Regulate Qi formulas Flashcards
Yue Ju Wan ***
Escape Restraint Pill
Xiang Fu; Chuan Xiong, Cang Zhu, Sha Zhi Zi, Shen Qu.
For mild to moderate cases of six types of constraint (Qi, blood, phlegm, dampness, fire, and food). Promotes movement of Qi and releases constraint.
Chai Hu Shu Gan San ***
Bupleurum Powder to Dredge the Liver
Chai Hu; Xiang Fu, Chuan Xiong; Chen Pi, Zhi Ke, Bai Shao; Gan Cao.
For constraint and clumping of the LV qi. Spreads LV qi, harmonizes blood, and alleviates pain.
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang ***
Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction
Ban Xia; Hou Po, Fu Ling; Sheng Jiang; Zi Su Ye.
For “plum-pit Qi” (Mei He Qi). Promotes movement of Qi, dissipates clumps, directs rebellious qi downward, and transforms phlegm.
NOT w/yin xu or fluid damage
Hou Po Wen Zhong Tang **
Magnolia Bark Decoction for Warming the Middle
Hou Po; Cao Dou Kou; Chen Pi, Mu Xiang, Gan Jiang, Sheng Jiang, Fu Ling; Zhi Gan Cao.
For digestive disorders due to damp-cold accumulation in the middle jiao. Promotes movement of Qi, eliminates fullness, dries dampness, and warms the middle jiao.
Liang Fu Wan **
Galangal and Cyperus Pill
Gao Liang Jiang, Xiang Fu.
For ST pain. Warms the middle jiao, dispels cold, promotes movement of LV qi, and alleviates pain.
NOT w/yin xu or heat in the ST and LV leading to epigastric pain
Jin Ling Zi San **
Melia Toosendan Powder
Chuan Lian Zi; Yan Hu Suo.
For various types of pain disorders. Spreads LV Qi, drains heat, invigorates blood and alleviates pain.
Tian Tai Wu Yao San ***
Top-Quality Linera Powder
Wu Yao; Xiao Hui Xiang, Gao Liang Jiang, Qing Pi, Mu Xiang; Bing Lang, Chuan Lian Zi, Ba Dou.
For Qi-type bulging disorder. Promotes movement of qi, spreads LV qi, scatters cold, and alleviates pain.
NOT w/heat or damp-heat in LV channel
Nuan Gan Jiang ***
Warm the LV Decoction
Xiao Hui Xiang, Rou Gui; Dang Gui, Gou Qi Zi, Wu Yao, Chen Xiang; Fu Ling; Sheng Jiang.
For cold bulging disorders. Warms the LV and KD, promotes movement of Qi, nourishes blood and alleviates pain.
NOT w/hernia with redness, swelling, and pain of testicles caused by damp-heat in lower jiao.
Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang ***
Perilla Fruit Decoction for Directing Qi Downward
Zi Su Zi; Ban Xia, Hou Po; Chen Pi, Qian Hu, Rou Gui, Dang Gui; Sheng Jiang, Zi Su Ye, Gan Cao, Da Zao.
For coughing and wheezing disorders. Directs rebellious qi downward, arrests wheezing, stops coughing, and warms and transforms phlegm-cold.
NOT w/yin xu (warm and drying formula)
Ding Chuan Tang ***
Arrest Wheezing Decoction
Disseminates and redirects LU qi, arrests wheezing, clears heat, transforms phlegm. For Cough and wheezing d/o from heat and phlegm obstructing LU with wind-cold exterior condition.
Bai Guo, Ma Huang; Sang Bai Pi, Huang Qin; Xing Ren, Zi Su Zi, Ban Xia, Kuan Dong Hua; Gan Cao.
Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang **
Inula and Hematite Decoction
Directs rebellious Qi downward, transforms phlegm, augments Qi, harmonizes ST. For ST Qi rebellion d/t turbid phlegm obstructing the middle w/ST xu.
Xuan Fu Hua; Dai Zhe Shi; Ban Xia, Sheng Jiang, Ren Shen, Zhi Gan Cao, Da Zao
Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang ***
Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction
Directs rebellious qi downward, stops hiccoughs, augments qi and clears heat. For ST qi rebellion d/t (mild) heat in the ST with ST xu.
Chen Pi, Zhu Ru; Ren Shen, Sheng Jiang; Da Zao, Gan Cao.