Christian Practices Flashcards
What is worship ?
Worship is acts of religious praise , honour and devotion .
–Wprship is the way in which Christians show their deep love , reverence and respect for God . It is connected with the wod ‘worth’ and means to recognisie someone’s importance and value ..
How might Chrstians worship
-Alone or with others , in church or at people’s homes , anywhere approprit .
-May involve biblereadings , prayer , singing hymns
-festivals , religious art
-You can worship anytime but Christian’s weekly public worship tkes place on Sunday , the day of Jesus; resurrction .
Why do Christians worship ?
-Worship allows Christians to praise and thank God for his blessings , to ask fo forgiveness of sin or to seke God;s help for themselves or others who maybe suffering .
-Worship helps deepen a Christian’s relationship with God and gives him or her comfort and strength to live a more truly Christian lfie .
What is liturgial worship ?
-A church service that follows a set strucutre or ritual .
Liturgical worship explained ?
-A priest leads a congregration , in formal pyers that have st responses .
-Bible passafes area read out , often during the service the congeraiton ochoir ing hyms or priest too .
-EXAMPLES of liturgicla worship is the celebrationo f eucharist for Catholic , orthodox or Anglican churches .
What is non-liturgical worship ?
-A servicce that does not follow a set text or ritual .
Non-liturgical worship explained
-There is not a set order or ritual .
-EXAMPLES - methodist or baptis churches .
-Servic is usually focused on bible readings and a sermon based on the readings .
Informal worship
-A type of non-liturgical worhsip ,s ometimes ‘charismatic’ or spontneous in nature
Informal worship explained
Wuakers worhsip mainl silently , feel gods spirit coming inot thei thorughts by prayers .
-charismatic - dancng clapping calling out ad spekaing in tongues . THESE WORSHIPPERS FEEL IT EASIER TO EXPERIENCE GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT IN INFORMAL WORSHIP
Characteristic of liturgical worship - WHY THEY ARE IMPORTANT FOR CHRISTIANS . (1)
-the people receive forgiveness from God , through the ctions of the priest .
-THe people receive the living presence of Jesus in Holy Communion .-Bible reading folow christian calendar ,a nd teach faith and history across old and new testament and pauls letters.
Characteristic of liturgical worship - WHY THEY ARE IMPORTANT FOR CHRISTIANS . (2)
-There is a worldwide set order of service that is familiar to all , even visitors .
-The ritual has been passed down through generations , giving a sense of tradition .
Characteristic of non -liturgical worship - WHY THEY ARE IMPORTANT FOR CHRISTIANS . (1)
-The style of worship follows that of some early Christians who met to hear about Jesus in the joy of the spirit after Pentecost .
-Faith is expressed in a variety of way s. Holycommunion maybe celebrated different .
-Christians can share personal interpeatations of the bible - LIBERAL .
Characteristic of liturgical worship - WHY THEY ARE IMPORTANT FOR CHRISTIANS . (2)
-People can take an active part in church ,by praing loud , or speaking without formal training .
-THe sevice may have an emotional impct , with a feeeling of personal revelaiton from God .
Pravate worship
-When a believer praises or honours God , on his or her own .
-may involve studying , editation on a bible passafe using iadso f worship liek a rosary .
EXAM ; explain two contrasting examples of christian worship (4 marks)
-One example of Christian worship would be liturgical worship . liturgicial worship follows a stric pattern . An example of this owuld be reading out passages from the gospel (with set responses )
–A contrasting example of Christain worship ould be non liturgical worship . Which is worship which does not follow a strict pattern . AN example of this owuld be dancing clapping , orpraying aloud or speakign without any formal traingng , normally done spontaneously.
What is prayer
prayer is communicating with God in silecne or aloud , with ors alone .
-Using set pryers or informal prayer .
what is set prayer
-prayers that hvae been written down and said more thn oce by more thn one person - the rod prayer
what is informal prayer
prayer that is made up by an indicidual using his or her own owrds
-find it easier to express way of feeling this way . SOME , OPEN THEIR HRWATS TO GOD EASILY MORE . .-
-sometimes Christains say a set prayer before eating a meal ot thankGOD , FOR PORIVIDING WHAT HTEY NEED , OR BEFORE THIER MEAL .
nonconformist - may sit to pray
catholics use rosary too pray .
