Reference Questions for Lethbridge Flashcards
(CR) (MA)According to Galatians chapter 1, sent how?
A.Not from men nor byaman.(G1:1) **
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 1, raised him from where?
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 1, who raised him from the dead?
A.God theFather(G1:1)
(CR) (MA)According to Galatians chapter 1, Who raised him from the dead?
A.Jesus Christ and God theFather(G1:1)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 1: verse 9, let them be under God’s curse when?
A.If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted(G1:9)
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 1, I say what?
A.If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’scurse!(G1:9)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 1: verse 9, what gospel?
A.Gospel other than what you accepted(G1:9)
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 1, a servant of whom?
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 1, what servant?
A.Servant ofChrist(G1:10)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 1: verse 10, human what?
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 1, I want you to know what?
A.That the gospel I preached is not of human origin.(G1:11) ***
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 1: verse 11, what gospel?
A.Gospel I preached(G1:11)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 1: verse 11, human what?
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 1, I might what?
A.Preach him among the Gentiles.(G1:16) **
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 1, what faith?
A.The faith he once tried to destroy.(G1:23) **
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 1: verse 23, what man?
A.The man who formerly persecuted.(G1:23) ***
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 2, the right hand of what?
A.Fellowship.(G2:9) ***
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 2: verse 9, we should what?
A.Go to the Gentiles.(G2:9) ***
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 2: verse 9, they recognized what?
A.The grace giventome.(G2:9) **
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 2, what fellowship?
A.The right hand of fellowship(G2:9)
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 2, what hand?
A.The right hand of fellowship(G2:9)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 2: verse 9, what grace?
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 2, I might what?
A.Live forGod.(G2:19) **
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 2, I do not what?
A.Set aside the grace ofGod.(G2:21) **
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 2: verse 21, what grace?
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 3: verse 14, we might what?
A.Receive the promise of theSpirit(G3:14)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 3: verse 14, what promise?
A.The promise of theSpirit(G3:14) **
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 3, what blessing?
A.The blessing given to Abraham(G3:14)
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 3, in order that what?
A.The blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through ChristJesus(G3:14)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 3: verse 24, justified how?
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 3: verse 24, the law was what?
A.Our guardian until Christcame.(G3:24) ***
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 3: verse 24, we might what?
A.Be justified byfaith(G3:24)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 3: verse 26, you are all what?
A.Children of God throughfaith.(G3:26) **
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 3: verse 26, children of whom?
A.God.(G3:26) **
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 3: verse 26, what children?
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 3: verse 28, you are all what?
A.One in ChristJesus.(G3:28) **
(CR) (MA)According to Galatians chapter 3, There is what?
A.There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female,(G3:28)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 3: verse 28, you are what?
A.You are all one in ChristJesus(G3:28)
(CVR) (MA)According to Galatians chapter 4: verse 4, born how?
A.Born of a woman, born under thelaw.(G4:4) ***
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 4: verse 4, God sent whom?
A.God sent hisSon.(G4:4) **
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 4, God sent whom?
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 4, we might receive what?
A.Adoption to sonship.(G4:5) **
(CVR) (MA)According to Galatians chapter 4: verse 6, what Spirit?
A.The Spirit of his Son, the Spirit who calls out ‘Abba, Father.’(G4:6) **
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 4: verse 6, God sent whom?
A.The Spirit ofhisSon(G4:6)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 4: verse 6, you are what?
A.You are hissons(G4:6)
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 4, no longer what?
A.Aslave.(G4:7) **
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 4, God has what?
A.Made you also anheir.(G4:7) **
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 4, you are no longer what?
(CVR) (MA)According to Galatians chapter 4: verse 9, what forces?
A.Those weak and miserableforces.(G4:9) ***
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 5, do not let what?
A.Yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.(G5:1)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 5: verse 1, do not what?
A.Let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.(G5:1) **
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 5, we eagerly await what?
A.The righteousness for whichwehope(G5:5) **
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 5, what righteousness?
A.The righteousness for whichwehope(G5:5)
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 5, what counts?
A.Faith expressing itself throughlove.(G5:6) ***
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 5, the only what?
A.Thing that counts [is faith expressing itself throughlove].(G5:6)
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 5, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision what?
A.Has anyvalue(G5:6)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 5: verse 6, what faith?
A.Faith expressing itself throughlove(G5:6)
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 5, serve whom?
A.One another.(G5:13)
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 5, rather what?
A.Serve one another humbly inlove.(G5:13)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 5: verse 13, do not what?
