Human Rights Flashcards
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
a statement adopted by the United Nations and all their signatures, including the UK, to protect human beings in special regards
Article 1
right to equality
Article 2
right to freedom from discrimination
Article 3
right to life, liberty and personal security
Article 4
right to freedom from slavery
Article 5
right to freedom from torture and degrading treatment
Article 6
right to recognition as a person before the law
Article 7
right to equality before the law
Article 8
right to remedy a competent tribunal
Article 9
right to freedom from arbitrary arrest and exhile
Article 10
right to a fair public hearing
Article 11
right to be considered innocent until proven guilty
Article 12
right to freedom from interference in privacy, family, home and correspondence
Article 13
right to free movement in and out of the country
Article 14
right to asylum in other countries and the freedom to change it
Article 15
right to a nationality and the freedom to change it
Article 16
right to marry and have a family
Article 17
right to own property
Article 18
right to free belief and opinion
Article 19
right to freedom of opinion and information
Article 20
right to peaceful assembly and association
Article 21
right to participate in government and free elections
Article 22
right to social security
Article 23
right to desirable work and to join trade unions
Article 24
right to rest and leisure
Article 25
right to an adequate living standard
Article 26
right to an education
Article 27
right to participate in the cultural life of the community
Article 28
right to a social order that articulates this document
Article 29
right to community duties essential to free and full development
Article 30
right to freedom from state interference in the above interference
when men and women got equal voting rights
when the Equal Pay Act was passed
when the Sex Discrimination Act was passed
when the Equality Act 2010 was passed
Absolute Poverty
where people are living on less than a pound a day, used to talk about poverty in other countries
discrimination against someone based on their age
literally apart hood, laws in South Africa that kept various groups separated based on appearance, ancestry, socioeconomic lifestyle and cultural lifestyle
voluntarily giving time or money to help people in need
a group of people who share a characteristic, eg Jewish community, Hispanic community
loving kindness, attitude to help others simply bcause it is right to help
Desmond Tutu
a Christian who fought against Apartheid and racial discrimination
actions that come from prejudice
belief that everyone is of the same value and worth
the action of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work
Fair Pay
pay that is appropriate for work
Freedom of Religious Expression
freedom to follow the practices of whatever religion you choose
being male or female
living together in society without argument or conflict
Human Rights
the rights a person should be entitled to purely because they are human, eg education, fair treatment, etc
Human Rights Act
UK law that protects the rights of individuals and allows a challenge when those rights are breached
money paid back on the original loan aside from original amount transferred
getting fairness, getting redress for unfairness
amount of money borrowed from a lender, usually paid back in installments with interest, where excessive, the interest charged on the loan is extremely high, often unfairly so
Loan Sharks
a money lender who charges incredibly high rates of interest, typically under illegal conditions
People Trafficking
illegal trading of humans for slavery, eg for sex and/or work
Positive Action
Putting things in place to help overcome disadvantage, or to meet the needs of protected groups, in order to help them fully participate.
Positive Discrimination
favouring a person or group with a protected characteristic, is illegal in the UK
having less than the basic needs of life, so that day-to-day living is a struggle
Poverty Trap
being unable to break out of poverty
prejudging someone someone based on characteristics they have, eg ethnicity, gender
Protected Characteristic
age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, race, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy/maternity
Racial Discrimination
acting on prejudices against someone based on their ethnicity or skin colour
Racial Prejudice
negative thoughts, feelings or beliefs about a person or group based on their ethnicity or skin colour
prejudice against someone based on their ethnicity and/or colour
Rana Plaza Disaster
the collapse of a garment factory in Bangladesh that led to the deaths of 1134 workers
Relative Poverty
where you are relatively poor compared to others
Religious Freedom
freedom to follow whichever religion you choose, or to not follow a religion
the duty to work and earn money for oneself
what a person is entitled, eg an education
Social Justice
bringing justice to society so that all within a society have the same opportunities and can take advantage of them, includes projects to improve the life situation of those at the poorest end of society, eg by educational support
duty to look after the world given by God to humans, which extends to looking after all life, including other humans
Testimony of Equality
a Quaker testimony allowing women to have leadership in Church
accepting of a difference rather that seeing a problem
UK Minimum Wage
£9.18 per hour
money and possessions a person has, usually in such quantities as to give a very comfortable lifestyle