Christians beleief baout prayer
-Christians beleive God will andswer prayer but not always int he way a person woud like .
-Prayer cn help accept god’s wille ven if it is suffering .
-WORSHIP is not all about attending public seervices , it affeccts the hwole of a christian life .
-private worship helops the christian build upa discipline which gives them strength to cope int imes of trouble .
–enourages a routine allwoign time for relection .
-THROUGHP RAYER chrstins can find peace and s ense of communtion with God int heir eeverdy life as follwoers of Jesus .
-When Jesus was asked to teach his disciples to pray
-He answered with THE LORD’S PRAYER
Parts of the Lord’s prayer explained
“Hallowed be thy name”
-Asking for forgiveness (forigve us our tresspasses )
-Also asking God for the necessitities .
“Give us this our daily bread”
-Expresses devotion and love ot God
“Our ftaher in heaven “
-Creates a sense of community with other fellow Christians
Anther reason why the Lord’s prayer is so important
-Everyone knows it and repeats it .
-The lordsp rayer reminds us odf our purpose on Earth
‘devil us from evil ‘ , ‘now andforev er;
-Sermon on the Mount Mathew 6;6 (Jews)
-The Lord;s prayer is also a good example of a set prayer .
-Used in defining moments of a christians life like ARIAGE , BAPTISM , COMMUNION AND confirmation .
Why the Lord’s prayer is so improtant ;
-It speaks all about the necessities a Christian would want to speak to God giving praise to God .
as we forigve those who sin agaisn tus ‘
Christians see this as acknwoedlegign the wrogndoing , and asking for forgivenness as htey too provide u with forgivenes .
‘lead us not into temptaton’
earthyly temptatiosn are not worhty of sacrificing eternity in heaven .
‘kindgodm power glory is yours’ - heaven is etnernal and will be gdo etenrity .
Agreeing points above ; now disagreeing .
Against Lords prayers importance . (1)
-Informal prayers may be more beneficial
-whichi sis more scenario dependant , theyc an ask God for hat they need .
Against Lords prayers importance . (2)
-More personal to establish a relationship with God
-Although Jesus emphasiesed the importance of prayer , he didn’t say it was how ONE MUST PRAY .
-MATHEW 6;7 ‘“DO not over use the smae things over +over.” - The Lord’s prayer will become empty wods.
What are sacraments ?
-A religious ceremony or ritual regarded as imparting divine grace . (cHRISTIANS SEE IT AS A FREE GIFT OF GOD’S LOVE)
Sacraments for Catholic and Orthodox ;
-They accep secen sacraments , which htey believe ot be initiated by Jesus ; BAPTISM , CONFIRMAITON , HOLY COMMUNION , MARRIAGE , HOLY ORDERS , RECONCILIAOIN , AND ANOINTING OF THE SICK .
HOWEVER , for protestants
Have only two sacramaments - BAPTISM , and holycmmunion
-As they beleive Jesus instructed them to udnertake these .
-some churches that practise believers’ baptism consider it an improtant ceremony but do not refer to it as a sacramament .
-other churcheslike quakers or the salvaiton army , do not use any sacrmamaen .
How do the sacraments help Christians ?
-The bible instructs htem to do these thigns .
- officla eay of recognising belonging , change .
-Can be improtant to to both an individual or to a community .
-The sacramanets invovle symbolic actions , words ,a nd physical elements such as water in baptism and bread and wine in Hol communion .
-Christaisn beleie sacramanents help to strengthen their relationship with God , by making him part of their life .
What is baptism
-THe ritual through whih people become mebers of the church .
-Baptsm involves the useo f water as a symbol of washing aay of sin .
-In baptim , the person is formally acknowledged as thhe Child of God , and receievs god’s saving grace ; the person’s sins are forgiven and he or she enters a new lie with Jesus Christ.–
John the Baptists
-“therefore go and amke disicples of all naitons , baptisming them in the name of the father son and holysprit”
-Jesus;s bptism set an example for his followers to be baptsied in order to receive the hOly spririt and begin a new life in the Christian community .
