Christian Beliefs and Teachings Flashcards
Quote about Christianity being monotheistic
“You shall have no other gods before me”
Quote about God being ominpotent
“Nothing is impossible with God”
Quote about God being loving
John 3:16
Quotes about the father
“Our Father in Heaven”
Who is the second person of the trinity?
Son of God
What was the role of the spirit in creation?
- Was already active in the world “the spirit of God was hovering over the waters”
- Was creating the world with God
Who is “The Word”?
The Son
A quote about The Son in creation
“In the beginning was the Word”
A quote about The Spirit in creation
“the spirit of God was hovering over the waters”
Quote about ressurection
“and on the third day he rose again”
Two Christian teachings about judgement
- after judgement they will be sent to heaven, hell or purgatory
- judgement will happen after death: everyone will be raised from the dead and will face God for judgement
Quote about judgement
“No one comes to the Father except through me”
“ the Lord weighs the heart”
Two Christian beliefs about the afterlife
- you are chosen to either go to heaven or hell
depending on how you lived life on Earth - you are sent to a room to decide where to go
Quote about hell
“pit of fire”
Quote about Heaven
“rewarded” with Heaven
Three teachings about the means of salvation
- God sent Jesus as a Saviour which makes it possible for them to turn away from sin
- the Spirit of God gives Christians the power to keep his law
- the law of God shows Christians how to live a good life free from sin
Quote about the spirit being a mean of salvation
“no longer a slave” to sin
Two Christian beliefs about the role of Christ in salvation
- belief in Christ is key to salvation
- Through Christ’s death on the cross, Christians are saved from eternal damnation
Two Christian beliefs about creation
- God made the world perfect/good
- God made the world in 6 days
Quote about Jesus’ role in salvation
” In Christ we are made alive “
Two Christian beliefs about the crucifixion
- Jesus was crucified so that our sins could be forgiven
- The crucifixion was part of God’s plan
Quote about the crucifixion
“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit”
Two Christian teachings about the resurrection
- It was a part of God’s plan
- It signifies God’s omnipotence
Quote about the resurrection
“he has been raised”
Quote about the ascension
“Taken up into heaven”
Two Christian teachings about the ascension
- God sent down the Holy Spirit on the day of ascension
- Jesus went to heaven to be with his Father