Religion and Life Flashcards
What is the universe
All of time and space and it’s contents like planets , starts particles , matter and energy .
What do Christians believe about the universe ?
That it didn’t just make itself , but that it was designed and made by god .
What does ‘ex-nihilo’ mean and what is its significance ?
Out of nothing ,.
God created everything out of nothing showing his OMNIPOTENCE .
reitterates the philosphical dictum ‘nothign comes from nothing .’
What does Genesis 1:1-2:3 show ?
It gives us the accounts in the bible of how God creeated the universe . In the story , God ceared the heaves and the earth in six days and then rested on the seventh .
What did God do on day 1 ?
God said ‘Let there be light’ called the light ‘day’ and darkness ‘night’ .
What did God do on day 2 ?
God made the sky .
What did God do on day 3 ?
God formed the seas and the land , covering the land with vegetation and plants .
What did God do on day 4 ?
God created the lifr in the sky , the sun , the moon , and stars .
What did God do on day 5 ?
God made fish and other animals in the seas , and bird in the air .
What did God do on day 6 ?
God finished byc reating all of the animals on land , an d by making humans . He made humans in his own image .
What did God do on day 7 ?
God rested on the seventh dday and made it holy , He was very pleased with his creation because it was good .
What is the importance of the creation story to humans ?
The creation sotry is important as ‘Imargo Dei’ we were created in Gods image , so we have power on Earth .
Who are Fundamnetalists ?
Are christains who believe that the statements in the bible are literally true and belive there are certain basic beliefs that are essential to th christian faith .
Who are liberals ?
Christians who believe that the bible sauhtors were guided by God , but that noet eerything they wrote is a literal account of what actully happened
Whta do fundamentalists believe about the creation story ?
That God made everything in six days .
However others do say that ‘day’ could be interpretted as a longer perio dof time .
What do liberalists believe about the creation stor ?
They account the creation story as more like parables or symbolic accounts , where the main message is that God brought into being the universe and all that is in it .
These christians can also look at SCIENCE ot help them understand how God id this .
How old is the universe ?
13.8 Billion years old .
It was a small hto dense something that expanded over next 13.8 billion years .
What is the Big Bang Theory ?
A scientific expanation on how the universe began .
How do we know about the Big Bang theory ?
From mathematicl theoirs and models .
LInk between BIg Bang theory and Christianiry .
If your are a fundamnetlaists then you cannot believe in the big bang theory .
-but lieraksuts can believein egensis one and the bigbang theory as the Big Bnag could have been God’s way of creating the universe .
Buddhist views on the Bigg BAang
-Buddhism dosen’t explicitly support nor deny the Big Bang Theory .
Buddhism does not teach that universe has any origin - becuase it does not believe in a God or creator .
They belive in the cyle of samsara repetaing cyle of life death and rebirth . So eventhoguht they accpet theory .
-dosent mean there was nothing befoe the big bang theory . Like the universe is also in cycle of samsara so might hve been number of universes .
What is the story of the posioned arrow and its signicance .
-Once a man was hti by posioned arow , and would only live if it was removed , howeverb before that he wanted to know who shot it , but becasue he waited for an answer and it wasn’t removed he died
-Showing that the orign of the universe is irrelevant , you shoulld foucs on escaping suffering and reaching enlightenment .
A teaching to show God created a beautiful world .
“When I consider your havens , the work of your fingers , the moon and the stars , which you have set in place , what is manking that you are mindful of them , humans beings that you care for them .”
Another teaching to show God created a beautiful world .
“For since the creation of the wolrd , God’s invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen , being understood from what has been mad e, so that people are without excuse .”
Meaning of wonder ?
Marvelling at the complexity and beuty of the universe .
Meaning of awe ?
A feeling devout respect , mixed with fear of wonder .
Meaning of stewardship ?
The idea that belivers have a duty to look after the environemnt on behalf of God .
Meaning of dominion ?
Dominance or power over something ; having charge of something or ruling over it .
Stewardship for christians
Christians believe that God has given humans the privilege of living on planet Earth , but with the responsibility to portect and care for the Earth . Adam and Eve were the first stewards . W are caretakeers of the eworld
The difference between stewardship and dominion ?
Stweardship is when you can do what you want ebcause you are inc harge of it .
