Relativity Certification Administrator (Set-02) Flashcards
Where do Group Permissions apply?
Permissions are set per Group on a workspace-by-workspace basis.
What are the three grouping mechanisms used in Batch creation?
Batch Unit | Family Field | Reviewed Field.
What is a Group directly associated with?
Groups associated with Workspaces by being added to them and Users which comprise the Group.
What is a Client directly associated with?
A Client is associated directly with Matters and Users.
In the UI, how do Conditions in Logic Group act?
They act as visual parentheses and are evaluated first before evaluating against other search conditions.
[True OR False] You can bookmark as many pages as you like?
TRUE, and the QuickNav will also display the last ten pages you’ve viewed.
What is a Workspace?
A securable document repositories that facilitate viewing, searching, organzing and categorizing content.
What happens when you log into Relativity?
You are shown a list of Workspaces or taken directly to your Workspace.
What are the ways you can log into Relativity?
Username & Password | Two-Factor Password (Username & Password & Passcode) | Active Directory (Email Address & Account on Windows Domain & Windows Network Password).
What options are associated with the Browser Panel?
Folders | Field Tree | Saved Searches | Clusters.
What options are associated with the View Bar?
Current Browser Location | Views Drop-Down menu | Related Items Drop-Down menu | Add Widget | Dashboard Drop-Down menu | Export Drop-Down menu | Sampling Button.
What are the fields on the Item List?
Reset Column Sizes | Show/Hide Filters | Clear Filters | Turn Grid Style On/Off | Navigational Control.
[True OR False] The fields that appear on the Items List are based on slected Views?
What does the Viewer interface screen consist of?
Document View Selector | Viewer | Navigation Bar | Layouts | Related Items Pane | Persistent Highlights Sets.
What are Choices?
Predetermined values that you apply to single and mult-choice list fields.
What is ‘Overlay Behavior’?
Defines how Relativity handles fields when importing a load files.
What is a Field Type?
Determines the field’s funtionality and presentation.
What is a Layout?
A web-based coding form.
How does a Layout work?
It gives you the ability to view and edit document fields.
What is ‘Using Copy From Previous’?
The funcation that enhances review by providing the ability to copy coding values from one document to another within a review session.
What is Relativity Integration Points (RIP)?
A functionality that provides exporting saved searches, case folders, and productions.
What files types can Relativity Integration Points (RIP) import?
CSV | LDAP | Load files.
What are Relativity Integration Points (RIP) importing features?
You can import directly into Workspace, and scheduling future and recurrent jobs.
What are Relativity Integration Points (RIP) load file preview options?
File | Errors | Choices & Folders.
What would a dtSearch on the word apply* return?
Apply | applying
What search features are available in Relativity?
Filters | Keyword searches | Saved Searches | dtSearches | Analytics.
What are the different filting types?
Boolean | CustomOnly | list | MultiList | Popup Pickers | Textbox.
What is a Boolean filter?
A filter type only available on Yes/No field types.
What is a CustomOnly filter?
Advanced filtering method which allows user to set criteria using a combination of advanced and Boolean operators.
What is a list filter?
Similar to Boolean filter (only one condition at a time) but displays choices associated with a particular field rather than Yes/No.
What is the max sum of fixed length fields for an object?
8060 characters before performance degradation.
How many results are viewable in the related items pane?
Only the first 1000.
What is a MultiList filter?
A filter that allows multiple conditions to be selected and connected by the AND or OR operator.
What is a Popup Picker filter?
Allows user to select values for multiple or single CHOICE and OBJECT FIELDS.
How do you search for ONLY an exact phrase in a filter?
By typing the word or phrase itself or following an equal sign.
What operators can be used in a keyword search?
Boolean operators (AND/, OR/, NOT), quotation marks for exact phrases, parentheses for grouping, and wildcards (*). Note: cannot use NOT in conjunction with OR.
What does a keyword search run a query against?
It runs the query against ALL required document fields.
What is a stop word?
A stop or noise word is ignored by keyword searches and only its position is taken into account.
