German Reformation Flashcards
Maximilian I
son of Frederick III; Reigned 1493-1519
Powerful German Princes
Joachim I of Brandenburg; William IV of Bavaria; Phillip I Landgraf von Hessen
Frederick the Wise Saxony
Wittenberg is primary residence; Hid Luther in Warburg castle after Diet of Worms 1521
Luther: Birth and Education
born 1483–Strict childhood; Father wanted him to be a lawyer; Studied religion at Erfurt; Pledged in a thunderstorm to St. Anne that he would be a monk; confirmed this in “Concerning Monastic Vows” 1521
Luther: Monastic Life and Conversion
Ordained as priest April 1507; studied the nominalist view of William of Ockam; Advocated a reform of scholasticism; Ockham’s razor : “Pluralities non est ponenda sine necessitate”–entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily
Johann Staupitz 1470-1524
Vicar of German Augustianians. Taught at Wittenberg; Met Luther on a tour of Erfurt and Luther confessed his own sinfulness to Staupitz; He was sent by the church to challenge Luther in 1518; Luther eventually succeeds him.
Luther: Inner struggles
Anfechtung–temptation; sought for perfection and to keep the strict discipline of his order to have peace with God; His struggles intensified by theological problems (righteousness of God).
Luther’s Conversion
saw the connection between the justice of God and “the just shall live by faith”
Luther as Teacher and Preacher
Taught on Psalms, Romans, Galatians, and Hebrews. Preached in Monastery in 1511 and church in 1514. 1515 vicar over 11 houses
Luther: Pivotal year
1517–April: penitential Psalm; September 4: 97 theses against scholastic theology; Indulgence controversy
Indulgence Controversy
Albrecht of Brandenburg: Elector of HRE and archbishop of Mainz. Given the duty by Pope Leo X to oversee sale of indulgences for the building of St Peter’s in Rome; Albrecht commissioned Tetzel to carry out preaching; Albrecht becomes cardinal; He did not certify the edict of worms in 1521, doubting its legality
Johann Tetzel
Part of the Dominican Order; preached indulgences in Juterbog and Zerbst (near Wittenberg), coming to the attention of Luther
Heidelberg Disputation 1518
Augustinian Order: first of five attempts to refute Luther’s views; Gabriel dell Volta: head of Augustinians to excommunicate Luther; Gabe passed on burden to Staupitz; Staupitz invites Luther to Heidelberg and Luther presents 40 of the 97 theses for discussion regarding Scholastic Theology (28 with theology; 12 with philosophy); theologia gloriae or theologia crucis (Law of God: Thesis 1 and Love of God: Thesis 28)
Diet of Augsburg 1518
Principle player: Cardinal Cajetan–dominican monk appointed by Leo X. Meets Oct. 12-18 to examine Luther. Judged Luther in error on indulgences and faith in sacramental system. Luther refused to recant, apples to pope for a general council and eventually leads to his condemnation by the bull Exsurge Domine
Marin Bucer
attended Heidelberg Disputation and is convinced of Luther’s views; Leader of reformation at Schlettstadt; Goes to England to train men at Cambridge