ISLAM - Muslim Practices - 5 Pillars and 10 obligatory acts -FIRST TOPIC HALF Flashcards
Name the 5 pillars in order
Shahada, Salat, Zakat, Sawm, Hajj
Name the 10 obligatory acts in order
Salah,Sawm, Zakat, Khums, Hajj, Jihad, Amr-bil Maruf, Nahi Anil Munkar, Tawallah, Tabarra
What is the Shahada definition
The Shahada is the Muslim declaration of faith. It expresses the basic beliefs of Islam.
What is the Sunni Shahada
It is the 1st pillar. ‘There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger’
Shi’a Shahada, and what does it show.
It is NOT in the 10 obligatory acts.’There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger Ali is the friend of God’. This is to show their belief that Ali, Muhammad’s cousin and son in law, as a true successor of Muhammad. It distinguishes them from the Sunni Shahada.
When can the Shahada be said/recited.
Recited many times during a Muslims life. First word whispered into a baby’s ear, last thing they try to say if possible, said in prayer, said in ceremonies like weddings or funeral. Recited with converts.
What is the significance of Shahada?
Expresss the core beliefs of Islam. It is considered to provide the foundation for the other four pillars, which tell a Muslim how to live according to beliefs expressed in Shahada. As a result. Foundation building block.
What is the first obligatory act?
2nd act
3rd act
4th act
5th act
7th act
Amr-bil Maruf
8th Act?
Nahi Anil Munkar
9thth act
10th act
what does the 4th act (Khums ) mean?
20 percent tax (half goes to charity and half to religious leaders)
what does the 7th act (Amr-bil Munakr) mean
encouraging people to do what is good
what is the 6th act
what does this 6th act mean
The struggle to maintain the faith and defend Islam.
what does the 7th act (Nahi Anil Munkar) mean
Discouraging people from doing what is wrong
what is the term of the definition of ‘not associating with the enemies of God’ and what act is it
Tabarra, the 10th obligatory act
Tawallah defintiion
9th act and it means showing love for God and people who follow Him.
Salah (longer definition)
Prayer with and in worship of God, performed under conditions set by the prophet Muhammad.
How often and when do Sunni Muslims pray
5 times a day. Just before sunrise. Just after midday. Afternoon. Just after sunset. Night.
How often do Shi’a Muslims pray and why.
3 times because they combine the miday and afternoon prayers and the sunset and night prayers.
What is another difference, besides the amount they pray, between Salah in Sunni and Shi’a Muslims.
Shi’a Muslims believe in using only natural elements when prostrating themselves, so they place a clay table at the spot where their forehead will rest . Whereas Sunni place their head onto the floor/prayer mat during salah.
Quote 1 =Woe to me… the son of Adam was commanded to prostrate and he prostrated, so Paradise will be his; I was commanded to prostrate and I refused, so Hell is mine’
Quote 2 = ‘so woe to those who pray but are heedless of their prayer.’ (heedless means those who don’t use their hearts)
What is Wudu and tell me about it some info.
DEFINITIONN = A RITUAL OF WASHING BEFORE PRAYER. It is the preparation for prayer, meaning ablution (washing). It is important that Muslims are spiritually clean before they pray and this is done by wudu. quote ‘you who believe , when you are abt to pray, wash your faces and hands up to elbows.’ if water is not available g in desert, a dry form of washing eg sand is allowed. This reiterates the fact that wudu is more about spiritual cleanliness rather than physical.
What is the direction of prayer.
Mecca ( Makkah)
What indicates the direction of prayer
The mihrab. This is a small ninche in the qiblah wall, which is the wall facing Mecca. Muslims use this to face the right direction when they pray. Muslims also use a special compass to indicate the direction they pray.
why is wudu important
helps fully focus on God/ shows good Muslim, following Qura’an, etc
why is praying in same direction. important
means that all Muslims are focusing on one place associated with God.
Prayer at home
allowed to pray at home, must perform wudu before but don’t need a special room in the house. They will use a prayer mat still positioned at Mecca.
What is the Jummah prayer?
A special prayer held on midday friday. Men are expected to attend mosque , imam says special sermon too but Muslims are otherwise allowed to pray at home if they ant to aka women.
Wat is Rak’ah?
A set of sequences of actons and recitations. Prayers are made up of a number of Rak’ahs ed 2 Rak’ahs etc.