What are treated as stop words in a keyword search?
Single letters and numbers, punctuation marks, the @ symbol at the beginning of a query, and certain words (about, can, from, has, like, etc…)
What are the stop word exceptions?
An @ sign NOT at the start of a query, hyphen/dash (which searches for any punctuation mark in its place), double digit numbers, and uppercase letters followed by a period.
What are search conditions and where are they found?
Search conditions allow the building of complex queries via selection of fields, operators, and values. They can be found in the saved search form, the Documents tab, and dynamic object tabs.
How many search conditions are allowed per query?
When using search conditions, a total of 5 are allowed on the Documents tab. Any more requires a saved search that allows up to 10.
What does the ‘Search List’ option of the saved searches browser allow you to do?
It allows you to view your saved searches in a list including paths and search names which can be filtered on. It also allows one to perform mass operations on saved searches.
What mass operations are available to use on saved searches?
Edit | Replace | Move | Delete.
Wat does the ‘Sort by Rank’ option for saved searches do?
Orders return results by relevance.
How can the default list of fields displayed by a search be changed?
By changing the Default Search Views view.
When are pop-up pickers available for search conditions?
When the operators ‘All of These’ or ‘None of These’ is chosen, along with those for multiple object fields.
How does selecting an option in the ‘Include Related Documents’ search option in the Documents tab affect your ability to save a search?
You will be prevented from saving your filters as a search.
What is the difference between the ‘Is Like’ and ‘Contains’ operators?
‘Is Like’ queries a large catalog with a wildcard prepended, thus significantly decreasing performance. ‘Contains’ only queries the full text index fields.
What are the rules for the ‘Contains’ operator?
Blank values are filtered out, wildcards and quotation marks are allowed, and commas and carriage returns are respectively changed to OR and AND.
What are the rules for the ‘Is/Is Not Like’ operator?
Use brackets for advanced SQL criteria only, use underscores for single character wildcards, use ‘%’ as a wildcard, and enclose terms with quotation marks if using commas. Commas and carriage returns otherwise translate to OR and any other use of above characters (as well as ! and *) will be ignored.
When does dtSearch recognize numbers?
dtSearch will recognizes numeric strings as dates, as long as it can be interpreted as a valid date.
What happens when previewing errors using the RDC?
Relativity Desktop Client (RDC) validates the entire load file.
What batch fields are available to use as search conditions?
Batch (name) | Batch Set | Assigned To | Status.
What occurs if you attempt to delete a saved search referenced by another one or by the Document view?
Relativity will display an error message and not allow the deletion.
What formats are available to auto-recognize in a dtSearch?
Dates | Email Addresses | Credit Card Numbers.
What functions are used for auto-recognition searches within a dtSearch?
DATE ( TO ) | MAIL () | Both CREDITCARD() AND MAIL() support the use of wildcards in arguments.
What are the rules for the NOT operator in a dtSearch?
It can be used as a standalone operator (ex. NOT fish) or as a connector in conjunction with ‘OR’ or ‘AND’ (ex. dog OR NOT fish).
What is the order of precedence for dtSearch?
OR then AND expressions.
What is the order of precedence for a keyword search?
AND then OR expressions.
What is the difference between dtSearch and keyword search on the SQL side?
Keyword search is a SQL full text search that queries individual fields | A dtSearch queries across all fields that are combined into a single pool.
What are the two built-in search words for dtSearch?
xfirstword: marks beginning of file | xlastword: marks end of file.
What functionalities does dtSearch provide?
Proximity, stemming, and fuzzy searches along with basic searching features available in keyword searches.
What is the fuzziness operator and how does it work?
The fuzziness character (%) indicates how many characters are ignored by a dtSearch and their positions before it must match exactly.
What is fuzziness?
A numerical value between 1-10 that determines the degree of variation in terms returned in a dictionary search. Returned terms may differ by up to that many characters.
What is stemming?
Allows the returning of grammatical variations of a word (ex. apply => applies, applied, applying) in a dictionary search.
