Religion and Life Flashcards
deliberate ending of a pregnancy to prevent new life
Acid Rain
when chemicals dissolve in the water droplets in the atmosphere and as the rain falls it damages and poisons land, buildings and water
beliefs about what happens to us after our body has died
Air Pollution
caused by factories and cars, causes acid rain
Animal Experimentation
use of animals for medical research and product testing
Animal Rights
belief that animals should be treated with respect, so have rights to adequate food, water, shelter, rest and freedom
sense of wonderment, often linked to the feeling that God is involved or being revealed
Big Bang Theory
scientific theory about the origins of the universe, that universe was created in a huge explosion
Charles Darwin
the man who came up with theory of evolution
point at which sperm fertilises an egg to begin pregnancy
the practice of repairing and protecting the natural environment and animal species
belief that God created the world and universe from nothing eg Genesis creation story
a Christian who takes the Bible literally and believes that God created the world in seven days
Culture of Death
the idea that death is preferable to being alive
the end of physical, bodily life
Doctrine of Double Effect
the idea that abortion is okay if you are killing the baby to save the mother’s life
belief that humans have been given control and are in charge of the world
the world around us, can be natural or artificial