Religion and Life Flashcards
All of time and space and its contents
big bang theory what is it
leading scientific explanation on how the universe began. 13.8 billion years ago, all matter was compressed to a small collection of mass. An expansion occurred and the universe cooled and the universe we know of today formed.
what is natural selection
the idea that organisms have adaptations that make them better able to live in their environment.
Survival of the fittest?
Only the better members of species are more likely to survive. They pass on their better genes.
the change in the characteristics of species over several generations which relies on the process of natural selection.
a change in DNA.
dna affects how one looks, behaves etc
struggle definition
concept of the struggle for existence concerns the competition or battle for resources to live
what are the two evidences for evolution
darwin’s finches and peppered moths
Christian account of creation by days
Day 1 = God made light and dark calling them ‘day’ and ‘night’
Day 2 = God separated sky and water
Day 3 = God created vegetation, land and plants
Day 4 = God created the sun, moon, stars and seasons
Day 5 = God created animals
Day 6 = God created humans (Adam then Eve)
Day 7 = God rested
what does ex nihilo mean
out of nothing
not the day creation, but describe the other Christian account of creation…?
God first of all created a man by taking soil from the ground and breathing life into him….then God created animals but none were suitable for Adam so then God put Adam into a deep sleep and took one of the man’s ribs and formed a woman out of it.
what does compatibilism mean
when religion and science (two things) can work together and support each other and correlate.
awe meaning
a feeling of devout respect, fixed with fear or wonder
wonder meaning
marvelling at the complexity and beauty of the universe
stewardship definition
duty to look after the world, and life
dominion definition
idea that humans have the right to control all of creation
The Bible seems to be anthropocentric…what does this mean?
that humans have far more importance than any other part of creation
Scientific research is empirical…what does this means?
based on observations and experiments
Muslims see creation as the work of Allah and humans are stewards to the world, looking after it shows respect to Allah. What is the Islamic / Arabic term for steward
Euthanasia definition
the intention to end the life of someone who is in pain or has a poor quality of life due to a serious illness
voluntary euthanasia
when a person asks a doctor to end their life
non voluntary euthanasia
when a person is too ill to request but a doctor will end their life
involuntary euthanasia
When a person is able to provide consent but does not, but their life is ended anyway
what are the three types of euthanasia
voluntary, non voluntary, involuntary
what are the two forms of euthanasia
active and passive
active euthanasia
when active steps are taken to end someone’s life
eg a lethal injection
passive euthanasia
when doctors stop providing treatment
eg turning off a life line
in the uk, all forms of euthanasia are…
what is the law for abortion in the UK (EXCLUDING) Northern Ireland
The law states that life states that life starts at conception but the Abortion Act bans abortion after 24 weeks……. if abortion is after ‘when life begins’, it can be seen as murder. At any stage from conception the foetus is a life/
Abortion is illegal, but there are exceptions. Abortions can be carried out only in a registered place before 24 weeks if two registered doctors agree that at least one of the following is true :
there is a danger to the woman’s mental and / or physical health
the foetus will be born with physical and / or mental disabilities
the mental and . or physical health of existing children will be put at risk
Breaking the law caries great penalties for all those involved
Euthanasia definition
the intention to end the life of someone who is in pain or has a poor quality of life due to a serious illness
voluntary euthanasia
when a person asks a doctor to end their life
non voluntary euthanasia
when a person is too ill to request but a doctor will end their life
involuntary euthanasia
When a person is able to provide consent but does not, but their life is ended anyway
what are the three types of euthanasia
voluntary, non voluntary, involuntary
what are the two forms of euthanasia
active and passive
active euthanasia
when active steps are taken to end someone’s life
eg a lethal injection
passive euthanasia
when doctors intentionally stop providing treatment
eg turning off a life line
in the uk, all forms of euthanasia are…
what is the law for abortion in the UK (EXCLUDING) Northern Ireland
The law states that Life starts at conception but the UK Abortion Act bans abortion after 24 weeks……. if abortion is after ‘when life begins’, it can be seen as murder. At any stage from conception the foetus is a life/
Abortion is illegal, but there are exceptions. Abortions can be carried out only in a registered place before 24 weeks if two registered doctors agree that at least one of the following is true :
there is a danger to the woman’s mental and / or physical health
the foetus will be born with physical and / or mental disabilities
the mental and . or physical health of existing children will be put at risk
Breaking the law caries great penalties for all those involved
pollution definition
the presence / introduction of something that is toxic to the environment
deforestation definition
the destruction and clearing of trees, forest and land
global warming definition
the heating up of the world’s atmosphere, causing climate change
climate change definition
the idea that the Earth’s temperature is increasing and causing extreme weather
eg flooding and storms
example of a Christian who went experienced afterlife and back
Saint Faustyna
Barzakh definition
Arabic term meaning obstacle, seperation, hindrance or barrier.
it is the state of waiting until the Day of Judgement. (after death)
Jannah definition
heaven ; a state of eternal happiness in the presence of God and eternal peace
Jahannam definition
hell ; eternal separation from God
Everlasting life after death
What do Christians believe about life after death
in the physical resurrection of the body.
What do Muslims believe about life after death
in resurrection…at death, the body waits in the grave. if a person has been good, this wait is smooth and quick but if a person has been bad this is a tedious and long wait. On jdgement day, people are sorted according to their beliefs and actions. The wicked are cast into hell and the truly good go straight to paradise. All others cross As-Sirat bridge, carrying the books of their deeds. The bridhe is sharp so they are purified from sin before going to paradise
what is the term used to describe that humans have more importance than any other part of creation in Bible
what is the term used to suggest that all scientific research is only based on observations and experiments
evidences for big bang
red shift, CMBR (cosmic microwave radiation)
what does red shift suggest and evaluate a negative of it
suggests that the universe is expanding away therefore it must have started from a singular point.
evaluation - raises question of what caused this to happen
also no concrete evidence solely based on ideas - emperical
what does CMBR suggest and evaluate it
suggests that there is an old light and this light must have originated from the big bang
weak argument because it is only a guess, this light could be anything and also raises the question of what caused this light to be happen
explain darwin’s finches
Finches on different islands were slightly different to each other since they adapted characteristics to suit their different environments.
This is evidence for evolution
explain peppered moths
in the industrial revolution, as pollution increased, darler pepered moths camoflaged well against blackeend birch trees and were able to survive whereas before pale moths were able to camoflauge and survive.
This is evidence for survival of the fittest
what is variation
the differences amongst members of the same species
what are some objections or responses to natural selection / evolution
does not explain how life arose
only theory
cannot be recreated
how science and Genesis may correlate
yom mistranslated from period of time
basic order eg humans last
how science and Genesis do not correlate
God made man in His image but evolution proves this is not possible since man derived from ape
God made the world in 6 days
William paley ………. analogy is also known as the …….. argument which suggests what
that there must be an intelligent designer of the world
sanctity of life
life is important, holy and sacred to God
quality of life
being able to experience life and communicate with others, being fulfilled and content in yourself