How does the And ANY connector for dtSearch work?
Words before operator are required and words after it are optional.
If search 1 references search 2, can search 2 be edited to reference search 1?
No, since Relativity doesn’t allow the circular references.
What will be the permissions associated with a search moved to a new folder?
The search will inherit the security of the destination folder.
What is an alphabet file?
A collection of characters that are treated as text, spaces, searchable letters, or ignored in a dtSearch.
How do you search for a numeric range in a dtSearch?
By entering the upper and lower bounds separated by two tildes (Ex. 12~~17). Decimal points and commas are treated as spaces and minus signs are ignored.
In what case do regular expressions and wildcards significantly slow down searching?
When the expression is closer to the beginning of a word.
What is the stemming operator and how does it work in dtSearches?
The tilde (~) is used at the end of the root word and returns grammatical variations of it.
Where can the stemming operator be used?
In a Documents tab search | In the dictionary search dialog in a dtSearch |In a saved search. (Note: the Enable Stemming checkbox is independent of the stemming operator.)
What wildcards are supported by dtSearch?
’?’ matches any single character | ‘=’ matches any single digit | ‘*’ matches any number of characters | ‘~’ is used for stemming. (Note: They can be added to the beginning of a search term in a dtSearch.)
How does the W/N connector work in dtSearch?
A W/N B returns instance of A that are within N words of B. The NOT W/N returns instances where A is separated from B by at least N words or B isn’t found.
How do you search for a connector word in a dtSearch?
By quoting the word or putting a tilde after the word. They also need to be removed from the noise list to be searched on.
How does dtSearch handle queries with noise words or punctuation?
Noise words are skipped, not indexed, and used as a placeholder for another intervening word. Punctuation is treated as a space, and numbers or characters in parentheses returns unexpected results.
What must be in a workspace before using Relativity Analytics?
A workspace must contain a conceptual search index.
What are the differences between standard and conceptual searching?
Standard searching finds the presence of a term via a query and incorporates Boolean logic | Analytics/conceptual searches attempt to derive the semantic meaning of terms and incorporates mathematics.
What search operators are available for dtSearch?
Boolean connectors (AND, OR, NOT, TO, CONTAINS) | % (fuzzy searching) | ~~ (numeric ranges) | ## (regex) | ~ (stemming) | {?, =, *} (wildcards) | W/N (proximity search) | quotation marks (exact words or phrases).
What occurs when a user attempts to login on a second computer?
Their account will be automatically logged out on the first computer.
What lists are available on the client details page?
Lists of assigned users and matters.
When will WORKSPACES be visible to a User?
When the user is added to a Group which is then associated with a Workspace.
Where are the permissions a group has for a Workspace defined?
They are defined within the Workspace.
What occurs when a user’s Relativity access is disabled for a month?
Their account is not counted toward that month’s billing.
What information about a field cannot be changed?
Once a field is created, its type (i.e. fixed length text, whole number, etc…) cannot be changed since it is static.
How do you make a tab invisible?
By changing its ‘Is Visible’ field to No.
What happens when you mass move any documents?
Any custom security applied to those documents is lost.
What do views control?
Criteria used to return documents | Fields to Display | Default Sort Order.
Where are indented lists available?
Document item list | Related items pane.
Which of the following reasons may cause a keyboard shortcut to not trigger?
Viewing the document in native mode | Focus is not in the Core Reviewer Interface | The standalone viewer is launched.
[True OR False] Production Restrictions are utilized to check coding conflicts before running a production.
When should the ‘Cell Contains File Location’ option in the RDC be checked on import?
,When the extracted text is in document-level text files and the load file contains a path to those text files. If the extracted text is a field in the load file, it should remain unchecked.
What is the difference between the ‘Group By’ and ‘Pivot On’ settings?
Group By specifies the list of items to summarize on (vertical axis) | Pivot On breaks down the totals for each Group By row by adding columns (horizontal axis).
What operators can be used in a textbox filter?
AND, OR, BETWEEN, =, >=, or <=.
