RE Basics Flashcards
prayers that praise God for his greatness and admitting dependence on him
owning up to sin and asking for God’s mercy and forgiveness
Creatio ex nihilo
creation started from nothing
refers to the belief that God created everything
belief in supreme beings who do not interfere with the way of the world
with no beginning or end
the opposite of good, a force that is seen in many traditions as being destructive and against God
prayers that are made up by the individual using his or her own words
Free Will
God gave humans the gift of free will, which means that they are free to choose to do right or wrong and bear responsibility for their actions
prayers that are made up by the individual using his or her own words
asking God to help others who need it, eg the sick, poor, those suffering in war, different ones written for each service as they are very current
refers to the belief that God is fair and recognises that humans are not perfect and so takes this into account, as God’s justice incorporates both forgiveness and mercy
refers to the nature of God as one who treats human beings fairly and equally
refers to the law of God, revealed in the Bible, which Christians are called to obey, St Paul made it clear that salvation is not earned by obedience to the law but is God’s free gift
refers to how God’s nature is always to have mercy