Interrogatives for Lethbridge Part 3 Flashcards
Who are blessed along with Abraham?
A.Those who rely onfaith(G3:9)
Those who rely on faith are what?
A.Blessed along with Abraham.(G3:9)
So those who rely on faith are what?
A.Blessed along with Abraham, the man offaith(G3:9)
All who rely on works of the law are what?
A.Under acurse.(G3:10)
Who are under a curse?
A.All who rely on the works of thelaw.(G3:10)
Relies on what?
The righteous will live how?
The righteous will what?
A.Live byfaith(G3:11)
Who will live by faith?
A.The righteous.(G3:11)
Clearly no one who relies on the law is what?
A.Justified beforeGod.(G3:11)
Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, why?
A.Because ‘the righteous will live by faith.’(G3:11)
What is not based on faith?
The person who does these things will what?
A.Live bythem(G3:12)
Hung where?
A.On apole.(G3:13)
The curse of what?
Who redeemed us from the curse of the law?
Christ redeemed us from what?
A.The curse of thelaw.(G3:13)
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law how?
A.By becoming a curseforus(G3:13)
By faith we might receive what?
A.The promise of theSpirit(G3:14)
The blessing given to Abraham might come to whom?
A.The Gentiles(G3:14)
The blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles how?
A.Through ChristJesus.(G3:14)
What might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus?
A.The blessing given to Abraham.(G3:14)
He redeemed us in order that what?
A.The blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through faith in ChristJesus(G3:14)
Everyday what?
A human what?
Duly what?
An example from what?
Let me take an example from what?
What has been duly established?
A.A human covenant.(G3:15)
A human covenant that has been what?
A.Duly established.(G3:15)
Add to a human covenant that has been what?
A.Duly established.(G3:15)
Who can set aside or add to a human covenant that has been duly established?
No one can set aside or add to what?
A.A human covenant that has been duly established.(G3:15)
What were spoken to Abraham and to his seed?
A.The promises.(G3:16)
Scripture does not say ‘and to seeds,’ meaning what?
Scripture does not say what?
A.And to seeds, ‘meaning many people.’(G3:16)
Scripture does not say ‘and to seeds,’ meaning many people, but what?
A.’And to your seed,’ meaning one person, who is Christ.(G3:16)
Introduced when?
A.430 yearslater(G3:17)
Previously established how?
What introduced 430 years later?
What previously established by God?
A.The covenant(G3:17)
The covenant previously established how?
Who gave it to Abraham through a promise?
God in his grace gave it to Abraham how?
A.Through a promise(G3:18)
God in his grace what?
A.Gave it to Abraham through a promise.(G3:18)
If the inheritance depends on the law, then it what?
A.No longer depends on the promise(G3:18)
If the inheritance depends on the law, what?
A.Then it no longer depends on the promise.(G3:18)
Entrusted to whom?
A.A mediator(G3:19)
Entrusted to what?
A.A mediator.(G3:19)
It was added why?
A.Because of transgressions.(G3:19)
It was added because of what?
Who implies more than one party?
A.A mediator(G3:20)
What implies more than one party?
A.A mediator.(G3:20)
Impart what?
If a law had been given that could impart life, what?
A.Then righteousness would certainly have come by thelaw.(G3:21)
Scripture has locked up everything how?
A.Under the control ofsin.(G3:22)
What has locked up everything under the control of sin?
But Scripture has locked up everything under the control of what?
In custody under what?
Held in custody how?
A.Under thelaw.(G3:23)
We were held in custody under what?
Locked up until what?
A.The faith that was to come would be revealed(G3:23)
We were held in custody under the law when?
A.Before the coming of thisfaith.(G3:23)
What was our guardian until Christ came?
So the law was our guardian until Christ came why?
A.That we might be justified byfaith(G3:24)
We are no longer what?
A.Under a guardian.(G3:25)
Now that this faith has come, we are no longer what?
A.Under a guardian(G3:25)
Now that this faith has come, what?
A.We are no longer under a guardian.(G3:25)
So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God how?
Baptized how?
A.Into Christ.(G3:27)
Baptized into whom?
Clothed yourselves how?
A.With Christ.(G3:27)
Clothed yourselves with whom?
Who have clothed yourselves with Christ?
A.All of you who were baptized into Christ.(G3:27)
All of you who were baptized into Christ have what?
A.Clothed yourselves with Christ.(G3:27)
All one in whom?
All one in who?
Abraham’s what?
Heirs according to what?
A.The promise.(G3:29)
He owns what?
A.The wholeestate(G4:1)
As long as an heir is underage, he is what?
A.No different fromaslave(G4:1)
Subject to guardians and trustees until what?
A.The time set by hisfather.(G4:1)
The time set by whom?
Subject to guardians and trustees until when?
A.The time set by hisfather(G4:2)
Who is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father?
The heir is subject to guardians and trustees until when?
A.The time set by hisfather.(G4:2)
God sent his Son when?
A.When the set time had fullycome.(G4:4)
Redeem whom?
A.Those underthelaw(G4:5)
To redeem whom?
A.Those under thelaw.(G4:5)
To redeem those under the law why?
A.That we might receive adoption to sonship.(G4:5)
Abba, what?
Who sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts?
God sent the Spirit of his son where?
A.Into ourhearts.(G4:6)
God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts why?
A.Because you are hissons.(G4:6)
Because you are his sons, God what?
A.Sent the Spirit of his Son into ourhearts.(G4:6)
Who calls out, ‘Abba, Father’?
A.The Spirit of his Son; the Spirit who calls out, ‘Abba, Father.’(G4:6)
No longer a what?
Who has made you also an heir?
God has made you also what?
No longer a slave, but what?