[True OR False] Boolean operators (AND, OR) can be used in combination with the equality operator (=) in a textbox filter.
FALSE, Tey will be interpreted as words included in the exact phrase being searched.
What options are available when importing multiple choice and multiple object fields in the RDC?
Replace Values | Use Field Settings | Merge Values.
Which search operators that can be used in a textbox filter?
What is the maximum number of items returned in a Dictionary Search result set?
- If there are more, a message displays indicating that only the first 2000 are shown.
Using the Email Link icon, what items can be emailed?
Searches | Documents
Who can edit Relativity keyboard shortcuts?
Relativity system keyboard shortcuts can be edited by an administrator.
What setting allows you to see Total with Hits + Family in the document breakdown of your Search Terms Report?
Relational Field.
How will the following keyword search string will be executed: court, monopoly?
The words court or the word monopoly.
How can phrases including punctuation be searched using a keyword searching?
By surrounding the full phrase with quotation marks.
What are the minimum and maximum values for a year?
Max: 2900 | Min: 1000.
In what different ways can the NOT operator be used in a dtSearch?
Standalone: NOT pear | Connector: pear AND NOT apple | Proximity search inversion: apple NOT W/3 pear
How are stop words handled in keyword searches?
They are ignored but their position is taken into account, such that searching for ‘Sun on my Head’ will return all documents with the words ‘Sun’ and ‘Head’ separated by any two words.
Textbox filters are only available for which field types?
Fixed-length text | Long text.
What connectors can be used with Textbox filters?
AND | OR | IS SET | IS NOT SET | BETWEEN | = (equal) | >= (greater than or equal to) | <= (less than or equal to)..
How does Textbox filters treat search terms?
Textbox filter treats each search term as if it were preceded and followed by a wildcard () and returns all versions of the term. You do not need to add an asterisk () to the beginning or ending of a search term. The filter won’t return any results if you use a wildcard.
Why is ‘cubs AND’ an invalid search term?
The AND operator requires a right search terms.
Why is ‘>7/24/2008’ an invalid search string?
The equal sign must be used with the great than operator (as in >=).
Why is ‘7/27/2008 BETWEEN 0/24/2008’ an invalid search string?
The search string includes the value 0 for the month in the ending data.
What operators can be used in the advanced Textbox filtering?
Is/Is not | Is set/Is not set | Is less than/Is greater than | Is like/Is not like | Contains/Does not contain.
Multilist filters are only available for which field types?
Multiple Choice | Multiple Object.
How do you use Multilist filters?
You can select multiple conditions from a drop-down menu and connect them with OR or AND operator.
What are the Filter types you can use in Relativity?
Boolean filters | Numeric filters | List filters | Date filters | Multilist filters | Textbox filters.
Boolean filters are only available for which field types?
Yes/No field types.
What connectors can be used with Boolean filters?
Yes | No | .
Numeric filters are only available for which field types?
Decimal | Whole Number | Currency.
What connectors can be used with Numeric filters?
Equal to (=) | Not equal to (!=) | Greater than (>) | Less than (=), followed by a numerical value in the Filtertextbox.
Date filters are only available for which field types?
Only date field types.
What connectors can be used with Date filters?
All | Not Set | Is | Is before | Is before or on | Is after | Is after or on | Is in | Between.
List filters are only available for which field types?
Single Choice | Single Object | User | Fixed Length Text.
What will happen when using List filter on a Fixed Length text field of over 255 items?
The field will revert to the Textbox filter type and an error will be written to the log.
What will happen when using List filter on a Single Choice/Single Object field of over 255 items?
The field will revert to None (disabled) and an error will be written to the Error Log.
How do you run a Search Term Report (STR)?
You can only run a Search Term Report (STR) against dtSearh index.
What connectors can be used with List filters?
List filters are frequently associated with fields used for coding documents. The conditions displayed in the
drop-down menu for this filter vary by the type and purpose of the associated field.
What functionalities does Relativity Integration Points (RIP) provide?