A.Do not use your freedom to indulge theflesh.(G5:13) ***
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 5, serve how?
A.Serve one another humbly inlove(G5:13)
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 5, to indulge what?
A.The sinfulnature(G5:13)
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 5, what fruit?
A.The fruit of theSpirit(G5:22)
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 5, the fruit of what?
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 5, Those who belong to whom?
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 5: verse 25, live how?
A.By theSpirit(G5:25)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 5: verse 25, let us what?
A.Keep in step with theSpirit(G5:25) **
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 6, you also may what?
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 6, fulfill what?
A.The law ofChrist.(G6:2)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 6: verse 2, carry what?
A.Each other’s burdens.(G6:2) **
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 6: verse 4, each one should what?
A.Test their own actions.(G6:4) ***
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 6: verse 4, their own what?
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 6, do not be what?
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 6, a man what?
A.Reaps what hesows.(G6:7)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 6: verse 7, do not what?
A.Be deceived.(G6:7) **
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 6, do not what?
A.Be deceived(G6:7)
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 6, eternal what?
A.Life.(G6:8) **
(CVR) (MA)According to Galatians chapter 6: verse 8, reap what?
A.Destruction, eternallife.(G6:8)
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 6, what life?
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 6, let us not what?
A.Become weary in doinggood.(G6:9)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 6: verse 9, reap what?
A.A harvest.(G6:9)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 6: verse 9, let us what?
A.Not become weary in doinggood(G6:9) **
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 6, what family?
A.The family of believers.(G6:10)
(CVR)According to Galatians chapter 6: verse 10, let us what?
A.Do good to all people.(G6:10) ***
(CR)According to Galatians chapter 6, those who belong to what?
A.The family of believers(G6:10)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 1, what creation?
A.Of theworld(E1:4)
(CVR) (MA)According to Ephesians chapter 1: verse 5, in accordance with what?
A.His pleasure andwill(E1:5)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 1: verse 5, in accordance with what?
A.His pleasure andwill(E1:5)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 1: verse 7, what riches?
A.The riches of God’sgrace(E1:7)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 1: verse 7, in accordance with what?
A.The riches of God’sgrace(E1:7) **
(CR) (MA)According to Ephesians chapter 1, with all what?
A.Wisdom and understanding(E1:8)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 1, his good what?
A.Pleasure(E1:9) **
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 1, what mystery?
A.The mystery of hiswill(E1:9)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 1: verse 9, according to what?
A.His good pleasure(E1:9) **
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 1: verse 9, the mystery of what?
A.Of hiswill(E1:9)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 1, Put into effect when?
A.When the times reach their fulfillment(E1:10)
(CVR) (MA)According to Ephesians chapter 1: verse 10, what things?
A.All things in heaven and onearth(E1:10)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 1, what purpose?
A.The purpose of hiswill(E1:11)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 1: verse 11, according to what?
A.The plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of hiswill(E1:11) **
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 1: verse 11, in him we what?
A.Were alsochosen(E1:11)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 1, the glorious what?
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 1: verse 17, that you may what?
A.Know himbetter(E1:17)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 1: verse 17, what wisdom?
A.The Spirit ofwisdom(E1:17)
(CVR) (MA)According to Ephesians chapter 1: verse 17, what Spirit?
A.The Spirit of wisdom and revelation(E1:17) **
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 2, what love?
A.His great loveforus(E2:4)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 2, great what?
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 2: verse 5, you have been saved how?
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 2, for it is what?
A.By grace you have been saved, throughfaith(E2:8)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 2, what gift?
A.The giftofGod(E2:8)
(CVR) (MA)According to Ephesians chapter 2: verse 8, you have been saved how?
A.By grace, throughfaith(E2:8)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 2: verse 8, it is by grace you have been saved how?
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 2, No one can what?
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 2, for we are what?
A.God’s handiwork(E2:10)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 2, making what?
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 3: verse 14, for this reason what?
A.I kneel before the Father,(E3:14)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 3: what family?
A.Every family in heaven and onearth(E3:15)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 3, his glorious what?
A.Riches(E3:16) **
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 3: verse 16, what riches?
A.His gloriousriches(E3:16)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 3: verse 16, I pray what?
A.That out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your innerbeing(E3:16) **
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 3: verse 17, I pray what?
A.That you, being rooted and established in love, 18may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,(E3:17)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 3: verse 18, what love?
A.The love ofChrist(E3:18) **
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 3, you may be what?
