Regional Varieties Checklist Flashcards
What phonological features do you need to look for?
Consonant and vowel pronunciation
What do you need to look for in vowels?
How certain sounds are pronounced: mud, cup, hug path, grass, laugh palm, calm hazy, happy, needy (final vowels) pool, spoon, tooth gate, hale, face
What do you need to look for in consonants?
Is it rhotic/non-rhotic Are consonants replaced with glottal Does h-dropping occur How is 'ing' realised Does l vocalisation occur Distribution of clear and dark |l| Is there an "oo" |j| sound in words like News and Few Any assimilation, coalescence, elision
What is a rhotic accent?
Where the |r| phoneme is vocalised for consonants in the middle or end of words, whereas in RP they are only vocalised at the beginning or in consonant clusters
What are consonants replaces by glottals?
Where a specific movement of the vocal chord replaces a particular sound which is usually articulated in RP
What sounds do glottal stops usually replace?
What is h-dropping?
Where the phoneme |h| is omitted from the word
e.g. hot -> ‘ot
What is l vocalisation?
Where the phoneme |l| is replaces with a vowel/semi vowel sound
e.g. milk -> miwk
What are clear and dark |l|?
What is assimilation?
When sounds next to each other become more alike
Usually occurs in rapid speech: handbag -> hambag
What is coalescence?
Where two or more sounds merge together
What is elision?
When sounds are left out
again this usually happens in rapid speech with words that have clusters of consonants or syllables
e.g. library -> libry
What is liaison?
Where a sound is inserted between words or syllables to help them run together more smoothly
What sounds do liaisons usually occur with?
|r| - used at the end of words when the first word ends in an r and is followed by a word starting with a vowel
e.g. mother ate sounds like “mother rate”
What do you need to look for in verbs?
Are there any non-standard present and past tense forms