Reformation Flashcards
Four Great Reformers
Luther (German), Calvin (Swtiz; after Zwingli), Zwingli (Zurich, Switz), and Knox (Studied at Calvin’s Academy and takes Reformation to England).
Maximilan I
(Emperor of Holy Roman Empire); Emperor when Luther gets his start but is replaced by Charles V
Powerful German Princes
Frederick the Wise of Saxony (see others)
Frederick Wise of Saxony
Succeeds father and makes Wittenberg primary residence; founds university in 1502: Hid Luther in castle at Wartburg after the Diet of Worms in 1521
Martin Luther
Pivotal figure in Reformation: 1520 Important Treatises: “To the German Nobility”; “The Babylonian Captivity of the Church”; “The Execrable Bull of Antichrist”; Studied Nominalist views of William of Ockham
Diet of Worms
1521: Luther
Luther Finishes the German NT
William Ockham
advocated Reform of Scholasticism which included Law of
Luther: inner struggle
anfechtung: temptation–sought for perfection and to keep the strict discipline of his order to attain peace with God; struggles intensified by theological problems (God’s justice demands a punishment)
Luther Teacher/Preacher:
Pslams, Romans, Galatians,
Pivotal year for Luther
1517: Writes notes on Penitential Psalm. Issues 97 theses in September.
Indulgence controversy
Albrecht of Brandenburg: Elector of HRE and archbishop of Mainz. Pope Lex X gave him the duty to oversee indulgences that he had issued for the building of St Peter;s Basilica in Rome; ecclesiatical ruler with political power
Johann Tetzel
promoter of indulgences
Heidelberg Disputation 1518
Law of God and Love of God
Diet of Augsburg 1518
principle player: Cardinal Cajan. Dominican monk. Leo X appoints him as cardinal, sent to Augsburg to examine Luther’s developing views. Diet meets Oct 12-18 to examine Luther’s writing regarding indulgences and faith in sacramental system. Eventually led to Luther being condemned and to the bull “Exsurge Domine”
Martin Bucer
Convinced of Luther’s views. Gave up papal orders in 1521 , marries a nun and is excommunicated in 1521. appointed extra pastor of St Aurelia’s church by the gardener’s guild, the largest guild in Strasbourg. Goes to cambridge to train men for ministry.
Leipzig Debate
Johann Eck: Professor at Bavaria; educated at Heidelberg; Andreas Rudolf Von Karlstadt: German radical theologian; broke form Luther to press issues; debated Eck;
Background to Leipzig
Eck criticizes the Wittenberg reform in “Obelisci”; Karlstatt challenges Eck on Free will in “Apologeticae conclusions” Eck answers with three theses on penance, grace, and free will in which he ended with a challenge to Karlstadt to a debate. Eco releases three more theses at Karlstadt but really directed to Luther. Luther responds with theses directed at the papacy and that the Bible knows no such thing. He begins to wonder if the pope is the antichrist .
“Apologeticae conclusions”
Scripture is primary authority; Man can contribute nothing to grace, he could only passively accept it (contra Eck)
“Exsurge Domine”
Luther is called a wild boar by Leo X and given 60 days to recant
“An appeal to the German Nobility”
Luther open letter to German Nations
“ON the Babylonian Captivity of the Church”
see notes
“Decet Romanum Potificem”
formally excommunicates Luther; Frederick demands that Luther not be outlawed until he is given a hearing.
Diet of Worms, 1521
Charles V crowned HRE by Clement VII. Called the council of trent in 1545 and sided with Catholics. Aunt is Catherine of Aragon (1st wife of Catharine of Aragorn) and pressures to refuse annulment. See notes a harmony of the event.
Edict of Worms
Charles officially condemns Luther and placed him under an Empire wide ban.
Philipp Melancthon
see notes
Marburgh Colloquy
split with Zwingli over the Eucharist
Diet of Augsburg
Called by Charles V.
Schmalkaldic Leagure
Protestant princes vouch to protect each other from Charles V.
Schmalkaldic WAr
Charles made peace with France and an alliance with Pope Paul III. League begins to deteriorate with bickering. Charles then attacks and defeats the league at Battle of Mulhberg
Peace of Augsburg
Protestants forms new league and forces Charles to sing peace treaty “Cuius regio, emus religio” whose the region is, his religion.
Swiss History
see notes for a harmony