Crime and Punishment Flashcards
being addicted to/dependent on a particular substance, can be a cause of crime (e.g. stealing money to pay for illegal drugs)
Amy Biehl
an American woman who was stabbed and stoned to death in Cape Town in 1993, whose killers were released and pardoned five years later as their actions had been politically motivated, something that Amy’s parents supported and they shook her killers’ hands when they were released
Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO)
a civil order made in Great Britain against a person who had been shown, on the balance of evidence, to have engaged in anti-social behaviour
Bicycle Theft
where a bicycle is stolen, the sixth most common type of theft
Brigitte Soussou Perenyi
a woman who was given to a religious shrine as a slave at the age of seven to atone for her uncle’s adultery, but decided to forgive her uncle as it helped her recognise that everyone is human and makes mistakes
Civil Disobedience
the refusal to comply with certain laws considered unjust, as a peaceful form of political protest
Community Service
punishment involving the criminal doing a set number of hours of physical labour/work in their local community as an alternative to prison
Computer Misuse Theft
where something is stolen through computer misuse
Corporal Punishment
punishment in which physical pain is inflicted on the criminal
an action that breaks the law
Crime Against a Person
something like murder
Crime Against Property
something like vandalism
Crime Against the State
something like treason
Criminal Damage
a type of theft that involves damage to someone’s property
where someone is legally required to be at their place of residence by a certain time for a certain length of time as punishment and deterrence
Death Penalty
capital punishment, the execution of a criminal that is sanctioned by the state
one aim of punishment, the threat of punishment as a way to put a person off committing crime (eg knowing they could go to prison if they steal)
Disqualification from Driving
where someone has their driving licence removed after committing a driving offence, as retribution, deterrence and reform
Electronic Tagging
where someone has an electric tag put on their ankle to track where they are for a certain length of time after committing a crime, as a form of deterrence and reform
Evil Intentions
having the desire to deliberately cause suffering or harm to another
where someone has to pay money after committing a crime, as retribution and deterrence
Forgiveness Project
a UK-based charity that uses real stories of victims and perpetrators of crime and violence to help people explore ideas around forgiveness and alternatives to revenge. With no political or religious affiliations
Francis and Berthe Climbie
a couple whose seven-year-old daughter, Victoria, was murdered by her aunt, Marie-Therese, but they were able to forgive her as they believed that to not forgive was to kill Victoria twice
crime involving intentional deception for personal gain