A.Filled to the measure of all the fullnessofGod(E3:19)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 3, the fullness of whom?
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 3: verse 19, filled how?
A.Filled to the measure of all the fullnessofGod(E3:19)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 3: verse 19, what love?
A.This love that surpasses knowledge(E3:19)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 3: the measure of what?
A.Of all the fullness ofGod.(E3:19)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 3: the fullness of what?
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 3: verse 20, what power?
A.His power that is at work withinus(E3:20)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 3: verse 20, according to what?
A.His power that is at work withinus(E3:20) **
(CVR) (MA)According to Ephesians chapter 4: verse 2, be what?
A.Completely humble and gentle; bepatient(E4:2) **
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 4, held together how?
A.By every supporting ligament(E4:16)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 4: verse 16, the whole what?
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 4: verse 16, every what?
A.Supporting ligament(E4:16) **
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 4, the whole what?
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 4, held together by what?
A.Together by every supporting ligament(E4:16)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 4, what desires?
A.Deceitful desires(E4:22)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 4: verse 22, deceitful what?
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 4: verse 22, what life?
A.Your former way oflife(E4:22)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 4: verse 22, put off what?
A.Your oldself(E4:22) **
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 4, with regard to what?
A.To your former way oflife(E4:22)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 4: verse 22, what way of life?
A.To your former way oflife(E4:22)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 4: verse 22, what self?
A.Your oldself(E4:22)
(CVR) (MA)According to Ephesians chapter 4: verse 26, do not what?
A.Do not sin, do not let the sun go down while you are stillangry(E4:26)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 4: verse 27, do not what?
A.Give the devil a foothold(E4:27) **
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 4, according to what?
A.Theirneeds(E4:29) **
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 4: verse 29, do not what?
A.Let any unwholesome talk come out of yourmouths(E4:29) **
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 5, what offering?
A.A fragrant offering(E5:1)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 5, what example?
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 5: verse 1, what children?
A.Dearly loved children(E5:1)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 5, follow what?
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 5, walk how?
A.In the wayoflove(E5:2) **
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 5, what sacrifice?
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 5: verse 2, what way?
A.The wayoflove(E5:2)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 5, you are what?
A.Light in theLord(E5:8)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 5: verse 8, live how?
A.As children oflight(E5:8)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 5: verse 8, what children?
A.Children oflight(E5:8)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 5, what fruit?
A.Fruit of thelight(E5:9)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 5, the fruit of what?
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 5: verse 15, be what?
A.Very careful, then, how youlive(E5:15)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 5, every what?
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 5, making what?
A.The most of every opportunity(E5:16)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 5, reverence for whom?
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 5: verse 21, submit to whom?
A.One another(E5:21)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 6, children, obey your parents how?
A.In theLord(E6:1)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 6: verse 1, obey whom?
A.Yourparents(E6:1) **
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 6, serve how?
A.Wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, notpeople(E6:7) **
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 6, what power?
A.His mightypower(E6:10)
(CVR) (MA)According to Ephesians chapter 6: verse 10, be what?
A.Strong in the Lord and in his mightypower(E6:10)
(CR)According to Ephesians chapter 6, finally what?
A.Be strong in the Lord and in his mightypower.(E6:10)
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 6: verse 11, put on the full armor of God why?
A.So that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes(E6:11) **
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 6: verse 18, be what?
(CVR)According to Ephesians chapter 6,: verse 18, pray how?
A.In theSpirit(E6:18)
(CR)According to Philippians chapter 1, you may be able to what?
A.Discern what isbest(P1:10) **
(CVR)According to Philippians chapter 1: verse 10, what day?
A.The day ofChrist(P1:10)
(CR)According to Philippians chapter 1, what righteousness?
A.The fruit of righteousness(P1:11)
(CR)According to Philippians chapter 1, what fruit?
A.The fruit of righteousness(P1:11)
(CR)According to Philippians chapter 1, filled with what?
A.The fruit of righteousness that comes through JesusChrist(P1:11) **
(CR)According to Philippians chapter 1, the fruit of what?
A.Righteousness that comes through JesusChrist(P1:11)
(CVR)According to Philippians chapter 1: verse 19, I know what?
A.That through your prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance(P1:19) **
(CVR)According to Philippians chapter 1: verse 19, what Spirit?
A.The Spirit of JesusChrist(P1:19) **
(CVR) (MA)According to Philippians chapter 1: verse 20, whether what?
A.By life or bydeath(P1:20)