Regulation of the Pharmacy Practice Chapter 3,4 and 5 Flashcards
Each Pharmacist must carry out professional duties with utmost
competence and in accordance to legal and ethical standards.
Practices in professional, legal, and ethical manner
Each Pharmacist must consider at times the well-being of the
client/patient as the most important professional concern.
Places client’s/patient’s welfare at the center of practice
Each Pharmacist must exemplify leadership through managing
conscientiously one’s work and improving client/patient outcomes
by creating innovative and timely solutions.
Demonstrates leadership and management skills
Each Pharmacist must be able to relate and communicate with
people of diverse values, beliefs, backgrounds and expectations in
carrying out his/her important role as medication expert.
Demonstrates cultural competence and effective communication
Each Pharmacist must be able to actively work in an interprofessional and multidisciplinary environment
Engages in interprofessional collaboration
Each Pharmacist must proactively seek opportunities for life-long
learning and professional development
Commits oneself to continuing Professional development
- Prepares students to become professional pharmacists through effective teaching.
- Contributes to existing body of knowledge through conduct of scientific research.
- Shares technical expertise to the members of the community.
- Enriches teaching with additional training and practice experience.
Academic Pharmacy
- Represents the organization to regulatory authorities.
- Coordinates pertinent regulatory-related marketing activities of the organization.
- Participates in the development of regulatory guidelines.
- Ensures quality regulatory documentation.
- Ensures compliance to health vigilance requirements
Regulatory Pharmacy
- Participates in quality management system.
- Contributes in product life cycle management.
- Maintains adequate premises and equipment.
- Participates in health vigilance programs.
Manufacturing Pharmacy
- Provides quality medicines and other health products appropriate to the needs of the client/patient.
- Compounds products in a manner that ensures product quality, safely and efficacy.
- Counsels’ client/patient on the safe and judicious use of medicines and other health products.
- Engages actively in client/patient safety and health promotion activities.
- Ensures business sustainability through efficient processes and systems.
Community, Hospital and
Institutional Pharmacy
- Identifies appropriately the health and pharmaceutical needs of the population as well as the appropriate interventions to address them.
- Supports activities aimed at protecting and improving the health and well-being of the population.
- Participates in policy and strategy development and implementation.
- Contributes to the evidence based on how medicines-related interventions, programs and policies improve and protect the health of the population through academic and/or pharmacy practice research.
- Ensures clinical governance and continuous quality improvement in service design and delivery.
Public Health Pharmacy
- It is the national profession organization of pharmacists in the Philippines.
- Considered as the head of associations of pharmacists and pharmacy students are affiliated.
Main objectives of PPhA
1. To encourage to study pharmacy
2. To foster research in Philippine medicinal plants
3. Stimulate scientific investigations
4. To improve close relationship among pharmacists.
5. To improve local market for drugs, chemicals and pharmaceutical manufacturing in the Philippines.
___________: association of government-recognized colleges of pharmacy in the Philippines represented by their deans who are the regular members.
1). ____________: licensed pharmacists who are
faculty members of duly recognized colleges of
2). _____________: pharmacy students
PACOP - Philippine Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
- Associate members
- Auxiliary members
composed of pharmacy student officers from different schools of duly recognized colleges of pharmacy.
FJCPPhA - Federation of Junior Chapters of the PPhA
professional association of licensed pharmacists working in government and private hospitals as hospital pharmacists.
PSHP - Philippine Society of Hospital Pharmacists
professional organization of doctors and pharmacists who are members of the Manila Medical Society and the Manila Pharmaceutical Society.
CMFFI - Colegio Medico Farmaceutico de Filipinas,
1. To work for the upliftment of their role in the field of the pharmaceutical industry.
- To organize and unite all duly licensed pharmacists registered with the Professional Regulation Commission Board of Pharmacy.
PAPPI-Philippine Association of Pharmacists in Pharmaceutical Industry
professional organization of licensed pharmacists who are working in government agencies
LGP-Phil. League of Government Pharmacists
- A professional organization of ASIAN pharmacists.
- FOUNDED in 1964, based in MANILA Philippines
- First general assembly was held in April 1964 in Manila with Prof. __________
- _________: Secretary General
Jose P.B. Gallardo
Dr. Patricio Valenzuela
- It is an international pharmaceutical federation whose main purpose of existence is to promote and defend the interest of the profession world-wide.
- OBJECTIVE: Development of pharmacy at the international level