Islam Beliefs And Teachings Flashcards
What is the meaning of Tawhid?
Oneness of God
Give three holy books in Islam
- The Qur’an
- The Torah
- The Scrolls of Abraham
Two Muslim teachings about angels
- Angels serve God
- Angels have various roles link to human beings
Give a quote about angels serving God
“They only act on his command”
Qur’an 21:27
Give a quote about angels having various roles linked to human beings
“Guidance and good news for believers”
Qur’an 2:97
What was the role of angel Jibril?
He revealed the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad on the Night of Power
Give two quotes about angel Jibril
- “trustworthy spirit”
- “night of power”
What was the role of the angel Mika’il?
- He rewards people who do good deeds
- He asks Allah to forgive people’s sins
Quote about angels being protective
“ each person has angels before him”
Quotes about Allah being omnipotent
“Your Lord is omnipotent “
“The overseer, the almighty”
Quotes about god being benevolent
“ loves the doers of good“
“ kind towards the people“
Quotes about god being merciful
“ he specifies his mercy”
“ full of mercy”
“most merciful”
Quotes about God being fair and just
“ judge”
“ he is the best of judges”
What is Adalat?
The belief that Allah is always right and fair (Shi’a belief)
Quotes about God being immanent
“Lord of the Worlds”
“God surrounds the disbelievers”
Quotes about God being transcendent
“Transcendent he is beyond the associations”
“ God is exalted above what they associate”
Who was the Torah given to?
Who was the Psalms revealed to?
Who was the gospel revealed to?
Quotes on the Qur’an
- “glorious”
- “ponder over it”
- “guidance”
Why is the Qur’an important?
- It is the word of God
- It contains laws, guidance and doctrines
Why is Muhammad significant?
- He had the Qur’an revealed to him
- He conquered Makkah in the name of God
- He was the last prophet
When was the Qur’an revealed to Ibrahim?
On the NIght Of Power by angel Jibril
Quote about Ibrahim
“God took Abraham as a friend”
What is the significance of the prophet Ibrahim?
- He is a role model of obedience to God
- He teaches Muslims not to worship idols
What did the prophet Ibrahim do?
- He was thrown into a fire for rebuking idol worship
- He was prepared to sacrifice his son in the name of God
Quote about the prophet Adam?
” he taught Adam all the names”
What is the significance of the prophet Adam?
- God revealed to him the food that Muslims are allowed to eat
- How to bury the dead
- and how to repent for wrongdoing
What is the role of the prophet Adam?
He passed his God-given knowledge of the World to the rest of human-kind
What does the Hadith say about there being 12 imamates?
“Islam will continue to prevail through twelve caliphs.”
Quote about the Imamates role
- “He is God’s messenger” (Muhammad is)
What is the role of the Imams?
- They should preserve and explain the divine law
Why is the Imamate important?
- because people need divine guidance to know how to live correctly
- Makes sure Islam carries on and will continue to “prevail”
What are 2 beliefs about the Imamate in Shi’a Islam?
- Some Shi’as believe there have been twelve imams (12 descendent of Muhammad who are holy figures and are incapable of sin)
- Ali is the first Imam as Muhammad named Ali as his first successor
What is the imamate?
The divine appointment of the Imams
What are the 5 roots of Usul ad-in in Shi’a Islam?
- Prophethood
- Tawhid
- The justice of God (Adalat)
- The Imamate
- Resurrection (judgement day)
Who are the main prophets?
Adam, Ibrahim and
What is Risalah?
What is Adalat?
The justice of God
One of the five roots in Shi’a Islam
What do angels do?
- Escort people into paradise and guard the gates of hell
- some take care of people throughout their lives
- reveal
What does angel Israfil do?
Blow the trumpet to announce the day of judgement
Quotes about studying creation to understand God
“Signs” in the “creation of the heavens and the earth”
Quotes about reading the Qur’an
“Invisible barrier” placed between those who read and don’t read the Qur’an
“God thus explains his revelations to you, so that you may understand”
99 names of Allah are in the Qur’an
What are the 6 articles of faith in Sunni Muslim?
- Belief in one God (Tawhid)
- Belief in angels (malaikah)
- Belief in holy books (kutub)
- Belief in the prophets (nubuwwah)
- Belief in the Day of Judgement and the afterlife (Akhirah)
- Belief in predestination (Al-Qadr)
Two Muslim teachings about Tawhid
- the focal point of Islam
- Tawhid should be practised throughout a Muslims life
Quote about Tawhid
“The one and only”
“There is no God but Allah” shahadah
Quotes about ibrahim
Never give “partners” to Allah
Devoted to God “Firmly and truly”
How does Tawhid influence Muslims ?
- they would be independent as they know nobody but Allah can provide for their needs
- won’t worship idols