Expel Dampness Formulas Flashcards
Ping Wei San ***
Calm the Stomach Powder
Trans damp, H ST. Dries dampness, improves the SP’s transporting function, promotes the movement of Qi, and harmonizes the ST. For digestive disorders where damp accumulation in the middle jiao obstructs the qi dynamic, disturbs SP T and T of food, and disrupts the ST. EXCESS pattern
Cang Zhu; Hou Po; Chen Pi; Zhi Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San ***
Patchouli/Agastache Powder to Rectify the Qi
Trans damp, H ST. Releases the exterior (WC), transforms dampness, regulates the Qi, and harmonizes the middle burner. For acute digestive disorder or “ST flu” with externally contracted wind-cold and internal stagnation of pronounced dampness.
Huo Xiang; Hou Po, Chen Pi, Bai Zhi, Zi Su Ye; Ban Xia, Da Fu Pi, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Jie Geng; Zhi Gan Cao, Da Cao, Sheng Jiang.
San Ren Tang **
Three Seed/Nut Decoction
Clear heat, expel damp. Disseminates the Qi, facilitates the qi mechanism, and clears damp-heat. For early stage damp-warm febrile disease or summer heat-warm febrile Dz where it was lodged in Wei and Qi levels (dampness predominates).
Xing Ren, Bai Dou Kou, Yi Yi Ren; Hou Po, Ban Xia; Tong Cao, Dan Zhu Ye, Hua Shi.
Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan **
Sweet Dew Special Pill to Eliminate Toxin
Clear heat, expel damp. Resolves dampness, transforms turbidity, clears heat, and relieves toxicity. For damp-warm febrile disease or a seasonal epidemic disorder d/t damp-heat PF lodged in the Qi level.
Huang Qi, Yin Chen Hao, Hua Shi; Shi Chang Pu, Bai Dou Kou, Huo Xiang; Mu Tong, Lian Qiao, She Gan, Chuan Bei Mu; Bo He.
Yin Chen Hao Tang ***
Virgate Wormwood Decoction
Clear heat, expel damp. Clears heat, resolves dampness, and reduces jaundice. For yang-type or damp-heat jaundice d/t damp heat clumping and accumulating in the interior that disturbs the dredging of the LV, and causes bile to seep into exterior.
Yin Chen Hao; Zhi Zi; Da Huang.
Ba Zheng San ***
Eight-Herb Powder for Rectification
Clear heat, expel damp. Clears heat, drains fire, promotes urination, and unblocks painful urinary dysfunction. For hot painful urinary dysfunction (lin) from damp-heat accumulation in the lower burner, specifically in the BL and disrupts its qi transformation.
Qu Mai, Bian Xu; Hua Shi, Che Qian Zi, Mu Tong; Zhi Zi, Da Huang; Deng Xin Cao, Gan Cao
Er Miao San ***
Two-Marvel powder
Clear heat, expel damp. Clears heat, and dries dampness. For damp-heat lodged in the lower burner or lower body.
Huang Bai, Cang Zhu.
Wu Ling San ***
Five Ingredient Powder with Poria
Promote urination, leach dampness. Promotes urination, drains dampness, strengthens SP, warms yang, and promotes transforming function of Qi. For Water build up d/o from retained W-C pathogen, OR SP xu with internal accumulation of damp, OR retention of thin mucus in lower jiao.
Ze Xie; Fu Ling, Zhu Ling; Bai Zhu, Gui Zhi
Zhu Ling Tang ***
Polyporus Decoction
Promote urination, leach dampness. Promotes urination, clears heat, and nourishes yin. For clumping of water and heat disorder patterns (yangming or shaoyin d/o). When clumping water and heat injures yin and disturbs the water pathways.
Zhu Ling; Fu Ling, Ze Xie; Hua Shi, E Jiao.
Wu Pi San ***
Five-Peel Powder
Promote urination, leach dampness. Resolves dampness, reduces edema, regulates qi, and strengthens SP. For skin edema d/t vigorous dampness with Qi stagnation obstructing the SP and LU.
Sang Bai Pi, Sheng Jiang Pi, Fu Ling Pi, Chen Pi, Da Fu Pi.
Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang ***
Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Atractylodes, and Licorice Decoction
Warm and transform water/damp. Warms and transforms phlegm and thin mucus, strengthens SP, and resolves dampness. For thin mucus lodging in the epigastrium d/t SP yang xu failing to transform fluids leading to accumulation in epigastrium.
Fu Ling; Gui Zhi; Bao Zhu; Zhi Gan Cao
Zhen Wu Tang ***
True Warrior Decoction
Warm and transform water/damp. Warms the yang and promotes urination. For yin-type edema (worse lower body) d/t fluid retention from KD/SP yang xu, OR for over treatment w/sweating during taiyang disorder injuring yang and fluids.
Fu Zi; Bai Zhu, Fu Ling; Sheng Jiang, Bai Shao
Shi Pi Yin **
Bolster the Spleen Drink
Warm and transform water/damp. Warms the yang, strengthens the SP, move Qi, promotes urination. For yin type edema from SP/KD yang xu incapable of transforming water, and retention leading to qi stagnation.
Fu Zi, Gan Jiang; Fu Ling, Bai Zhu; Mu Gua, Hou Po, Mu Xiang, Bing Lang, Cao Guo; Zhi Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang ***
Notopterygium Decoction to Overcome Dampness
Dispel wind-dampness. Expels wind-cold and overcomes dampness. For wind-dampness in superficial aspects of exterior and muscle level (Bi), with W-C-D obstructing qi and blood.
Qiang Huo, Du Huo; Gao Ben, Fang Feng; Chuan Xiong, Man Jing Zi; Gan Cao
Juan Bi Tang ***
Remove Painful Obstruction Decoction from Awakening the mind in Medical Studies
Dispel wind-dampness. Removes wind-cold-dampness, regulates Qi, invigorates blood and alleviates pain. For W-C-D Bi syndrome where they obstruct channels and joints, and leading to Qi and blood stagnation.
Qiang Huo, Du Huo; Qin Jiao, Sang Zhi, Hai Feng Teng; Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Ru Xiang, Mu Xiang; Gui Zhi (Rou Gui), Zhi Gan Cao
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang ***
Angelica Pubescens and Taxillus Decoction
Dispel wind-dampness. Expels wind-cold-dampness, disperses Bi, tonifies LV and KD, strengthens Qi and Blood. For chronic W-C-D Bi d/t invasion of joints, sinews, bones, channels disturbing blood flow, injuring KD and LV, and weakening qi and blood.
Du Huo; Xi Xin, Fang Feng, Qin Jiao; Sang Ji Sheng, Du Zhong, Niu Xi, Rou Gui, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Sheng Di Huang, Ren Shen, Fu Ling; Zhi Gan Cao.
Gui Zhi Shao Yao Zhi Mu ***
Dispel wind-dampness. Unblocks the flow of yang Qi, promotes movement, dispels wind, eliminates dampness, and clears heat. For Bi syndrome with W-C-D lodged in the joints and constrains the Qi dynamic generating heat.
Gui Zhi; Ma Huang, Fu Zi, Zhi Mu, Bai Shao; Bai Zhu, Fang Feng; Sheng Jiang, Zhi Gan Cao