Christianity Flashcards
Adult Baptism
done in denominations such as Baptists, where someone makes the decision for themself as an adult to become a Christian
the period four weeks before Christmas
Advent Sunday
four Sundays before Christmas, Christian new year
the pope who convinced Constantine to make Christianity legal
when Angel Gabriel told Mary she was going to have a baby
Religious ritual action which involves being touched or marked with oil/other sacred substance; the event in Mark 14 when a woman poured expensive perfume on Jesus’ head
Anointing the Sick
a process that is done to comfort and strengthen the soul of a sick person, to dissipates the fear of dying
the belief that Jesus is not of the same essence of the Father
literally the ‘going up’ of Jesus, 40 days after the Resurrection
Ascension Sunday
celebrates Jesus ascending into Heaven 40 days after Easter
literally ‘at-one-ment’, refers to the reconciliation between God and humanity that was sealed by the sacrifice of Jesus
a symbolic way of joining the Church, symbolises washing away sin and starting a new life in Christ as water is poured over the person’s head
Baptismal Candle
represents moving from death to life in Christ
Believer’s Baptism
done in denominations such as Baptists, where someone makes the decision for themself as an adult to become a Christian
sacred book for Christians containing the Old and New Testament
symbolises that Christ is ‘the light of the world’ and faith, because without life, nothing on Earth would exist
means ‘the annointed one’ or the ‘Messiah’, refers to the belief that Jesus was the promised saviour
celebration of Jesus’s birth
Christ the King
celebration a week before advent
Christian place of worship
being given a job or duty; the event in Mark 16 when the risen Jesus told his disciples to preach the good news throughout the world
commemorates the Last Supper, special Eucharistic prayers are said, confirmed adults are allowed to take communion, where they eat bread and drink wine, and people who have not yet been confirmed are blessed
Communion of Saints
relationship between living and dead Christians
where a Christian makes the decision that they want to be faithful to God for the rest of their life, meaning they can now take communion
Confirmation Candle
symbolises moving to a new phase of life in Christ
the concept that all three persons of the trinity have the same essence
a Christian who takes the Bible literally and believes that God created the world in seven days
comes from the Latin word ‘credo’ meaning ‘I believe’
Apostles Creed
one of the main Creeds in Christianity, especially used by Baptists
Nicene Creed
the other main creed in Christianity, invented to reinforce that Jesus and God are the same
an action that breaks the law
Roman method of execution in which people are nailed to a cross
to state or claim that something isn’t true, like how Peter denies Jesus three times
being a follower of Christ
to be ignored or excluded
the state of being divided
the religious season celebrating Jesus’s death and resurrection, the most important holiday in the Christian calendar
Easter Saturday
commemorates the Sabbath in which Jesus’s body lay in the tomb
Easter Sunday
the most important day in the Christian calendar, when Jesus was resurrected
the belief that Christans should live and work separately from other religions
Emperor Constantine
the emperor who made Christianity legal, as his wife was Christian
Emperor Nero
the emperor who outlawed Christianity and persecuted and tortured Christians, including turning them into candles or fireworks
Epicurean Paradox
a version of the problem of evil, wherein God cannot be all-loving and all-powerful, as that would mean he would not allow evil and suffering
Eternal Life
a life with no beginning or end, a belief that many Christians have
the celebration where the three wise men visited Jesus
anything relating to the Lord’s Supper
sperading the fiath via preaching or telling others about Jesus and Christianity
Christians who believe only their version of Christianity is correct
having complete belief and trust in God and Jesus
stop feeling resentful towards someone for an offence, flaw or mistake
Good Friday
commemorates the day Jesus died
the unconditional love that God shows to people who do not deserve it
Great Commission
Jesus’s last words, where Jesus told his Disciples to start the church
Great Schism
where Christianity split into Catholicism and Orthodoxy
honoured and respected
Hallucination Theory
theory that the Disciples and women hallucinated Jesus in their grief
the state of being with and enjoying eternity with God
the place of eternal suffering or the state after death of separation from God for those who want no relationship with Him
whether something is considered to be historically accurate
Immortality of the Soul
belief that Christians have that their soul is eternal
literally ‘in flesh’ or ‘enfleshed’, the doctrine that God took form as Jesus
Christains who believe that as long as a person lives a good life, they can achieve Salvation even if they aren’t Christian
Inconsistent Triad
created by JL Mackie to explain to Epicurean Paradox
Infant Baptism
initiation of babies and young children into the Church, where promises are taken on their behalf by adults, where the infant is freed from sin and introduced to the saving love of God and the support of the Christian community
first century Jewish teacher and holy man, believed by Christians to be the Son of God
a wealthy businessman who had his faith tested by God, as God took away his family, home, wealth and health
Kingdom of God
the reign of God over the earth
the period of four weeks leading up to Easter, where Christians fast
Libby Lane
first female bishop ordained by the Church of England
Liberal Christians
Christians who do not believe that the Bible is 100% scientifically accurate
Literal Christians
Christians who take the Bible literally, believing that it is an accurate historical account
Liturgical Cycle
the Christian calendar
Liturgical Worship
traditional, structured worship with a specific leader and a specific order of service, done by Catholics, Anglicans and Orthodox