Infant baptism
-Practised by Catholics , ORTHODOX , ANGLICAN
-ritual in which babies and young children become members of the church .
-Promsies were taken on behalf of adults , the infant is freed from sin and introduced to the saving love of God and the support of the Christian commuity .
People might ask why a baby who is too young to sin should be baptisised ? (1)
-Catholic and Orthodox Christians would say everyone is a descendna t of Adam andd Eve who comitted the first sin .
-EVeryone hs a tendency to sin and needs salvation , even a baby .
-Therefore INFANT BAPTISM , removes this origianl sin , Aand the child is welcomes to the church AS SOON AS POSSIBLE - nd parents are able to thank God for hier new baby and cleebrtae birth with am and fwends .
Infant baptism (2)
Rites vary
-BUt preist mays ay I baptise you in the name fo the father son holy spirit , while poruing blessed water over the had of the baby - which is meant to represent pURITY , WASHING AWAY THE ORIGINALS IN .
-God parnets and parents pormsie to bring up the child in christian fiath , godparents if paretns gone .
-othr symbols is sign of cross on babies head , dressing the hcild in white - a synbolf of new life
-and with a candle used to sybole CHRIST , THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD . (lit every easter)
-THE CONGREGATION ,w ecomes the newes tmeeer of the Christian community.
Believers Baptism
where people become memebers of the chrch by immersio o water ad these poele are old enought o understand the ceremony and are willing to lvie a christian life
Believers Baptism
-Some Christians think that a aby is too young to udnerstand the meaning of baptism , so people should wait and be baptised when they are old neough to mke a mature decisiona bout their faith .
-They believe that baptism does not itself ,s ave a person , it is someone’s conversion to livign a life dedicated to Jesus that is important . Therefore the believeer must be old enough to have come to a mature decisiona bout hteir faith .
Believers Baptism (2)
-Believer;s baptis involves full immersion in a pool , symbolsiign the cleansing form sin and hte irsing up to new life with Christ .
-Rites ary but usually , the minsiter talks about the improtance of baptism and akssk the candidiates if they re willing to change their lvies .
-Each peson may read a bible passage and give a brief passafe and give a brief testimony of hteir faith in JESUS as their personal saviour .
-THe minsiter goes into the perosn with hte person and baptise them ‘in the name of the ftaher , son and the holyspirit.’
Explain two contrasitng forms of baptism (4 marks)
What is holy communion (also known as euchaist)
-Is the sacramament that uses bread and wine to celebrate the sacrifice of Jesus on the corss and his resrrection from death .
-For Catholics , the sacirifice Jeus sis amd eis present once again during the riual and amde real for believefs .
-Although , some dont consider it as a sacrament sitll a significant cerremony .
-When christians celebrate holyc ommunion ,t hey give thnks to God for his greta lovein sending Jesus ot save people from sin and enable them to expereicne gOD;S LOVE FOR ALL ETENRIT .
-threy beieve tht the bread and wine becomes the body and bloof of Christ .
-They believe Jesus is fully present in this .
-By receiving this , they beleive theyw ill come presnet at the death of Christ and resurrection of him whos aves them .
How do Protestants intepret the Holy communtion
-DO it as a reminder of Jesus’s words and actions at the LAST sUPEPR .
Many Christins see Hly communion …
-Both as an act of fellowship with other Christians and as a communion with God .
-By recalling Jesus’s sacrifices together and y sharing the bread and wine , these Christians believe they are bought cloer to each other as a communtya nd clsoer to God .
Impsct of Holy communion on individuals
individuals believe that they recieve God’s greace by joiingin in gret sacririce of Jeuss .
-it brings comunity ofbeleievers together in unity ,s trengthening their commitmement to their fiath .
-If someone is having doubts or is going htrough a difficult itme , celebraitng Holy communion with others give them support and enocurgamaent .
-calls on others to love othrs , like holy communion is a shared meal , church tires o make eveyrone feel welcome regardes of age , gedner rce .