Religion Crime and Punishment Flashcards
What is a crime ?
A crime is n offense which is punishable by law , e.g stealing for murder .
What is a punishment ?
Something legally done to somebody as a result of being found guilty for breaking the law .
What are buddhist views on the law ?
Buddhists believe that it is to correct to follow the law , but even more to cultivate skilful actions an dabadon unskilful ones . There ma e circumstances where buddhists feel complled to disobey the law that they consider unjust but prbbaly not in a violent way - .
Buddhist teavhing about views on law explained ;
The principal of karmaa teaches what is most important is the intention that dirves acction . it is difficult sometimes to differentiaite if in action is unskilful or skilful - teh five moral precpets can help identify ifi ti seither .
Buddhist views on punishment ;
Punishment goes against buddhist ethics as it involves causing sufferng , they believe punishmengt has a degree of vengeance which is a form of hatred , that goes against the three poions . However they do belive that a person who acts in an unskilful way will recieve in consequences s- the priciple of kamma reaches that unskilful actions can lead to suffering both now and future lives . (quall skilful - good life also in futur .)
Relationship between law and police
Police catch people suspected of breaking the law .
Difference between magistrate court and crown court
Magistrate court deal with less serrious crimes crown court more serious (judge , jury )
True or alse - coporral punishemtn and capial punishment are allowed in the uk
in what countries are capital punishetn permtied , the examples
china , usa , saudi arabia
difference between criminal law and civil law
Criminal law seeks to punish for an offence. Civil law seeks to achieve a remedy such as compensation for the injured party. … Civil law cases are filed by private parties, while criminal cases are usually filed by the state. The decision of the court in a criminal case is guilty or not guilty.
What do christians belive by evil
The oppostion of good ; a force or the personification of a negative power that is seen in many rraditions as destrucitve and agaisnt god .
Example of christian scriputre warning us about having thoughts that are evil and wrong
“You have herd it was said to the poeple long ago , you dhsll not murder and none who murders will be subject to judgement “Mathwer 5:21
action that is not illegal but is wrong (christians say )
Christins attitudes to crimes
Believe crimes involving violenve agaisnt people are sinful and agaisnt god , they believe evil can be linked with the devil , who is considred the sourvce of evil .
Chrisitans attiuted to crhimes
they belive adam and eve;s disobedience caused sin , so all humans have tendency of doing evil even if they arent veil themselves. However , ifg od created poeple to do good , they are unlikely to do anything unspekable unless there was a specific reason like psychological ilnnes , if thid s case they will recieve treatment while beign ounished .
Why could pverty be a reason for crime
If you are in poverty , you cannot afford basic essentials to survive so this can lead people to steal food and other essential as they do not have the money to buy. People born into poverty have less opportunity to succeed legitimately (i.e. through legal work) and start off in life further from the goals constructed by society. The avenues for legitimate success are narrower: so the temptation to choose illegitimate paths to success (crime) is greater.
what buddhists thing about poverty being a reason for crime ,
Eventhough poverty is one of the underlying problems of crime , they belive stealing is likely to cause harm to others , nd it breaks the second moral precept to abstain from taking what is not freely given .
Why would upbringing be a reason for crime
If a childl has trouble upbrining , for example violence or additicon this could effect them neagtiely and they might turn to crime themsleves . Once started it is difficult to stop even if they know what their doing is right .
How woud mental illness cause crime ?
Series health problems can lead to violent behaviour, however i belive that tereatment such as theraphy or medication can bring control and thos epopele are no more violent than the rest of us .Kleptomania causes people to steal - they will receive treatment +sentenced differently .
Addiction - example meaning of being addicted
Addiction to drugs means that soemone becomes dependent and cannot cope without drugs . Addicts know what they are doing is badd but cant help it , spending money to acquire more durgs , they may commit crimes to fuel their addiction . Example alchol - loose control commit acts of violence
buddhist attiudes for addiciton
It breaks the fith moral precept tht buddhist should abstain from taking drugs (alchol too ) as people under the influence of drugs lose thier awareness and less sensitve than others so more likel yto commit crimes . Could break the fourth moral precept of using harmful speech as ur mind is clouded .
How would greed cause crime
If the matrial gained by comimiting a crime are much greater than any possible punishemt , then poeple may be tempted to break the law . Especially in placs where wealth and possesions is seen as a sign of staus .
Buddhist attiuted towards greed
Greed is one of the three poions - acting out of greed is unsilful and leads to suffering .
How would hate cause crime
Hatred is angeaive feeling or reaction that can lead to prejudice , and violence agaisnt whoever or whatever the offender hates .
Buddhist attitued to hatred
According to buddhism , hatred is one of the three posions and one of the main causes of sufffering . Buddhist believe it is importnant not to feel hatred ords others even when provoked .
Opposition to an unjust law - cause crime ?
Lots of people have broken lawas that they belived to be unjust - rosa parks - sitting at the front of the bus and not givig it up for a white person. .If you be;ive a lwa is unjust n breaking a law bring change . it is acceptable .
Chrisitan attiduesd to poverty
Chrsitians condemn stealing - ten commandement , thou shall nopt stelal , they re keen to make surenobody is so poor that they use poverty as an excuse fo rstelaing .
Christian attidued to addiction
Most cchrsitians , alochol is not forbiddent, but fro catholics drunknesss is a sin and encourgae excessive drinking . dp not be not deceived: Evil companionships corrupt good morals - corintihians :33
Christian atitued to greed
Ten commandemtns , Christians are tuaght not to covet - meanig they should be jaulous of somebody esle .
Envy is also one of the seven deadl sins .
Hate christians atttitudes.
golden role in christanty “love our enemies”
explain why a person suffering for mental illness cannot stand in a trial ?
people with mental health problems may be found unfit to stand trial, or not guilty due to their mental impairment.
wht drug causes more crime than any other in the uk
What do buddhists mean by skilful and unskilful actions ?
skilful - genrosity kindness
unskilful - selfishnss , hatred and ignorance .
What is hate crime ?
Crimes often includign violence , that are usually targeted at a person ecause of their race , religion , sexuality , disability or gender .
Buddhist attiuted to hate crime
Hatred is one of the three poisons , there is no justification for acting on the basis of hatred or intolerance . , they believe that cuasing harm to someone will make happier is wrong . It causes suffering for both tohers and themselves instead . Buddha says that hate crime can lead to unskilful speech which could lead to breaking the fourth moral precept - harmful speech . “Ehoeer is not hostile among the hostile and is at rest among the violent , him i call a holy man “ The Buddha Dhammapadvers406
What can theft do to someone
theft can cuse great upet to the person whose property is stolen , but the crime is more bout the propety not the victimm , Greed and poverty are two main causes of theft .
Buddhist attitudes to theft
theft breaks the second moral prcept , batsain from taking what has not been freely given , it strengthens the abit of greed which is oen of the three poions and weakens the tendency of geneorosity , Theft just expresses delusions of being happier , they will suffer so (prinicple of karma ) in their afterlife .