Export (Folder, Folder + Subfolders, Production, Saved Search) | Load Files | Images | Natives | Text as files | Relativity to Relativity direct export | Productions.
What is a Textbox filter?
A search that allows specific terms, numbers, and dates, connected by operators. All search terms are treated as if they were preceded and followed by a wildcard.
If an email is from Will and to Ryan (with all other fields empty), will the keyword search “Will NOT Ryan” return the email?
Yes, since the keyword search is run against each field individually and will result in a hit upon checking the Email From field.
What is ‘%’ used for in text searches?
To check whether a field is set to a value. Behaves like the ‘is like’ operator.
What is ‘_’ used for in text searches?
The underscore acts as a wildcard for a missing character. Not to be used for checking if a field is set due to performance degradation.
Why are ‘>7/06/2011’ and ‘<89’ invalid number search filters?
Number searches (including dates) require the greater/less than or equal to operator when filtering.
What does the ‘Includes’ option of a saved search do?
Allows documents with the same MD5 hash (duplicates), group identifier (family), or custom field to be returned along with hit documents.
How does the position of the fuzzy search operator (%) in a search term affect documents returned?
Any characters before the % must match exactly and the result itself can only differ from the entire word by x characters, where x is the number of % operators used.
How can you use a regular expression in a dtSearch?
By starting it with two pound signs and e closing the entire string in quotation marks (Ex. “##199[0-9]”). It must match a single whole word.
Can you search for special characters using Lucerne search?
No. The following characters are always interpreted as spaces: + - = && || > < ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ “ ~ * ? : \ /
What is the difference between the ‘Is Like’ and ‘Contains’ operators?
‘Is Like’ queries a large catalog with a wildcard prepended, thus significantly decreasing performance. | ‘Contains’ only queries the full text index fields.
What functionalities does dtSearch provide?
Proximity, stemming, and fuzzy searches along with basic searching features available in keyword searches.
In dtSearch, what function does the “*” wildcard have?
Matches any number of characters.
In dtSearch, what function does the “?” wildcard have?
Matches any single character.
In dtSearch, what function does the “%” wildcard have?
Returns documents containing spelling variations.
In dtSearch, what function does the “~” wildcard have?
Returns documents containing grammatical variations of a root word.
How does dtSearch handle queries with punctuation?
Punctuation’s are treated as a space, and numbers or characters in parentheses returns unexpected results.
If a field cannot sort, what should you do?
Change the sort option in the field to “Yes”.
In threading view, the minus sign (-) in the record F000000
Indicates you don’t have the record.
What are two types of email messages in Structured Analytics?
Inclusive | Non-inclusive.
What is an Inclusive email?
An inclusive email contains unique content not included in any other email.
What is a Non-Inclusive email?
A non-inclusive email contains text and attachments that are fully contained in another (inclusive) email.
What are the benefits of reviewing Inclusive emails only?
Reviewing only inclusive emails and skipping duplicates, you review process will be more efficient.
What are common Inclusive emails?
Last email in a thread | End of attachments | Change of Text | Change of Sender or Time | Duplication.
What are the three categories of eMails in the eMail threading results breakdown?
Inclusive eMails | Inclusive eMail duplicates | Non-Inclusive eMails.
eMail Threading Results Summary shows a breakdown of what?
eMails with attachments | eMails with missing items | Threads with no root | Duplicate eMails | Duplicate eMail Thread Groups | eMail action: forward | eMail action: reply | eMail Action reply all.
Inclusive eMail Reasons summary shows what?
A breakdown of inclusive eMail reasons | Message | Attachment | Message Attachment | Inferred Match | Inferred Match; Attachment.
Name the common reasons that determine an email’s inclusiveness?
The last email in a thread | Attachments have been dropped | The text has changed.
What does the icon represent in the Email Threading Display?
The message is a reply message, begins with “RE”.
What does the icon represent in the Email Threading Display?
The message is a forwarded message, beings with “FW”.
What does the icon represent in the Email Threading Display?
