Religion , human rights and social justice Flashcards
Social justice
Ensuring that society treats people fairly , whether they are poor or wealthy and protects people’s humans rights .
Human rights
The basic rights and freedoms to which all human beings should be entitled.
What is UDHR and what does it say , men
United Declaration of Human Righs act says that eveyrone should be entitied to regardless of their nationalty , language , gender or status . Human beings should have the minimum rights to enjoy , freedom , justice and peace .
“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights . They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spriit of brotherhood.”
what does UDHR seek to protect ?
right to frree elections , liberty , securtiy , education .
What does the UDHR say isn’t allowed ?
torture , slavery and forced labour .
Christian views about soicial justice ?
-Bible teaches God just , “All his ways are just
-Prophet amos said to people of Israel that God not pleased with the oppression of the poor , ‘let justice roll on like a river , rightenousssness like an everfalling stream’
Paul quote about social justice .
Paul said that everyone had responsibility to obey law “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities , for there is no authority escept that which God has established.”
Jesus views on social justice
“Love thy neighbour “
-parbales like parable of the sheep and goats and good samaeitan , those who hel hungry sick …
Jesus also says Christians have duty to promote soical justice “a faith without deeds is useless”
Modern Britiana mosrt denominations have projecgts in the community to help underprivileged.
How do Buddhists approach social justice
Buddhist’s try to improve their understanding of suffering to help them accept life’s disappointemnt .
Buddhists key terms to use for social justice :
Metta - show Kidness to other poeple
Karuna - compassion - show compassion to those who need it .
Middle way is the best - accepting imperfection while doing one can to make a better world .
Who first usedd the term Engaged Buddhism ?
-vietnamese Zen Buddhists teacher Thich Nhat Hann in the 1990s
What is the aim of engaged Buddhism ?
-To tackle social issues , including injustice , through the application of Buddhist teachings .
Examples of social justice projects buddhists might get involved with ?
-Teaching mindfulness meditation in prisons , helping those who live with chronic pain and illness .
What was the major project in india ?
-Saravodya movement , a great deal of social work , helping India’s poorest people to escape poverty .
What is the karuna trust ?
-A british buddhits charity .
Why is engaged Buddhism less common now ?
-Enagged Buddhism is less common now because the message of engaged buddhism has bee so successfully communicated that many people now assume that being a buddhist automatically means you care about social justice .
What is equality ?
The state o being equal especiallhy in sttus , rights and opportunities
Christian views on equality ?
-Christains believe that people re precious and special ;
Genesis “created in gods image “
-Although , peope are born into different circumstances , they are all ewully vaaluble to God “For God does not show favouritisim” Romans .
-Paul to letter Galatians says “No jew nor gentile , nor salve , you are all one in Jesus Christ.”
Meaning of prejudice
Unfarily jdging someoen before the facts are known
Meaning of discrimination ?
Actoins or behaviour that result from prejudice .
“Love your neighbour” treat everyone with equal value ..
Christianity gender prejudice
Pauls lette to Corinthinas show discrimination to women “Women should remain silent in churhces , they are not allowed to speak , for its disgracefl for a woman to speak int the church .”
-Catholic and Orthodox , women cannot become priests , but they argue that mena nd women are euqual but have different roles .
Jesus chose only 12 men disciples despite also having women .
Argument against gender prejudice Christianity .
-AT THE TIME , women had domestic role in soicety , it would have been against the culutre for Jesus to pick a women as his disciple , today times have changed so dosent apply now .
Meaning of heterosexual ?
-To be sexually attarcted to members of the opposite sex .
Meaning of homosexual ?
To be attarcted to memebrs of the same sex .
Christain views on sexuality ?
-Adam and eve in Genesis were told “Be fruitful and incfrese number” You cannot do that in a homosexual relationship .
-“That is why a man leaves his mther and father and unites with his wife and become one flesh”
God sas HETEROSEUXUAL is natural but hmosexual not .
-God desroeyd Sodom and Gommorrah ebcause of homosexual activitY - it is SINFUL .