ve done wrong
Reconciliation definition
restoring friendly relations after disagreement or conflict
Protest definition
An expression of disapproval of something, often in a public group
civil disobedience definition
The active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government
Riot definition
An unplanned protest that descends into violence
Relative poverty definition
relates to what a particular society considers to be poor
Absolute poverty definition
When someone does not have access to basic human needs such as water, clothing, education and shelter
Wealth definition
amount of money and possessions someone has
Terrorism definition
unlawful violence against innocent civilians to create fear or achieve a political goal
Violence definition
Using actions that threaten and harm others
What are the three required reasons for war to know
Greed definition as a reason for war
for territory, to take back or gain new land, selfish desire for something
Self defence as a reason for war
acting to prevent harm to yourself or others
Retaliation as a reason for war
Deliberately harming someone as a response to them harming you
Pacifist definition
when you’re against any kind of violence
Just war theory definition
A war which meets internationally accepted criteria for fairness; follows traditional Christian rules for a just war but is now accepted by all
List the 7 criteria for a Just war
Just cause,
started by a proper authority,
good intention,
last resort,
reasonable chance of success,
civilian death should be avoided,
only as much force as necessary
What are some just causes of war from the just war theory
assassination of a prominent person,
attack on neighbour/ ally,
assisting in an invasion of a friendly nation,
human right violation,
to punish aggression (but this one is debatable, some don’t accept it)
Holy War definition
Fighting for a religious cause or God, probably controlled by a religious leader.
Some criteria for Holy war
For God or defending religion
Faith of Islam must be under threat
Or right to worship denied
NOT to convert people to Islam
NOT for financial or economic gain
NOT for taking over other countries
Although holy war is called holy war, it is not truly a _______ idea, but rather applied to ______
Muslims / Islam religion
What is some conduct during Holy war
Muhammad instructed that some men should remain in villages to protect women and children
Soldiers expected to stay on battlefield until war won, if they run away it is against God because they are making it more difficult for their brothers and comrades to be victorious
Any Muslim who dies in Holy war in defence of Islam is promised what?
Is promised a place in paradise
Activism definition
The use of vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change
Crisis definition
A time of intense difficulty or danger
Refugee definition
a person who has been forced to leave their country to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster
Deterrent definition
A thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something
Nuclear proliferation definition
When countries increase the amount of nuclear weapons that they have
Nuclear disarmament definition
encouraging people to destroy weapons for a peaceful future
Sanctity of life definition
The religious principle that all life is special because it is made by God
Pacifism definition
Belief that all violence is morally wrong. Will not participate in war, regardless of reason
Peacemaker definition
People who work to establish peace in the world or a certain part of it
Peace-making definition
The action of trying to establish peace
Multilateral Disarmament definition
where all countries give up their WMD at the same time
Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) definition
Weapons that can kill large numbers of people and cause great damage
What are the three types of WMD
Nuclear weapons, chemical weapons and biological weapons
Nuclear weapons definition
Weapons that cause damage to vast areas and death to many people
Chemical weapons definition
Weapons that use chemical poison, burn, or paralyse humans and destroy the natural environment
Biological weapons definition
Weapons with living organisms or infective material that can lead to disease and death