Reflex Check Off Flashcards
Stroke cheek from mouth to ear. baby will turn head towards stimulus.
Important for feeding
Could disappear at between 3-5 months for bottle fed babies and 6-8 months for breast fed babies. Depends on how they are fed.
something placed in the baby’s mouth will cause them to suck.
No consistent rhythm in premature infant. premie may fatigue quickly and may prevent this reflex.
disapears at 2-5 months.
Bite reflex
If something touches biting surface they move jaw up and down.
promotes teething.
disappears 4-5 months
With stimulus on thenar eminance baby turns head to midline and opens mouth
reason unknown
integrated by 2-3 months
stroking along the lateral aspect of the sole. from heel to the head of the 5th metatarsal. Causes dorsi flexion of great toe and fanning out of other toes. sign that brain and spinal cord are communicating well.
Always present
Allow head to drop back lower than supporting surface.
Extension/abduction of upper extremities of upper extremities with hand opening. Then flexion/adduction and crying.
One of the first experiences of hand opening.
integrates at 4-6 months
neonatal neck righting
turning the infants head to one side results in the body following. Log roll
integrates at 4 months with development of isolated head control
Tonic Labyrinthine
increased extensor tone in supine relative to less extension in prone relative to gravity.
prone limb flexion
supine limb extension
diminishes at 6 months with the development of antigravity movement
Grasping infants wrists and pulling towards a sitting position from supine gives a stretch stimulus to the shoulder flexors and adductors, eliciting a pulling response with flexion of shoulders, elbows, wrists and fingers in a synergistic pattern.
full response happens around 37 weeks.
Integration between 2-5 months
Palmar grasp
touch ulnar side of infants palm. causes finger flexion of all fingers except thumb.
becomes integrated as child develops voluntary grasp - 4-6 months
Avoidance reaction
supine or with vision occluded. lightly distally moving stimulus on the hand results in it moving away from stimulus.
protective response
We always have it
labyrinthine head righting
with vision occluded - in vertical position. tilt baby to one side and the head will stay vertical.
remains throughout life
Optical righting
in vertical position tilt baby to one side and the head will stay vertical.
remains throughout life
Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR)
When head turns to one side infant will extend the limbs on the side they are facing and flex the limbs they turned away from.
strongest at 1-2 months.
integrates around 4-6 months with development of head and neck control and midline skills
symmetrical tonic neck reflex (STNR)
Head up, arms extend, legs flex
Head down - arms flex, legs extend.
necessary for crawling
integrates 8-12 months
infant in prone. stimulus given on later side of spine from c7 - buttocks. baby’s body will curve to the side (lateral bend) same side of stimulus
integrated by 2-4 months
Proprioceptive placing
hold baby around the chest. let the top of foot touch the underneath of table or surface and the baby will place it’s foot ontop of the table.
integrated by 2 months
Flexor withdrawal
a noxious stimulus at the bottom of the foot results in dorsiflex of the ankle flexion o f the knee, abductions and external rotation of the hip
integrated at 2 months
Crossed extension.
similar to flexor withdrawal.
applying firm pressure to sole of foot of leg held in extension results in flexion adduction and then extension of the opposite leg.
Integrates by two months
Primary standing
with the infant supported upright, the infant will bear weiht on the lower extremities in sresponse to the feet making firm contact with the supportin surface. hips and knees never extend
integrated by 2 months
automatic stepping
with an infant supported upright and feet touching surface. the infant will walk in response to be moved forward.
integrates in 2 months
plantar grasp
firm pressure on the bottom of the foot below toes results in flexion of all the toes
integrated by 9-15 months with experience in weight bearing position (crawling, plantigrade, standing)
onset 3-4 months. prone, supported in air. child will extend head, the back and hips will extend in sequence (superman)
will integrate 12-24 months.