In egenesis 1 God said humans ‘rule over the fish and sea’.
gowever in stweardship pis when you cannotdo what you like , you entrusted to look after the environemtn by god and not damage it . And in return we are able to use it for our survivival.
Why do buddhists say we should look after the world ?
-Along with the fact the world , provides us with basic necessities to survive like food , shelter and clothing .
As it is the wolrd we are most likely to devleop wisdom , comapssion and to achieve ENLIGHTENMENT , and free oursleves from suffering , So we should show karuna .
Another reason buddhists say we should look after the world .
Buddhists say that to be born a human in this world , is exremly fortunate . Ad follows many other lives and conscious forms (samsara cyle ) , so it shows how priviledged we are as wel and therefore look ater the world .
Idea of Stweardship in Buddhism ?
Stweardship isn’t a buddhist term as it does not involve beleif ina creator God , so nobody owns the Earth .
Burt buddhists accept that humans need tot ake responsibility for protecting the environement and cring for all living beings . Especially as people also have the resopnsiiltiy to develop more wisdom and karuna to move towards enlightenment .
Ways we are abusing our environment ?
-Deforestation -reducing animal popualiton .
-Using non-renewable resources - releases Co2 and contributes to glabal warming .
-Ocverculitvation -eating meat-needs lots of space .
-Plastic .pollution
Ways to combat abuse to our environemnt ?
-Selective deforestation instead cuttitng down all trees .
-Using renewbale resources-solar.
-more plant based diet .
-Reusing plastic bags or using paper bags .
buddhist views of awe and wonder
They syaing being appreciative of our surroudnigns and nature , can bring people deep enjoyment of the beuaty of mysterious ordianry life , as well a shelping poeple to be calm and less shaken in life’s difficluties .
meaning of responsibility ?
A duty to care for , or having control over something or someone.
Earths growing popualtion menas natural resources used up quickly and rhese reosurces are non renwable .
One buddhist reason fro protecting the environment .
1.he concept of dependent arising teaches that everything depends on other things . W live ina c omplex network of people , aniamls and plants , all whom depend in carious ways on a healthy planet to survive .
Second buddhist reason fro protecting the environment .
The second noble turth is that suffering is caused by grreed . The buddha encouraged people to practise contentment , having jsut as much as they need for a simple but dignified life , taking too much from the environment goes against this teaching .
Third buddhist reason fro protecting the environment .
The first of the five mroal precepts is to avoid causign harm to any other living being . This means looking after the Earth so that ohter people and living things , and those who come after us have a planet worth lviign on .
Fourth buddhist reason fro protecting the environment .
Making efforts to care for others is part of the Buddhist path of training that leads to people gradually towards enlightenment . Thsi includes caring for the Earth and everythign that depends on it .
Abuse of reources
-*The geenesis creation story repeats everal times ‘and God aw it was good’ , this indicated that creation doe not exi just for what humans can get out of it .
-But it has its own unique value in gods calue .
Abue of resource (2)
-As the worlds population i increasing , demand ofr natural resources is getting greater .
-do we ned to sustaianble devlelopandd use renewable reource , to preserve thing for future generation ..
What is the significance of Assii and Ohitio meetings .
-Leaders fromdfive different world religion were bruoght togther in 198t6 , by the world wildflife fund , to dicuss how thir fatihs should helop take care for the environment .
-At these meein Christains said that being in charge of creaion doe not give the right for people to abue reourc , a we are only @the tenant of God’s world’
What is pollution ?
Making something dirty or contaminated .
all the differnet types of pollution
Air pollution -mainlly cuased byf umes from factorie and vhicle .
-Land pollution -caused by ineffective dispoal of waste , chemicals can ahrm wildiflie .
-Water pollution dumping waste inot the sea , affecting marine life .
How did Pope Francis challenge the world to help reduce pollution ?
-Pope Francis wrote a letter called ‘On the ccare of our Common Home’ to reduce polltion .
-He covers how our home i now more looking like an immense pile of filth , and how we hsould recycle and use renewable energy .
Christians view on pollution ?
psalm - ‘The Earth i the Lord’s and everything in it ‘
-Chrstians believe that the world i on loan to humans .
-Polluting the world is not showing good stewardship a God’s creation is is being abused .
