Islam Practices Flashcards
Give two ways which Shi’a Muslims celebrate the festival Ashura
- By re-enacting the events that led up to the death of Husayn
- Mosques provide free meals for people
What is the name of the religious tax paid by only Shi’a Muslims?
What are two contrasting understandings of Jihad?
- Greater Jihad
- Lesser Jihad
Give a quote about the greater Jihad
“The effort against oneself” - Hadith
Give a quote about the lesser Jihad
“ fight in the cause of God ”
What would a Muslim do for the Greater Jihad?
Follow the Shariah law and the pillars
What would a Muslim do for the Lesser Jihad?
Defend their religion or fight for it when commanded by a legitimate leader
What are the conditions of the lesser Jihad?
- It must be in defence of Allah
- No harm must be done
- Peace must be restored
- It should not be done with aggression
- It should be a last resort
What are two ways the Ka’aba is important in the Muslim Hajj
- Muslims circle around the Ka’aba 7 times which represents the single point which Muslims focus around - the oneness of God
- Pilgrims unite at the Ka’aba which unites the Ummah
Two quotes about the Ka’aba
“A focal point for the people”
“ the sacred house”
Quotes about Salah
Those who “pray regularly”“Most likely to be guided”
“The Lord answered”
“Answer the call of the caller”
Give two rituals that Muslims perform during Salah
- Bowing down
- Crying out ‘God is great’
Explain 2 contrasting understandings of Salah
- Sunni:
they must pray the 5 daily prayers at 5 different times and they only
combine prayers during hajj or whilst travelling - Shi’a:
they can pray at three different times during the day and they combine
the afternoon and evening prayers
What are the key differences between how Sunni and Shi’a Muslims practice prayer?
Sunni Muslims:
- they prostrate by putting their heads directly on to a prayer mat/or
they may use any clean place, etc.
Shi’a Muslims:
- use a special clay tablet to prostrate on which is usually made from clay from the land of Karbala where Hussein died
What are the 5 different prayer times for Sunni Muslims?
Fajr - before sunrise Zuhr - just after midday Asr - afternoon Maghrib - just after sunset Isha - night
How do Muslims prepare for prayer?
- By ablution called Wudu
- spiritual purification ritual
In what direction do Muslims pray?
- Facing the holy city of Makkah
- They can see this direction by facing the Mihrab in the Qiblah wall of the mosque
- Or if they are outside the mosque they can use a special compass
Quote about Wudu
“wash your feet up to the ankles”
2 ways Salah is carried out in a mosque
- Lead by an Imam
- Men and women are separated
What is Rak’ah?
- A sequence of actions and recitations
2 actions of Rak’ah
- While standing, Muslims recite a chapter from the Qur’an
- They kneel with their forehead, nose, hand, knees and toes touching the floor (prostration)
What are 2 things Muslims do when praying at home?
- Wudu
- Use a prayer mat
Quote about Rak’ah
“So woe to them who pray but are heedless of their prayer” - encourages actions
What is Jummah?
Friday prayer
What are 2 Jummah practices?
- Muslims men must leave their work and attend the mosque
- Imams deliver a sermon that reminds Muslims of their duty to God
3 Muslim beliefs about prayer
- Unites all Muslims as they pray the same way
- Creates an awareness of God which motivates them to do God’s will
2 contrasting Muslim beliefs about giving Alms
- Strengthens communities by making the rich support the poor
- Gives Muslims a good attitude towards money ( learn to share and not be greedy with it )
What is Zakah?
- The giving of Alms
- a compulsory 2.5% of savings a year
What is the role of Zakah?
To help the poor
Where did Zakah originate?
As a response to an instruction in the Qur’an
Quotes about Zakah
- “God is well aware of what good you do”
- “Alms are meant for the poor”
- “zakat is for bringing hearts together”
How is Zakah given?
- Can be donated directly to charities such as Islamic relief or Muslim aid
- It can be put into a collection box in the mosque to be distributed among the poor
What is Khums?
An optional 20% of the excess earnings of a Shi’a Muslim
Quote about hajj
” a duty owed to God by people who are able to undertake it”
What are the origins of Hajj?
- 4000 years ago Ibrahim was asked by God to take and leave his wife and son in Arabia
- They became dehydrated
- Ishmael struck his foot on the ground and water began to gush up from the Earth
- When Ibrahim returned, God asked him to build a shrine dedicated to him
- The Ka’aba was built by Ibrahim and God told him to make it a pure place of worship and to call people to perform hajj there
What are 3 actions that Muslims perform during Hajj?
- They enter a sacred state of Ihram
- They circle the Ka’aba 7 times
- They travel to Arafat after circling it
What is the significance of Mina?
contains the location where pilgrims perform the stoning of the devil in its valley
What is the significance of Arafat?
the place where Muhammad gave his final sermon
What is the significance of Muzdalifah?
where the Day of Judgement will take place
What are the order of locations during Hajj?
Arafat -> Muzdalifah -> Mina
What do Muslims do at Arafat?
they pray while hoping to be forgiven for their sins
What do Muslims do at Muzdalifah?
They collect pebbles, which are required for the following day
What do Muslims do at Mina?
They stone the Devil
How do Muslims enter a sacred state of Ihram?
Muslims change their clothes to white cloths to show equality
They perform ritual washing
Why do Muslims circle the Ka’aba?
To demonstrate the unity of the believers as they focus their lives around one point - God
why is Hajj important?
- Shows self-discipline
- Emphasises unity and equality
- Makes the Hajji a better person as it transforms them spiritually
Why is Id ul Adha significant?
- marks the end of Hajj
- Muslims remember the trials of the prophet Ibrahim, who was asked to sacrifice his son in a dream by God
Quote about Id Ul Adha
“My son, indeed I have seen in a dream that I must sacrifice you”
How do Muslims celebrate Id Ul Adha?
- By giving money to the poor
- Community celebrations which involve exchanging presents with their family and friends
Why is Id ul Fitr significant?
- Is a day of thanksgiving to Allah for the Qur’an
- Celebrate the fact that Muslims have completed the Fourth Pillar of Islam -sawm
Quote about Id ul Fitr/ Sawm
“present during that month should fast”
“Night of glory is better than a thousand months”
How do Muslims celebrate Id Ul Fitr?
- by paying a special Zakat
- have a large meal to celebrate the end of
fasting during Ramadan
Why is Ashura significant?
- commemorates the death of Hussein, Ali’s son, in battle
- Ashura is a reminder of the suffering the Shi’a community has experienced, as they have been persecuted as a minority
What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
- Shahadah
- Salah
- Zakah
- Sawm
- Hajj