Relationships and families key vocab Flashcards
A sexual relationship between a couple not married to each other but married to/in a relationship with others (affair).
Age of consent
According to the law, the age at which a person is considered old enough to give consent to have sex.
Cancellation of a marriage in Roman Catholic tradition, as if marriage never was.
Civil marriage
Non-religious marriage.
Civil partnership
Legal union of two people of same gender; now of equality with heterosexual marriage in all res ects.
Making a promise or pledge, in this case, in marriage.
Not having sexual relations.
Sexual purity, eg not having sex before marriage.
Where a couple live together without being married/in civil partnership.
Precautions taken to prevent pregnancy and to protect against contracting/transmitting STIs sexuall transmitted infections .
A binding agreement between two sides.
An agreement based on promises between two sides, here in marriage where the a reement is made before God (as a witness) and with God (as a partner)
Legal ending of a marriage.
Extended family
Family unit comprising mother, father and children, but also grandparents, cousins etc.
Family planning
Planning when to have a family and how big a family to have by use of birth control practices and/or contrace tion.
Gender discrimination
Acting on prejudices against someone because of their gender.
Gender equality
Belief that both genders have equal status and value, so discrimination against either is
Gender prejudice
The belief that one gender is ‘better’ than the other.
Being physically/sexually attracted to persons of the opposite gender.
Being physically/sexually attracted to persons of the same gender.
Nuclear family
Family unit made up of mother, father and their child(ren).
The practice of one man having several wives; legal under Shariah law (up to four wives, iven s ecific circumstances .
Having a child; seen as a duty in many religions.
Marriage for the second time, after divorce ending an earlier marriage.
Duties; what a person has to do as part of the agreement they have made, or role they have taken on.
Single parent family
Family unit in which child(ren) and one parent, either mum or dad, live together.
Promises made by bride and groom during marriage ceremony