-Pollution harms people so its not @loving thy neighbour ‘ or considering gwneaitons .
so Christians should protect the world from pollutoin
Buddhist porect on the use and abuse of the environment .
-On the west coast os scotalnd , its where buddhists hold retreats and courses about taking care of the naturally environment which is very important to the buddhists tht work there .
What is misscarriage ?
The natural lremoval of a foetus from the womb to end a preganncy beofre the child is born .
What is an aborition ?
The deliberate removal of a fouetus fromt he womb to end a pregnancy , usually beofre the foetus is 2 weeks old .
-before 1967 abortion was illgeal in the UK ,
-Ot is Now allowed up to the 24 week of pregancy in a licensed clincic if two doctors agree that one of the following conditons applies .
First condition for abortion
-The womans life is in danger if the pregnancy continues .
Second condition for abortion
-There is a risk to the womens physical and metnal health .
Third condition for abortion
-There is a significant risk that hte baby will be born with severe physical or mental disability .
Fourth condition for abortion
An additional child may affect the physical or mental health of existing children in the family .
Christian views on abortion ?
Christians beliee in the sanctity of life , and that humans are made in the image of God .
-Life is sacred and precious , God hs given each person a purpose in life .
‘Before I formed you in the womb , I kne wyou , before you were born , I set you apart .’
Catholic views on abortion
-The catholic church and many evanhelical Christians believe life starts at conception .
-So abortion is wrong and hsould not happen , escep tif the mother life is in danger .
Other christian denominations views on abortion
Other denominations oppose abortion , but believe it is acceptable in some circustances , for example if the pregnancy was a result of rape or disabled child .
#-The Church of England says that sometimes it is the lesser of two evils and kidnes thting to do , the QUALITY OF LIFE of the baby looks as though it will be poor .
One argument for pro choice ?
-They argue that the womens life comes first .
-She carries the baby , goesthrough childbirth and looks after the child ,and should have the right to choose whether to continue the pregnancy .
-Her lfie is affected and if there is a danger she might be harmed physically or mentally , then the abortion should be allowed .
Another argument for prochoice ?
-Prochoice life groups belive that human life dose not relly start until birth , or until the earliest viability . (time in which the foetus cn survive outsde the womb )
-SO the mothers life is more vluable , they believe it is cruel to bring a severely physcially or mentally disabled child to th world .
Pro life arguments ?
-Argue that life beings at conception becuase all the DNA is present create a unqiue individual , so abortion is a form of murder . exodus
-Pro life believe even disavled people canan ejoy a good quality of lfiw nd that unwated children can be adopted by those who can’t have children of their own.
–They remind poeple the depression and guilt of those who have an abortiion .
Buddhist views on abortion ?
The first moral precept teaches that Buddhists should void killing as it causes suffering to tohrs ..
-Some thing life beings moment of conception
-Others think its constant flow from lfie to life .
-But most see it as killign and therfore unskilful
*-Buddha tuaght unskilful behaviour does not lead to enlightenment .
Buddhist views on abortion ?
-However , the five moral precepts are consdiered to be guidelines , rather than rules , so can be flexible with it depedning on the sitution .
-However , some mahy say it dpeends on the ituation , it may be best thing to do if child like beorn w disability , or if mother cant provide the child witha good quality life .
–Need to choose the lesser of two evils .
Should Christians eat meat ?
-‘Everythign that lives and movs about will be food for you .@ Genesis .
-According to Romans christian shave the hcoice to eat meat .
‘The one who ets meat (everything) ,, must not treat with contep the one who does not ,e at meat , dont judge them as God has accepted them . ‘
-Christians belive than animals were created byGod to use and care for .
Why poeple are agaisnt animal abuse ?
-Those who deicde to be vegearians or vegans usually do so becuase theya re against killing animals , so they believe they should not be harmed .
-Others think evegetables are healthier
-DIslike the taste of meat
-Relgion - halal meat
-Much more environmentally friendly.
One reason why buddhists are against animal abuse ?
-The first moral preceot teaches that Buddhists should not kill or harm any living beings including animals .
Second reason why buddhists are against animal abuse ?
-The eightfold path teaches that Buddhists should not make a living fromw ork thagt harm others including animals .
Third reason why buddhists are against animal abuse ?