The message is an original file, does not begin with “RE” or “FW”.
What does this icon indicate in the email threading display?
File Type could not be found.
What type of file will have this icon in the eMail threading display?
An email with attachments.
What do the outlined symbols display in the related items pane?
Red: email thread group | Green: Near duplicate group | Purple: email duplicate group.
What does this setting do?
If set to ‘yes,’ it will allow you to use your profile mappings as header fields for eMail Threading | If set to ‘No,’ it will use: Extracted Text | Parent ID | Attachment Name.
Email Threading Display – Indentation BLUE bubbles?
A blue bubble denotes that the email is both inclusive and non-duplicate spare.
Email Threading Display – Indentation GRAY bubbles?
A gray bubble denotes that the email is either one of the following: A non-inclusive email | An inclusive email that is a duplicate spare.
What does the indentation bubbles mean in Email Threading Display?
The numbers within each indentation bubble indicate each email message’s indentation level within the thread. For example, the first email in the chain would be “1,” an email responding to the first email would be “2,” and an email responding to the second email would have a “3.”
How high does the number go in Email Threading Display indentation bubbles?
The indentation levels go up to 99. For messages with an indentation level over 99, the number within the indentation bubble displays as “99+.”
What happens when using Email Threading & Textual Near Duplicate Identification on the same Structured Analytics Set?
Textual Near Duplicate Identification will only run against the non-email documents.
Duplicate spare email messages contain the exact same content as another message, but they are not necessarily exact duplicates, why?
The MD5Hash and/or SHA-256 value does not match.
In examining your language Identification results you notice you have several documents where the language is ‘Unknown’ and ‘Unable to Identify Language. What do these languages mean?
Unknown: Document contains text that cannot be identified | Unable to Identify Language: Documents contain no extracted text.
What is included in the Language Identification Summary report?
Primary Language summary bar graph. (Percentages) | Primary Language breakdown chart. (Number and percentages) | Secondary Language breakdown chart. (Numbers and percentages).
How does Imaging work?
It converts a group of documents to images using profiles and image sets.
You can fine-tune your image profile True or False?
TRUE - You image profile can be modified to use specific image settings.
What do you need to be able to image?
Imaging application installed | Mass Images (Mass Actions permissions) | Add Image (Document security permissions).
What does Image option in the Viewer allows?
Imaging on the fly, with any image profile you have permissions.
Mass imaging allows multiple documents to be imaged at the same time. True or False?
Imaging Profile controls the settings used to image a group of documents. True or False
There are two main options for creating Imaging Profile?
Basic Image | Native Image.
When creating a new Image Profile, no default values exist for any profile fields. True or False
Imaging Sets consists of?
Imaging profile and saved search.
What is the information in the Imaging Set?
Name | Data Source | Imaging Profile | Email Notification Recipients.
What is the information in the Imaging Status?
Start Time | Status | Image Completion | Completion Rate | Image QC Review Status | Last Run Error.
Where can you identify supported file types for imaging?
Imaging Native Type list file types which Relativity supports.
You can restrict the native types from imaging using Imaging Native type list. True or False
Where can you monitor imaging status?
The Imaging Status section allows you to monitor imaging progress.
Where can you view all running imaging jobs?
Worker Manager Queue.
What are the required permissions for imaging?
Object Security | Tab Visibility | Other Settings (Mass Operations | Imaging).
What are Markup Sets?
Markup Sets are securable sets of redactions.
How do you secure text behind redactions?
The only proper way to secure the text behind the redactions is to produce the document(s), applying the redaction(s).
Where can you select Markup Sets to use?
From the drop-down in the viewer.
What is this icon?
To open the Markup Navigation pane, located in the lower left corner of the viewer.
The Markup Navigation pane displays a list of all…
redactions and highlights that reviewers created.
The Markup Navigation pane provides references to…
the page numbers and parent markup sets.
Native Time Zone Offset field controls…
the date and time that displays on redacted and highlighted images.
Native Time Zone Offset field controls…
the date and time that displays on redacted and highlighted images.