Christian Beliefs and Teachings Flashcards
What is the Christian belief founded on
Christian beleif is founded on the belief that 2,000 years ago , Jesus died and rose from the dead .
How did Christinaity initially grow
Christianity initlly grew as early followers spread the teachings of the resurrected Jesus’ disciples and the apostle Paul .
When did christianity become an official religion in the Roman Empire
In the fourth century , when the Emperor Constantine became Christian .
What is a Catholic
a branch of Chrsitianity ; based in Rome and lead by the Pope
What is an Orthodox
a branch of christianity mainly , but not entirely practicsed in Eastern Europe .
Who was the first head of the Church of England
Henry VIII
What was the protestant branch of Christianity forming called
Since the 16th century , protestant church has then split into further groups , what they known as and give exmpales
Denominations , such as Baptists and Pentecostal Churches .
What is the meaning of protestant and why are they called that
a branch of christianity , originally protestants were called by that name because they protested against some of the practices of the Catholic Church .
What is the meaning of denominations
a distinct group within the Chrisitan faith , with its own organisation and traditions .
What is the meaning of God
The Supreme being .
What are the three main branches of Christianity
Catholic , Orthodox and Protestant .
What does it men by christianity is a monotheistic religion
a religion that believes there is only one God .
what is the meaning of literal and who beleives in this
Catholics -everything in the bible that actually happened.
What is the meanng of liberal and who believes in this
Protestants - not all of it was true , but was written to put forward in a moral (Use this to explain difference between Catholics and Protestants )
How do Christians communicate to God
Through prayer .
Monotheism beleif quote
“I am the lord your God , you shall have no other Gods before me .” Exodus20:2-3 also ten commandment
What is the link between Christianity and Judaism
First commandment was actually gievn to the Jews , Christianity has strong roots within Judaism including sharing the same one God .
Meaning of holy
separate and set apart for a special purpose by God .
God exist without the restricitions of gender - explain
god has traditional male characteristics , power and strength and female characteristics like gentleness and love .
What are some of the problems with attempting to describe the nature of God ?
- God is greater than humans - so how can humans know what God is really like ?
- Does God exist in a physical way ? If so , where is God ?
- What counts as evidence for God ?
Some beliefs about God all christians share
- God is omnipotent
- God is omnibenevolent
- God is just
- God is omniscent
- God is omnipresent .
Meaning of omnipotent , quote to backup .
Almight , having unlimted power , a quality of god , “Nothing is impossible with God” Luke .
Meaning of omnibenevolent , quote to backup
All-loving , all good; a quality of god , “God so loved the wolrd that he gave his one and only son whoever belives in him shall have eternal life .”
meaning of omiscient
God is all knowing
Meanng of omnipresent
God is everywhere .
How is God just
He decidedes not only what is right or wrong , but the perfect judge of character , god never supports injustice .
meaning of justice
bringing about what is right and fair , according to the law , or making up for a wrong that has been committed .
What word did ‘creed’ come from wnad what does it mean .
It comes from the word ‘creedo’ meaning I beleive.
Why do Christians recite the creed ?
- Christians recite this as a reminder of their beliefs .
- Christians may use the creed to strengthen their beliefs about the church as it says , ‘we believe in one holy cahtolic and apostile church .’
Why may some Christians not use the creed ?
-Some Chrisitans may not believe in the creed as they believe it is too rigid ; the creed is mainly focused on teachings in the old testament rather than Jesu’s teachings in the new testament .
Explain two Chrtisian teachings about the nature of God , refer to scripiture , or sacred writings in your answer (5 marks ).
(Answer in exercise book)
- Christians believe that god is omnipotent , meanng all powerful with unlimited auhtoirty . Christians beleieve this as in the bible , when Mary questions how she can be pregnant , Angel gabriel says to her “Nothing is impossible with God.”
- Christians also beleive God is just and that he will never support injustice .Chrisitains believe God has provided them with a moral code (the bible) about what is right and wrong . Therefore , Christians should prevent injustice so that they can go to heaven .
Exam tip regarding Nicene Creed
-Use the Nicene Creed when referring to chrisitain teachings or scripture , especially about God’s nature .
What do Christains do as God is omnipotent?
Christians pray to God to show grtitude for their position . They pray to recognise he is worthy of the worship s he is powerful .
What do Christians do as God is just ?
With unlimited power and authority together , God is believed to be the perefect giver of justice , so God will never support injustice .
Chrsitans should do anything to prevent injsutice dp they can go to heaven - reward promised by God ., as God has provided with a moral code (bible) about what is right or wrong .
What is the meaning of evil ?
The opposite of good , negative action affecting person or group .
What is the meaning of suffering ?
When people have to face and live with unpleasant events or conditions .
What is the meaning of a sentient being ?
A being who can experience pain/sufferign and react to it .
What is the meaning of natural evil ?
Caused byt hings out of the control of humans such as weather .
What is the meaning of moral evil ?
Evil caused by human action , either deliberate or because a person has made a mistake .