-Treating animals cruelly is unskilfull and will lead to suffering .
-Treating animals with kindness aand compassion is skilful and will lead to happiness , and even a favourable rebirth .
Fourth reason why buddhists are against animal abuse ?
-Many Buddhists believe they could be reborn as animals . This means that any animal may have bee a buddhiss in a past life .
Fifth reason Reason why buddhists are agaisnt animal abuse ?
-that lives of humans and animals are so closely related and interwoven that it makes no sense to treat animal cruelly .
-As this could have a negaitve effect on soicety as a whole .
Eating meat in Theravada Buddhism
Not to be picky about the food you are offered although vegetarian is preferred .
-Meat is fine to eat as long as it was not killed by the nun/mok
Eating meat in Mahayana Buddhism ?
negative effects says the Buddha .
-Eating meat does not show compassion (an essential quality to reach enlightenment )
-It spreads the atompshere of fear among livign beings .
‘All tremble at violence , al fear death ,c omparing others with osnelef , one should not kill or cause to kill’
What would a Buddhist that eats meat argue ?
-The buddha would have been clearer about his views on eating meat if he thught that vegetarianism was important for achieveing enlightenment .
-A persons diet is not a spiritual factor in enlightenment .
-A person who eats meat is not directly resposible for the animals death (unless they killed themselves ,which most buddhists would refuse to do .)
What is Euthanasia ?
The painless killing of a person who is suffering from :
-An incurable or painful disease
-Or an irreversible coma .
It lliterally means Good death . For soemone who livig apoor quality of life .
What is active euthanaisa ?
-When a person directly and deliberately causes the patients death .
Wh\at is passive euthanaisa ?
-In passive euthanasia , death is brought about by an ommision - by withdrawing or witholding treatment in order to let the person die .
What is assisted suicidie ?
-When a person who wants a die needs help to kill themsel ves ,asks for it and receives it .
What is PAS ?
-Physician assisted suicide .
What is voluntary euthanaisa ?
-This is where euthanaisia is carried out at the request of the person who dies .
What is non-voluntary euthanasia ?
-When a person is unabe to ask for euthanaisa (when they are unconscious or or unable to communicate ,.
-Or to make it amore meaningful choice between living and dying , than appropriate person makes the decision on their behalf , perhaps in accordance witht heir lviign will , or previously expressed wishes .
Palliative care
-Medical , emotional or psychological or spiritual care , given to a peson who is terminally ill and is aimed at reducing suffering rather than caring .
Non religous reasons for Eunthanaisa ? (1)
-Don’t want to put your family , person who is ill , in pain for any longer .
-Not worth it - they aren’t geting better - medical resources used on something else .
Non religous reasons for Eunthanaisa ? (2)
-Principal of utility - greatest happiness for the greates number of people ; happiness to family too .
-Free will - so surely can
-Costly to look after person
Non religous reasons against euthanaisa? (1)
-Potentially murder - doctors becom ‘demi Gods’ who can decide who lives and who dosen’t they have too much power in the end .
-Lasting effect on family
-Non voluntary euthanaisa is against free will .
Non religious reasons against euthanaia (2)
-At this level this means those who are disabled / are worthless as they can ust end thier life , becuase of wha tthey have so have the right ?
-Will it lead ro moew people using euthanaisa freely ?
Christain reasons for euthanaisa ?
-God has gievn free will .
-drugs that are ised tp emd sufering of peoples life are God-given , should be used if it is the msot loing thing to do .
-Quakers emphazise ‘agape’ if suffering is unavoidable , some Christins say this can bring people nearer to God , help them understnd the suffering of esus .
Christian reasons agaisnt euthanasia ?
-Chrstians were created in ‘Imargo dei ‘ - so that means life is sacred .
-It is agaisnt the sancitify of life , -only God has the right to take awy life .
-Thou shall not kill
beatitudes ‘blessed are he merciful .
-God has laid down a purpose in our human nautre and part of that purple is to live .
Christian reasons agaisnt euthanaisaia (2) ?
-How do we know it is the most ‘loving’ thing to do ? , where do we draw the line ?
-salvation army ; euthanasia and assited suicide shoudl not , however be considered acceptable - SUffering actuallyr elates to Jesus and so this gets you into heaven .
Buddhism for euthanaisa (1) ?
