Reliability and Validity Flashcards
Two forms of the same test developed; different items selected according to the same rules. Different distribution of scores (mean and variance may not be equal)
Base rate
the proportion of individual in the population who show the behaviour of interest in a given psychological testing or assessment situation
Classical test theory
a body of related psychometric theory that predicts outcomes of psychological testing such as the difficulty of items or the ability of test-takers
Concurrent validity
a form of predictive validity in which the index of social behaviour is obtained close in time to score on the psychological test (or other assessment device)
Construct underrepresentation
failure to capture important components of a contruct
Construct validity
the meaning of a test score made possible by knowledge of the pattern of relationships it enters into with other variables and the theoretical interpretation of those relationships
Constuct-irrelevant variance
measuring things other than the construct of interest
Content validity
the extent to which items on a test represent the universe of behaviour the test was designed to measure
Convergent and discriminant validity
the subjection of a multitrait-multimethod matric to a set of criteria that specify which correlations should be large and which small in terms of a psychological theory of the constructs
Criterion-related validity
the extent to which a measure is related to an outcome (e.g. marks in Year 12 are used to predict performance at university)
Cronbach’s alpha
an estimate of reliability that is based on the average intercorrelation of the items in a test
Cutting point
the test score or point on a scale, in the case of another assessment device, that is used to split those being tested or assessed into two groups predicted to show or not show some behaviour of interest
Domain-sampling model
a way of thinking about the composition of a psychological test that sees the test as a representative sample of the larger domain of possible items that could be included in the test
Equivalent forms reliability
the estimate of reliability of a test obtained by comparing two forms of a test constructed to measure the same construct
Errors of measurement
Factors that contribute to inconsistency - characteristics of tests taker, test or situation that have nothing to do with attribute being tested by effect scores
Face validity
Does the test look like it measures the relevant construct?
Factor analysis
a mathematical method of summarising a matric of values (such as the intercorrelation of test scores) in terms of a smaller number of values (factors) from which the original matric can be reproduced
False negative decision
a decision that incorrectly allocates a test taker or person being assessed to the category of those predicted not to show some behaviour of interest on the basis of their score on a test or other assessment device
False positive decision
a decision that incorrectly allocates a test taker or person being assessed to the category of those predicted to show some behaviour of interest on the basis of their score on a test or other assessment device
Generalisability theory
a set of ideas and procedures that follow from the proposal that the consistency or precision of the output of a psychological assessment device depends on specifying the desired range of conditions over which this is to hold
Incremental validity
the extent to which knowledge of score on a test (or other assessment device) adds to that obtained by another, pre-existing score or psychological characteristic
Inter-rater reliability
the extent to which different raters agree in their assessments of the same sample of ratees
Internal consistency
the extent to which a psychological test is homogenous or heterogeneous
Kuder-Richardson 20 (KR20)
a particular case of Cronbach’s alpha for dichotomously scored items (i.e. scored as 0 or 1)
Method variance
the variability among scores on a psychological test or other assessment device that arises because of the form as distinct from the content of the test
Multitrait-multimethod matrix
the patterns of correlations resulting from testing all possible relationships among two or more methods of assessing two ro more constructs
Parallel forms relaibility
Two forms of the same test developed; different items selected according to the same rules. Same distribution of scores (mean and variance equal)
Predictive validity
the extent to which a score on a psychological test (or other assessment device) allows a statement about standing on a variable indexing important social behaviour independent of the test
the consistency with which a test measures what it purports to measure in any given set of circumstances
Reliability coefficient
an index - often a Pearson product moment correlation coefficient - of the ratio of true score to error score variance in a test as used in a given set of circumstances
Selection ratio
the proportion of those tested or assessed who can be allocated to the category of showing the behaviour of interest in a given psychological testing or assessment situation
Social desirability bias
a form of method variance common in the construction of psychological tests of personality that arises when people respond to questions that place them in a favourable or unfavourable light
Spearman-Brown formula
applied to estimate reliability if each half of the test was the same length as the test. I.e. allows you to estimate internal consistency if the test was longer or shorter
Split-half reliability
the estimate of reliability obtained by correlating scores on the two halves of a test formed in some systematic way (e.g. odd versus even items)
Stability over time
the extent to which test scores remain stable when a test is administered on more than one occasion
Standard error of estimate
an index of the amount of error in predicting one variable from another
Standard error of measurement
an expression of the precision of an individual test score as an estimate of the trait it purports to measure
Test-Retest Reliability
the estimate of reliability obtained by correlating scores on the test constructor is seeking to measure and the conditions under which it will be used
True scores
Factors that contribute to consistency - stable attributes under examination
Valid negative decision
a decision that correctly allocates a test taker or person being assessed to the category of those predicted not to show some behaviour of interest on the basis of their score on a test or other assessment device
Valid positive decision
a decision that correctly allocates a test taker or person being assessed to the category of those predicted to show some behaviour of interest on the basis of their score on a test or other assessment device
the extent to which evidence supports the meaning and use of a psychological test (or other assessment device)
Two forms of the same test developed; different items selected according to the same rules. Different distribution of scores (mean and variance may not be equal)
the proportion of individual in the population who show the behaviour of interest in a given psychological testing or assessment situation
Base rate
a body of related psychometric theory that predicts outcomes of psychological testing such as the difficulty of items or the ability of test-takers
Classical test theory