-Buddha emphasisies personal choice and responsibility .
-Karuna Compassionate to help someone die to end their suering .
Buddhism for euthanaisia (2)?
-If a person is helped to die quickly , and peacefully , this could be beneficial for their future consciousness .
-Dalai Lama –> said its best to avoid euthanaisa expecrt in expetional circumstance s- shoudlld be consdiered case byc ase. UPAYA KKUSALA - breakking the first moral precent , but iwth good intentions .
Buddhism against euthanaisa (1)
-Creates more karma as if you force ended your previous life , that means the peroson being reborn will suffer as a conseqeunce .
-Agsint euthanaisa because it reaks the first moral precept .
Buddhism against euthanaisa (2)
-Others may agrue that it is out of compassion . That ending aa person’s life may reliever their suffering in the short trm , but lead o more suffering in the future .
-f euthanaisa is chosen for the wrong resons (sufferign negatiely influencing thier state of mind ) —> better to use medication and apporach a natural death .
Buddhism against euthanaisa (2)
-Others may agrue that it is out of compassion . That ending aa person’s life may reliever their suffering in the short trm , but lead o more suffering in the future .
-f euthanaisa is chosen for the wrong resons (sufferign negatiely influencing thier state of mind ) —> better to use medication and apporach a natural death .
WhAT DOES GENESIS 1 say about the origins of human lfie
-God created male and femla ehumans on the final day of creaton ‘in IMARGO DEI ‘
What does Gensis 2 say about the origins of human lfie ?
-Say that Adam was formed by God fromt he soil and hebreathed life into him .
-While Adam was sleeping took on eof hisribs and formed Eve , firs owman .
What did Charles Darwin say ?
-He said hat as the Earth cooled , condtions became right for the beginning of life .
-Single celled creatures appeared in the sea , which over a long period of time , evolved into toher species (land , sea or air .)
-Individuals from the same species cna be fifferent because of Gense inherited from ancestors .
-Ceratin genes increased survivals , these genes were passed onto offspring pa.
What do fundamentalist Christians say about the origins of human lfie ?
-They say it was exactlya s recorded in Gensis , with God creating each species separatel ,
-While some can accept that adaptation can occur with a species ,t hey do not believe there i senough evidecne to prove that creatures evolve .
What does a liberal Chrisian say about the origins of lfie ?
They belive that God was the creator , But also accept the theory of evoloution .
-Science explains hwo hummnas cma eabout whereas the bible explains why .
Buddhism views on the origins of life .
-Although buddhist scriptures do have creaiton stories , they regard thema s not to be taken ltierally .
-This is becasue Buddhism does not have a creator God , instead , they accept the current scientific thinking bout how the EARTH AND life came into existence .
Buddhism views on the origins of life .
-Although buddhist scriptures do have creation stories , they regard thema s not to be taken ltierally . Earth does not have a beginnig or end , we don;t know wht cme before it but conditons came rigthf or humans to come into being . Earth is a proces of change
-This is becasue Buddhism does not have a creator God , instead , they accept the current scientific thinking bout how the EARTH AND life came into existence .
-The Buddha said anything can come into existence whena ll the necessary conditions are favourable .
Buddhism with the sanctitiy of lfie .
-Although Buddhism does not see things to have been created by a God , it certainly touches the importance of acting with kindness , compassion (karuna) and wisisdom towards all living things .
-However ESPECIALLY towards sentient beings as humans are the more selfawre , able to reflect on their choies unlike other animal , so can develop perfect widom compasion for enlgithenment LIKE THE BUDDHA .
The quality of lfie
- good quality of lfie has nothing to do with being rich and having whatveer yyou want .
It is about living with awareness of oneself and others in the world .
-Buddhists also beliee that well-being comes rom acceppting the fact suffering is a normal part of lfie and from dones best to live by the values of the five moral precepts .
The quality of lfie
- good quality of lfie has nothing to do with being rich and having whatveer yyou want .
It is about living with awareness of oneself and others in the world .
-Buddhists also beliee that well-being comes rom acceppting the fact suffering is a normal part of lfie and from dones best to live by the values of the five moral precepts .
The quality of lfie
- good quality of lfie has nothing to do with being rich and having whatveer yyou want .
It is about living with awareness of oneself and others in the world .
-Buddhists also beliee that well-being comes rom acceppting the fact suffering is a normal part of lfie and from dones best to live by the values of the five moral precepts .
The quality of lfie
- good quality of lfie has nothing to do with being rich and having whatveer yyou want .
It is about living with awareness of oneself and others in the world .
-Buddhists also beliee that well-being comes rom acceppting the fact suffering is a normal part of lfie and from dones best to live by the values of the five moral precepts .
The quality of lfie
- good quality of lfie has nothing to do with being rich and having whatveer yyou want .
It is about living with awareness of oneself and others in the world .
-Buddhists also beliee that well-being comes rom acceppting the fact suffering is a normal part of lfie and from dones best to live by the values of the five moral precepts .
The quality of lfie
- good quality of lfie has nothing to do with being rich and having whatveer yyou want .
It is about living with awareness of oneself and others in the world .
-Buddhists also beliee that well-being comes rom acceppting the fact suffering is a normal part of lfie and from dones best to live by the values of the five moral precepts .
What do Christians believe about the afterlife ? (1)
-Death is not the end - there is an afterlife .
-The example of Jesus’ resrrection gives Chritsians evidence that there is anafterlif e.
-God judges a person their actions in this lfie .
What do Christains belive about the afterlife (2)
-Good peopele will spend eternity in heaven .
-Bad people will spend etenrity in hell (although many Christaisn questionwhethre a loving God would od this .)
-Cathoolic Christians belive in purgatory , where souls may go to be purified so they may enter heaven .
What do Christians believe about the afterlife (3)
-Some Christians believe that udgement happens immediately when a eprson dies a person goes stright ot hevan or hell.
-Some Chrisitians belive that there will be a DAY OF JUDGMENT when Jesus returns .
-Some chritians belive that people will have a physical body in heaven (odily ressureection ) - apostles creed ‘I bliee in the resurrection of the body .
-Some Christian blive that is your sould (ont your body ) that livs on for eternity .
What do Christians believe heaven is like ?
-An indescriably wonderful place , and is where God resied .
-Revelation :2-6 described JOhn’s vision of he throne where eveyrone is worhsip go .
-Reelation 21 says tht God will WIPE EVEEY TER FROM THEIR EYES , nomore deth , no more mourning , or crying in pain.’
What do Christian believe HELL is like ?
-hell was originally designed for satan and his demons .
-‘Depar from me , you who are cursed’
-Place of punishemnt for unrighteou , apntly there will be weeping gnashing of teeth .
-literalist fireery pit 4-Liberalists is not not being able to be in the prescence of God .
What do Christians believe about eternal life in heaven ?
-Christianity teaches that seeking an eternity in heaven is more important than gaining any other ambition .
-‘What good is it for somoene to gain the whole world , yet forfeit thir soul’
-God is holy , teh rlationship with im is broekn by sin ,
Buddhism celebrating human life ?
-Just like anyone else , Buddhism experience grief and loss at the death of people they love and admire .
-Howveer it is also equally important that they celebrate the qualitieis and achievenment of the perosn who has died and express gratitiude for their lfie .
Buddhist teachings baout death
-Most buddhists teach that death is not a final moment , but a porces of transiiotn in which consciousness is pased on fromt he physcial body over a perio do of hrs an days .
Buddhist teaching about rebirth ?
-Most Buddhist tradiotnd teach that for those who are not yet perfect in wisdom and compassion , there are many more lives to come in ehich make the porcess of enlgithenment .
-depend partly on the skilful or unskilful habits cultivated thourh this lifetime and previous ones .
-What happens is skilful behaviour is said to help build karmic energy , this karmic enegry is said to lead to a good fortune in furure lives .
Buddhist teachings about rebirth (2) ?
-Many Buddhists believe that what happens after they die depnds strongly on their stateof midn when they die .
-Particularly n tibetan Buddhism , it is beleived that as consciousness leaved the body , ther eis na opportunity to choos the freedom of enlgithenment isntead of another human life .
Enlightenment ?
-Buddha lived many lives before becoming the Buddha .
-Life after lif he became more fearless , geenrous and mor consious .
-When he became nelgihtened he BROKE the amsar cycle , He was no longer reborn into another physcil body atfer he died .
-No one knows what actulaly happens after englihtenment .